How to get rid of loose skin on the stomach?

What to do if after birth the belly is loose, and loose skin,
lost elasticity, hangs in unattractive folds? how
return the figure to the previous harmonious proportions, if neither
cruel diets, or exhausting fitness classes do not solve
problem, how to remove the skin from the abdomen.

The most common in women complex is a decrease
self-esteem due to a large or saggy abdomen. And this
no wonder, because in modern fashion the focus is on
belly: resilient, taut tummy looks unusually sexy
and gives the appearance of its owner, regardless of age,
genuine grace and grace However, in former centuries when
publicly naked belly (at least in Europe) and submit
it was impossible for myself, aspen waist was given no less importance,
and secular women in the 18th and 19th century suffered torments of hell, dragging
a corset waist to give it the subtlety required by the mod (hence,
by the way, and frequent fainting heroes of classic novels).

The whole horror is that about 58% of Russians who agree
to withstand the toughest diets, to drink questionable pills, to buy
expensive ointments, just to regain the elastic stomach, can not
count on long-term results. Even if you can reset
extra pounds, the skin on the stomach will hang, and it is necessary to go to
normal food intake as weight will begin rapidly


What are the reasons why the skin on the stomach sags?

This problem is faced by a large number of women. Of reasons
this may be several:

  • 1. Sharp weight gain. The consequences of malnutrition,
    sedentary lifestyle, frequent stress and hormonal
    disturbances in the body can become a rapid set of unnecessary
    kilograms. Fatty folds that form the skin on
    the stomach.
  • 2. Rapid weight loss. Weight gain leads to skin on
    stomach stretched. After you got rid of the hated
    kilograms, the skin can not return to its own
    original state.
  • 3. Pregnancy. Under pressure from the fetus, the skin on the abdomen is also
    stretched. As a result, after birth, almost every
    women have dangling folds on their belly.
  • 4. If your lifestyle is not active enough, it can
    lead to a weakening of the abdominal muscles. As a result, the belly becomes
    flabby and the skin on it sags.
  • 5. Aging. With age, the skin begins to lose its former
    elasticity for very natural reasons. Therefore, over the years
    such a problem may occur even to those who have never suffered

Ways to solve the problem

Among the most simple and at the same time effective solutions
The problems of sagging belly are the following:

  • 1. Proper nutrition and drinking regime. The key to success will be
    balanced diet, devoid of harmful products. Give up on
    flour, sweet, fat and fried. Eat vegetables,
    fruits, low-fat varieties of fish and meat. If you absolutely can not
    do without confectionery, that is, they can only be in
    in the morning. To keep the skin elastic,
    should get enough liquid. Drink more
    clean water. In order to remove toxins and wastes from the body,
    drink a glass of warm water each time before eating.
  • 2. Water treatments. Great effect gives daily
    cold and hot shower. And the wider the range of used Ami
    water temperatures, the faster you can achieve tangible
    result. It is best to combine cold and hot showers in proportion
    1: 1. It will not be superfluous during the procedure to perform massaging
    movements in the abdomen with a washcloth made from
    natural materials, such as loofah.
  • 3. Scrub. Peeling and body scrub is a great way
    combat sagging skin of the abdomen. Great effect can be achieved
    if you use coffee for this purpose. Based on it, you can cook
    various formulations for the procedure.
  • 4. Massage. You can tighten the skin and give it the necessary tone
    with the help of massage. It’s best to ask for help.
    professional, but you can do it yourself. The greatest
    The effect can be achieved if you use a pinch technique. For
    In order to make such a massage, it is necessary to lie on your back and
    gently pinch the skin of the abdomen. First movements
    should be light. Subsequently, the intensity should
    increase. The procedure can be considered complete when the skin becomes
    red. how правило, длительность такого массажа не превышает
    a few minutes.

5. Cosmetics. In modern stores you can find
a wide range of various creams, gels and
lotions that help solve this problem. Simple enough
rub the tool every day in problem areas of the body and later
for some time the skin will become more elastic and taut.

Solving the problem by surgery

In the West, this problem was solved long ago and dramatically, making a choice
in favor of abdominoplasty. In the USA, this operation is out of competition among
plastic operations in general: about 70% of Americans of both sexes
31 to 65 years have done abdominoplasty! And the popularity of this
plastic surgery is constantly growing: so, last year to
abdominoplasty resorted to 3.3 times more Americans than in

Abdominoplasty can correct the deformity of the anterior abdominal
walls, which is an effective way to combat sagging and
sagging of the abdominal skin, eliminates stretch marks after childbirth and unevenness
on the surface of the abdomen. By reducing and tightening the abdomen
abdominoplasty helps prevent spinal diseases
and dysfunctions of internal organs, as well as the appearance of congestive
phenomena in the pelvic area and limbs. Thanks
abdominoplasty became real to gain a new, fit figure
without any belly.

For проведения операции потребуется провести в клинике от 1 до 3
days Full rehabilitation lasts from 1 to 3 months depending on
volume of surgery, general health and
how carefully the patient complies with postoperative
mode. how видите лишить проблему можно разными путями. But before
how to decide on drastic measures, it is worth trying
take advantage of safer recipes.

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