How to grow long hair – the most modernfacilities

Do you want to grow long hair, but you can not? Hair
fall out and split? Вот действенные facilities, которые остановят
hair loss and accelerate hair growth. If you do everything as we do
we advise, very soon you will be able to grow a braid to the waist.


Feeding the hair roots from the inside

If you can’t grow long hair, then first
deed should saturate the body with nutrients.

There are special vitamin complexes to strengthen
hair. These complexes contain B vitamins, iron, zinc,
selenium, biotin and medicinal herbs, such as horsetail.

The most famous and effective complexes for hair growth
are dietary supplements such as:

  • Famous Maxi Hair by Country LifeNow Food
  • the new complex of the well-known brand Now Solutions, Hair, Skin &

They can be ordered on aiherbe with direct delivery to Russia. Will come
during the week.

Taking such a jar in your hands, you may wonder why the dose
so big? The content of some vitamins in such
complexes may exceed the daily dose dozens of times.

The reason is that synthetic vitamins are not just elementary.
digested, and manufacturers deliberately overestimate the dose, expecting
that only a small part of it is absorbed.

Best dietary supplements for hair

The largest selection of dietary supplements for hair growth and strengthening
american In terms of vitamins and supplements America
still ahead of the rest, and the department of vitamin complexes on
Amazon is able to surprise even an experienced naturopath.

The catalog of special means for nourishing hair here takes
several pages. Unfortunately, these jars can not be ordered
directly to Russia. But if you want, the purchase is easy to make
through any online reseller.

Pay attention to such jars as:

  • Pronexa
  • Phyto Work, Hair Recovery Supplement
  • Viviscan Hair Growth Program
  • Aviva, Advanced Hair Nutrition Growth & Repair Supplement

They are considered the best. All vitamin and mineral complexes for
Hair growth must be taken within a few months.

To grow long hair, take silicon

What does your hair consist of? The main component is
collagen. And for building collagen in the body meets silicon.
Therefore, the most advanced vitamins and hair supplements are always
contain silicon.

If the problem is lack of silicon, then taking this one
микроэлемент, вы за неделю остановите выпадение hair. If on
the comb was not visible to the comb itself, then after taking silicon you,
finally be able to see it.

Silicon is included in such well-known hair complex as Solgar,
Hair, Ногти, Кожа. It is sold in pharmacies in our country, though
It is three times more expensive than in the USA.

Separately, silicon can be purchased as an additive Biocil, Generator
Flora Collagen or FloraSil Jars, Plant Based Silica for
Natural Beauty. These two supplements, like Solgar, can be found at
iherbebe with direct and fast delivery to Russia.

Besides stopping intense hair loss, silicon accelerates
doubled growth. Therefore, thanks to only one trace element, you
solve two problems.

Hair nutrition with natural herbs

There are also completely natural dietary supplements for hair, in structure
which includes only herbs. One of the best can be called
HSN-W phytocomplex, Nature’s Sunshine brand.

This company is certified in Russia, but
it spreads through network marketing, with all
stemming. It can also be ordered on Ebay and sent to Russia by

In the composition of the HSH En field horsetail, which is natural
source of silicon, red alga, rosemary and sage. These herbs
improve blood circulation and nutrition of the skin, hair, nails. Take
as well as any dietary supplements for hair need a course.

What to do with split ends

Many women can’t grow long hair because
that they have to constantly trim split ends. If
you will cut the ends monthly, then you will have long hair
not to see.

Forget about scissors and trim ends.

Do you think it will look awful? Absolutely not. there is
Many ways to hide split ends. First, except
trimming there is a procedure for sealing the split ends, it
also known as keratin straightening, botox for hair,
nanoplasty and so on.

Do not worry, the word “Botox” is used here in a figurative
sense. All these procedures are very similar and are aimed at
разглаживание hair. Using special formulations containing
liquid keratin manages to make hair for several months
smooth, remove all the “fluff”, make the hair shine.

This is a great alternative to scissors. It is important that the composition for
the seals did not contain toxic aggressive ingredients such
like formaldehyde. A good brand in the hairdressing market is considered
for example, Honma Tokyo.

In the end, you can braid braids or twist hair. On
wavy hair splitting ends are not visible.

If it is absolutely unbearable and I want to walk with unraveled and
straight hair, you can cut off the ends one by one hairs
twisting the hair the entire length of the bundle. Hair ends will stick out
harness, and you can cut them one by one literally
half a millimeter.

Cleansing the pores of the scalp

The main causes of hair problems include
clogged pores due to substandard care products.

One of the most striking examples is the advertised burdock
butter. It is sold in every supermarket as a natural and powerful.
средство для укрепления hair.

What is bad burdock oil:

  • burdock infused on refined sunflower oil
    hot pressed
  • refined oil clogs pores
  • clogged pores of the head do not allow the absorption of useful components from
    masks and shampoos

Silicone shampoos are harmful

Unfortunately, pores are clogged not only from bad oils.
quality, but also from shampoos. Многие современные facilities содержат
silicones. Silicones clog pores, and this contributes to the loss of

Try to minimize the presence of silicones in your bathroom.
It is better to buy safe shampoos for hair that does not contain
silicones, or regularly clean the pores.

