How to get rid of excessive pigmentationskin?

It seems to us that the freckles on the baby attractive face only give her
charm, but as they consider themselves the owners of this decoration,
when grow up? How many tears are shed in front of a mirror, how many
funds tried and with what alarm is expected approach
spring …

пигментация кожи, фото

Why do some people have freckles and others do not? From where
pigment spots taken? Science can already answer questions
associated with enhanced pigmentation. This may be a reaction to
exposure to sunlight and a signal about the condition of the skin and failure
in the functioning of the body. But first try to figure out from
what color our skin depends on.


So, the color of our skin

It is caused by both genetic and external factors, and
also depends on the quantity and distribution of pigments in the skin and
blood vessels, thickness of the epidermis and skin texture. In the skin
melanin pigments are formed, on which the color of the skin depends
people of different races, nationalities and habitats.

  1. Epheloids (freckles) are characteristic of fair-haired and red
    blue-eyed people, they are usually localized in open areas
    skin, and in the spring and summer they become more. Freckles are transmitted by
  2. Another type of hyperpigmentation is chloasma, which is expressed in
    the appearance of spots on the skin with clear boundaries
    symmetrically. Their color can be from dark yellow to
    dark brown. Chloasma usually appears on the face, but may
    occur in the nipple area, midline of the abdomen, in the groin. Summer
    Chloasma is more pronounced due to ultraviolet radiation,
    contained in the sun, and in winter it can practically
    disappear. Chloasma is most often observed in pregnant women, but its
    appearance may be caused by taking hormonal contraceptives or
    some sexual diseases as well as liver dysfunction,
    gallbladder and gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Another type of hyperpigmentation is lentigo. This specks diameter
    from a few millimeters to three centimeters, from light beige to
    dark brown color. These specks may be flat or
    protrude slightly above the surface of the skin. Lentigo are more common in
    elderly people exposed to exposed skin
    sun rays. Hyperpigmentation may also result.
    exposure to chemicals, skin trauma, drug effects
    drugs or diseases of the internal organs and failures in the exchange

Как бороться с пигментацией skin?

First of all, you need to find out the causes of hyperpigmentation, as in
If they are eliminated, hyperpigmentation can pass by itself. It makes no sense
fight hyperpigmentation caused by the disease since
It will not give a result, but it can cause serious complications.
Therefore, before embarking on skin whitening,
consult with a specialist. Must also be considered
belonging to a particular ethnic group for which
This type of pigmentation is inherent. Thus, the aesthetic
Problem solving is due to a number of factors and causes
appearance of hyperpigmentation.

Bleaching agents can be divided into
potent and acting more gently. Application first
can be accompanied by negative side effects (allergic
reaction, dermatitis, pigmentation disorders), the latter do not give
quick result.

The mechanism of hyperpigmentation is too strong
the production of melanin pigment in a specific area of ​​the skin. BUT
because it is directly related to exposure to ultraviolet
rays, it is necessary to provide reliable protection against them by
broad-spectrum sunscreens having
sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 25. For this is not enough
makeup products with photo filters, are needed here
special creams.

The goal of whitening treatments is to exfoliate the horny
skin layer and reduce the production of melanin pigment. Thanks
skin peeling melanin is removed from the epidermis, and pigment
spots become less pronounced. This is achieved by applying
peelings containing 1-2% hydroquinone. Melanin synthesis is reduced
products containing ascorbic and azelaic acid.
Whitening properties, although weaker, have
yarrow, bearberry, lemon, cucumber, parsley. Against persistent
hyperpigmentation using surgical methods: liquid nitrogen,
skin resurfacing, dermabrasion.

The main thing is to remember: you can get rid of hyperpigmentation,
only by identifying its cause and receiving consultation from
qualified specialist.

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