How to get rid of redness, peeling and itchingfacial skin

At any time, the woman wants to be irresistible and desirable.
He does everything he can for this. Beautifully dressed, followed
figure, cares for the skin of the body and face. And everything would be fine if
would not …



Itchy skin is a very unpleasant sensation, causing invincible
need to scratch her. This disease is caused by cortical
processes that result from exposure to certain
irritants on the nervous system, that is, the process is
neuro-reflex character.

  • Зуд facial skin может быть следствием какого-либо заболевания или
    dermatosis. It also appears in case of endocrine disruption.
    системы, обмена веществ и дисфункции других внутренних
  • Itching can also be an allergic reaction to some
    products, drugs or some chemical
  • In some diseases, itching may also occur on the face.
    An unstable psyche can cause itching when the patient feels
    that under his skin all the time something creeps.
  • If itching on the face, more time is recommended.
    carry out in the fresh air and do physical therapy.
  • Bath, shower, compresses on the basis of reducing itching
    decoctions of herbs, oak bark, salt baths.
  • You can also use special powders, creams,
    menthol ointment.
  • Corticosteroid substances included in creams and ointments,
    have antipruritic effect. Before using them,
    need to make sure that there is no adverse reaction with other
    used drugs.

При выборе средств против зуда facial skin следует учитывать
several aspects. Including the tolerability of this drug and
pharmacological effects of substances in the composition of ointments and creams.
These drugs are used immediately after the special baths to
maximize their effect. It helps to relieve face itching
treatment at seaside resorts and sanatoriums. The main thing in the treatment of itching
facial skin – это комплексность, которая обеспечит эффективность

Some popular recipes for itching

  • The root of elecampus is high. Used as outdoor
    means (lotions, grinding) in the form of alcohol or vodka
    tinctures (25.0). You can make the extract yourself: decoction
    20.0 – 200.0 thicken in the oven to half.
  • Grass nettle dioecious. Her decoction 15.0 – 200, 0 take 1
    Art. spoon 3 p. in a day. You can make a homemade extract, that is
    thicken the same half to half and take 1 tsp. Means
    may cause a decrease in urination and constipation. In this case
    nettle, dandelion leaves and thorns are mixed together
    пропорциях, 2 Art. spoons of this mixture are brewed with a glass of boiling water, and
    the mixture is steamed in the oven for 2-3 hours. This means to take
    on 0,5 glasses 3 r. in a day. Liquid Nettle Pharmaceutical Extract
    take 25-30 drops.
  • Birch buds. 10% tincture take 2 drops 3 times
    in a day.

Redness and peeling of the skin on the face

  • The most common causes of flaking is weakened
    immunity, lack of certain vitamins, hormonal changes
    organism, skin diseases, adverse environment,
    stresses and improper cosmetics.
  • When you suffer from a cold, and in addition avitaminosis makes
    the body is starving, the skin may appear areas very dry
    skin. Subsequently, it begins to crack and fall away intensively.
    Just skin loses nutrition from the inside.
  • Adolescence or pregnancy can also occur with
    significant skin peeling and redness. Hormones “jump” and
    The skin clearly shows it. Although this period is temporary, but still
    It is worth supporting your skin in a difficult time.
  • Many dermatological diseases, such as eczema,
    psoriasis, dermatitis, diathesis, lichen and others are accompanied by redness
    and abundant peeling. The nervous system reacts in many cases.
    itching and scaling for stressful situations.
  • The ecological situation in our country leaves much to be desired.
    the best. Plus city life is filled with harmful fumes,
    exhaust gases of cars and dried air in
  • The theme of cosmetics is so deep that one is wrong
    a selected drug can negate all the efforts and benefits of
    the rest of the complex of cosmetics. And it will be very difficult
    понять, что именно вызвало шелушение facial skin.

If the cause is not skin diseases that need to be treated with
medicines, try to find a way to eliminate
redness and scaly crusts from your face.

Recipes remedies for peeling and redness

  • Prepare a mask of ripe mashed banana and a spoon
    olive oil. Apply to skin for 15 minutes. Rinse
    warm running water and moisturize your cream.
  • Blend a spoonful of oatmeal in milk, add a spoon finely
    grated carrots. Spread the mixture evenly and leave it to 15.
  • Milk, cottage cheese, sugar and olive oil mix in a spoon.
    Однородную смесь держать на коже 5 minutes
  • Honey masks perfectly soften dry flaky skin,
    normalize the fat balance and smooth fine wrinkles.
  • Stir a few spoons of oatmeal for 15 minutes.
    in a glass of boiling water. Then you need to rub the mixture well and apply to
    skin After 20 minutes, rinse face and smear with olive
  • Cosmetic clay can help any type of skin to cope with
    redness and peeling. For dry skin, you need to make a mask of
    spoons of white clay and honey, which are dissolved in milk. Add to
    mix a teaspoon of lemon juice and almond oil. Procedure
    Lasts 10 minutes, then you need to rinse your face. For normal skin
    dissolve a spoonful of blue clay in milk, pour in a teaspoon
    natural honey and sour cream. Keep a uniform mixture on the skin 15
    minutes Oily skin prefers a simple blend of white clay and
    natural honey. 15 minutes after applying the mask you need it.
    rinse with warm water.

Sometimes we just need to remember that nature
cares for us, generously presenting healthy products.

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