How to get rid of dandruff and why itreappears


  • Causes of dandruff
  • Oily and dry dandruff – what are the differences?
  • Medical shampoos and other drugs from the pharmacy
  • Folk remedies
  • Home masks, decoctions, rinses and their effectiveness
  • Dandruff treatment in a child
  • How to prevent reappearance?

Most people sooner or later notice white on their clothes.
flakes scattering from the scalp. This is dandruff, which
can equally pursue both men and women, adults and
children. There are several basic ways to get rid of
dandruff at home but for proper treatment
you need to know what the condition is, and what kinds of
dandruff exist.



Why dandruff occurs

Dandruff may be due to mechanical, chemical or
biological irritation or damage to the skin of the hairy part
heads. It has the appearance of constantly exfoliating from the skin.
thin small pieces of whitish color, which may be so
a lot of that gives the impression of a head dusted with snow. Is not
only an unpleasant cosmetic defect, but also a serious disease,
can lead to exhaustion, breakage and hair loss.

Mechanical irritation is associated with aggressive effects on
scalp – too intense combing, drying and styling
a hairdryer with a very high temperature and a strong jet
directional airflow, the habit of vigorously and strongly scratching
head, especially sharp objects. The skin surface is damaged,
dries and begins to flake off.

Chemical exposure is associated with the use of a variety of
dyes, especially artificial, styling and
detergents, balms, conditioners, rinses and masks,
various clamps such as wax or hair spray. Wrong
Shampoo selection is one of the main causes of dandruff. Second
frequent stimulator of the development of the disease – frequent staining and
bleaching with permanent dyes, as well as the use of
preparations for perm.

Biological irritation is the influence of a particular fungus that
provokes the development of dandruff.

Trigger, or “trigger” for the occurrence of dandruff
serves improper, unbalanced or insufficient nutrition,
severe or repetitive stress, metabolic disorders,
lack of vitamins and minerals, some problems with
the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Effective home masks, decoctions, rinses

At home, dandruff will help cure normal
laundry soap. But you need to use it with caution, remembering
high percentage of alkali contained in it.

This soap works well with strong greasiness,
accompanied by oily dandruff. It is undesirable to wash with such soap
hair, and also lather directly with a piece of product –
strands can be overdry, make dull and brittle. The best thing
rub a little soap, dissolve it in warm water, lather, and
then apply this foam on the hair roots. Rinse thoroughly

If the hair length is not rinsed, they can be treated with their own
ordinary shampoo. Since in the laundry soap a lot of alkalis and
natural fats, after washing it can leave on the hair
dull grayish bloom. To get rid of it, the hair needs
rinse with cool water, which added a little vinegar,
best natural apple. After this procedure, the hair
come to life, shine, dandruff disappears, and strands save longer

Oily dandruff also helps a home scrub, in which
includes salt and baking soda. These substances perform triple

  • Mechanically cleanse the scalp of fatty accumulated on it
  • They inhibit the growth of the fungus and cause its death, as well as
    promote faster healing of wounds and lesions on the skin
  • Wash and wash off excess fat, making hair cleaner and

Important! Salt and soda can dry the scalp, which can
cause even more active sebum secretion. To prevent this
happened, the procedure does not need to be abused – with an average
oily hair can be carried out once a week.

Aloe against dandruff helps to get rid of itching and dry skin.
The juice of this plant has a powerful stimulating effect.
antioxidant and healing activity. It can be applied to
clean scalp as a mask or appliqué, and also do
на его основе тоники и разнообразные спреи для кожи heads.

Also cope with the disease can “home” medical
shampoos Creating them is very simple: into a ready-made tool that is already
tested and does not cause any side effects add
crushed aspirin tablets and stirred until smooth. Such
the composition is foamed and applied only to the roots, leave to act
for a couple of minutes, and then very carefully washed off with a large number
water. If this is not done, the remaining Aspirin particles may
спровоцировать ожог кожи heads. This is an excellent tool for very
high fat and persistent �”Not killed” dandruff.