Рецепт Для очистки пор возьмите мелкую морскую соль, смочите
its water, so that it becomes wet, but not dissolved. Then
wet hair and rub salt into scalp massaging
movements. Massage your head for a couple of minutes and wash as

The procedure is not complicated, but it reduces hair loss and
stimulating blood circulation.

Onружные питающие facilities

Once the pores of the scalp are cleansed and ready to take in
incoming nutrients, begin to rub everything useful.
Масляные facilities, купленные в аптеке, такие как репейное масло,
immediately discarded, because they clog pores no worse than silicones.

Oils will only be useful if they are unrefined and
cold pressed. Therefore, when choosing caring oils, give
preference only high-quality natural oils. Such
a lot on iherbebe – for example, natural jojoba oil, coconut
oil, olive and linseed. If they are high quality, they
will bring hair only benefit. They not only strengthens, but also
improves the hair structure, so it needs to be distributed throughout

Burdock, if it is not an oil extract, and alcohol, accelerates
рост и уменьшает выпадение hair.

The recipe for a homemade hair mask that accelerates their growth

Burdock root insist on alcohol (70%) for about a month. So
In the same way to insist red hot chilli pepper. Then
Mix these two tinctures in equal proportions. Add honey
rosemary essential oil (the present can be bought at iherb or in
specialty stores, but not in a pharmacy). Add a little
jojoba oil or other unrefined oil. Strict honey proportions
and there is no oil, it is important to get a consistency that will not drain
с hair. The mask is ready. Onносить после принятия горячей ванны,
hair do not wet. Bath should be taken in order to pores
opened, then the mask will act more efficiently. Wash off
half an hour later.

Nettle juice accelerates hair growth

It is very useful to rub the nettle into the roots of the hair. it
one of the most effective means to grow long hair.
You can insist nettle on alcohol, and you can squeeze the juice from nettle and
сразу втереть в корни hair.

If you don’t have a juicer, just grind the nettles in
grinder and squeeze through gauze.

Juice in the grass abound, so do not tear a lot. Enough
one bundle that you can hold in your palm.

Constantly rubbing nettle, you will notice how the curls come to life and become

So, down with the chemistry, use grass juice, cold-pressed oils
and unrefined, wash your hair with organic natural

Henna will help grow hair

Ordinary Iranian henna, which is sold in stores and stands
penny. Henna is colored and colorless.

How does henna affect hair?

  • having a certain texture similar to fine salt, henna has
    scrubbing action. It cleans the pores, simultaneously saturating
    the components it contains
  • cleans hair. Wash the henna with plain clean water, you do not
    потребуется дополнительные моющие facilities. After its application
    curls stay twice as long as clean than usual
    washing procedures
  • With regular use, the hair texture changes. They melt
    denser, thicker, which creates the effect of having hair on your head
    it became more
  • hair color becomes richer, hair has a nice vibrant shine,
    they stop breaking and split

By applying henna regularly, you can feel it all on yourself.

But henna can not only bear the benefit, but also a great harm to your
hair with improper use. Henna strongly dries hair. Not
hold it longer than 30 min. If you have dry hair, then 15 minutes
procedures is the maximum. Not применяйте хну чаще, чем раз в

Hair mesotherapy

Cosmeticians who are engaged in injection procedures
such as lip augmentation, biorevitalization, botox (this time
real) can be done and injections of special mesotherapeutic
коктейлей, питающих корни hair.

Injections are quite painful, because on the hairy part
heads can not use lidocaine anesthesia – this will narrow
vessels and further worsen the nutrition of the hair.

Therefore, the procedure is done without anesthesia, but it passes
quickly, the shots are superficial, short, and the effect is palpable.

In some cases, hair mesotherapy can be revived
follicles even with alopecia, not to mention the increase in density
normal shag

Much depends on the technique of administration and on the drug itself.
Cocktails for hair supply are produced by all firms producing
mesotherapeutic agents and lipolytics, but each has compositions
firms are different.

If you decide on injections, but there is no result, it is worth
try a different brand of drug. Now popular on the market
hair mesotherapy cocktails:

  • Dermaheal hl
  • Meso-Genesis BP3
  • Galileo
  • MD: Complex Hair-Revit

Injections should be done once a week, course 5 – 10


Some semblance of this procedure can be performed at home.
independently, with the help of a mezoroller and home remedies
mesotherapy, however, this method can not be compared to injections.
Mezoroller представляет из себя крутящийся ролик усыпанный
short needles.

It is assumed that a person puts on the parting
mesotherapeutic composition and rolls several times with a roller, as
would be tamping the drug into the skin.

However, firstly, the mezoroller cannot deliver a cocktail to
the right depth in the right amount. And, secondly, rolling,
the roller pulls on itself hair, they get stuck in the needles and
the mesoscaler wheel, so many people just throw
treatment, really it and starting.

It is much easier to go into the office of a beautician and suffer five
minutes while the procedure of mesotherapy.


Grow long healthy hair is real. Even if you don’t
very thick hair, long they will look better if you
they, for example, twist in curls. Be patient, start
take vitamins and make nourishing masks, take care of yourself and
you will surely succeed.

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