How to help thin, sparse hair?

This is someone as lucky: someone thick hair, someone,
delicately speaking … not so thick. If this phenomenon is hereditary,
it is unlikely that you can change anything, you need to think more about the visual
creating volume. If hair thinning is a consequence of any
diseases, medication, frequent staining
aggressive paints, especially bleaching with peroxide
hydrogen, will require enhanced treatment, and maybe it will give
good results.

For the choice of competent treatment it is best to consult with
a trichologist, who will most likely prescribe a special
analysis and then treatment. May need consultation and
other specialists, because drastic hair thinning can be
a sign of serious illness.

Many, however, prefer to choose their own way, as
rare hair to make thicker. Well, commendable, unless
overdo it and do no harm to yourself.


Proper care

Perhaps sparse hair requires more thorough care than
healthy and thick. They cannot be injured with a stiff comb or
metal brush. It is better not to comb them, or to do it very much.
rarely and carefully. On rare hair, treatment and nutrition should be
special, stimulating growth and stopping fallout.

First of all, they need to be nourished with vitamins. All products,
containing vitamins of group B, E, F and trace elements calcium, copper,
iodine, silicon, chromium, zinc – they are the main food
for hair, they strengthen and saturate them with oxygen. Special attention
It is worth paying for complexes and vitamins with high content
vitamin B8 – it is he who will help prevent excessive loss
hair, and then complete baldness.

Natural sources of vitamins are well known and simple – this
vegetables, especially carrots and cauliflower, seafood, bran
bread, eggs, honey, nuts, legumes and soy products, beef liver.
However, the diet for healthy hair often
not enough. It is best to take in addition to useful products.
special vitamin complexes for hair and nails.


Actually, why does hair fall out? This is the result of weakening.
hair follicles that are not getting enough nutrition and
suffer from lack of oxygen. This is the answer to the question about
sparse hair: the treatment is that they need to be given what
they are missing. About vitamins already mentioned above. Important
regular massage of the scalp. Nothing complicated about it
No, and someone else’s help is not required. When using a massage brush
useful to comb hair in different directions, getting
pleasure from the massage process.

When washing your scalp you need to massage all ten fingers,
intensely and long enough.

Wiping hair can also be turned into a light warming
massage. All these manipulations contribute to the blood rush to the skin.
head and revitalize hair follicle.

It must be said, at the heart of all mechanical and most
cosmetic procedures lies precisely artificial enhancement
blood circulation. So, home remedies are very helpful.
rare hair with the addition of burning components – red pepper or
mustard Pharmaceutical tincture of hot peppers, in pure form or in
mixtures with water, you can massage the scalp half an hour before washing
hair. The same effect has a mask for sparse hair on
основе mustard The burning effect of these remedies awakens
lazy hair follicles that make fallen out grow

At some stage of persistent treatment, a person suddenly notices that
over smooth hair, a kind of “fluffy dandelion” from new
проросших hair. Is not that great?! The effect needs to be fixed
taking vitamin complexes in parallel with the procedures and masks.
Of course, completely necessary for the treatment of rare hair healing
Herbs – burdock, nettle, chamomile, birch leaves, calendula and
others. Their decoctions should be rubbed into the scalp and rinsed with them.
hair after washing. Hair will thank for healthy shine and stormy

Treatment лечением, а тем временем надо ведь и выглядеть

How to make thin hair thicker?

The visual effect can be achieved using a hairstyle form.
It is clear that long straight hair will only emphasize thinness
hair and will be, sorry, a pitiful sight. In most
Occasions are still preferable to short hairstyles.

Cascade step cut, asymmetrical strands at the crown and
in bangs can save the situation and give a special charm even when
poor vegetation on the head. An experienced master will advise
which haircut or styling is suitable for a certain density of hair and
face shape. By the way, about the master. It is necessary to go only to the one who
easy hand There is no mystery in this. Noticed that after one
hairdresser hair grows rapidly, and after another not
moving from place to place for months. And so with such a problem as rare
hair, the choice of the master must be approached very scrupulously. How,
however, and to everything that concerns beauty and health. Need yourself
love and cherish. Otherwise, what kind of success can we talk about?

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