The same principle is used to prepare a remedy for persistent
fungus. This will require the drug Nystatin. 1 to 2 tablets
need to pound into a powder, mix with a small amount of your
shampoo and use the same as the drug with aspirin. Of these
the same pills can make an effective hair rinse.
Tablets also need to crush, but dissolved in clean water and
use it in the final washing stage to rinse the roots
already clean hair. No need to flush.

From traditional medicine, herbs from
dandruff In the villages, long since washed their heads with a decoction of nettle – hair
were strong, strong and healthy. With the same purpose you can
use chamomile for blondes, strong tea decoction or oak
bark – for brunettes. These broths possess disinfecting and astringent.
свойством, что отлично помогает при жирной dandruff


How to treat dandruff in a child

If a child has dandruff, he combs his head because of
itching, and under the hair a real crust is a direct way to
dermatologist. He will prescribe the correct treatment and write out the necessary

For minor dandruff manifestations at home, you can try
use tar shampoo. He is natural and good
оздоравливает пострадавшую кожу heads. If there is a dry
dandruff, you will need to use masks and applications from oils.
Excellent jojoba oil, castor oil and burdock oil.
The last two are well-proven old means to strengthen and
hair growth, so they do not harm even a small child.

For oily dandruff, a couple of drops can be added to baby shampoo.
tea tree oil, provided that the child is not allergic. It
possesses powerful antiseptic and antifungal effects,
dries greasy skin and hair stays fresh longer and

But pharmaceutical shampoos and medicines on their own
can not be used for children – their dosage may be excessive for
baby The exact dose and type of drug allowed will call only

Dandruff Prevention Techniques

When the cause of dandruff is mechanical or
chemical exposure to get rid of it all you need
just never use aggressive over-drying
and irritating drugs. But if dandruff appeared like
a consequence of an imbalance in the body, will require
more solid, integrated approach. It includes the following

  • Redefining your attitude to not only hair care, but also
    за кожей heads. She, like other parts of our body, requires
    constant care and care. It is necessary to use mild detergents.
    means to give up a very aggressive impact, change
    dye and styling, avoid frequent drying with a hairdryer and do not use
    very hot air and directed its stream. Scalp
    needs the right delicate scrubbing especially for
    this intended means in a soft and delicate massage,
    which can be performed both during washing and when combing
    hair. Periodic use of deep cleansing shampoos
    will help get rid of the “load” of styling and care products,
    which do not allow the scalp to breathe.
  • For prophylaxis from time to time can be used to wash
    волос специальные косметические шампуни от dandruff
  • Visit the doctor and deal with possible violations.
    hormonal levels, especially if fatty
    dandruff, and on the face and body there are manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis,
    high greasiness, blackheads and black spots, permanent
  • Change your diet, giving up fatty, sweet,
    smoked, spicy, artificial food, sauces and fast food.
  • Add more vegetables, fruits and herbs to the menu, start
    cook healthier foods, preferring to bake, stew and
    boil food, not fry and smoke them.
  • Take a variety of vitamins and mineral supplements,
    especially selenium, zinc and sulfur, as well as methionine, which contributes
    improve metabolism.
  • Monitor the state of the gastrointestinal tract, especially
    regularity of the chair.
  • Use only high-quality and proven cosmetics for
    hair, and in minimal quantities. Overload varied
    substances can cause skin irritation and

Important! If household measures are temporary or
can not cure the disease completely, you need to
можно быстрее обратиться за помощью к dermatologist. Some
people, especially in men, including very young, oily
dandruff often causes alopecia – baldness.

Dandruff of any kind – this is not just a cosmetic flaw,
but also a manifestation of the disease, which must be carefully
fight. Do not leave the matter to chance; it will not disappear.
waving a magic wand. Begin to act, contact
beauticians and doctors, but do not wait until the hair will be caused
irreparable damage.

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