How to get rid of burrs on fingershands?

Burrs на пальцах. Why appear burrs? How to get rid of burrs? Как лечить (убрать) заусенцы?Burrs
on the fingers give the hands a very sloppy look. From this problem
both women and men are affected, most often they are found in
adolescence due to hormonal imbalance,
irregular nutrition and avitaminosis.


Why appear burrs?

Burrs появляются из-за того, что нежная кожа около ногтя
(cuticle) loses its elasticity. This can occur as
permanent work with papers, and with a long stay of hands in
water, especially contact with household chemicals. And in fact, and in
in another case, the skin is degreased and dries. Reasons for
burrs can be a lack of vitamins A and E in the body, as well as
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Burrs могут также
appear on dry skin due to insufficient or improper
hand care. Permanent burrs can cause
inflammation of the cuticle – paronchia or the entire finger –
felon Burrs могут возникать и у тех, кто постоянно грызет

The danger of burrs is not only in an unattractive appearance,
but also that they cling to foreign objects, leather
breaks even more and there is a very strong pain. Most
people solve this problem by removing the first burr
scissors or just teeth (which you should never do) and
at the risk of wound infection.

How to get rid of burrs? How to remove burrs?

If the trouble happened at work or in a public place,
it is best to seal the burr with a plaster or at least to tie it clean
bandage and remove already at home. In a pinch, you can remove it from
using tweezers or nail scissors, trying not to touch the skin
next, and then treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide, iodine, or
green paint.

If you remove a burr at home, it is better to hold
hands for about ten minutes in warm water so that the skin is steamed out and it was
more convenient to delete. The burr does not need to be delayed, but simply cut off,
so that additional painful corners of the skin are not obtained. New
burrs may appear due to the fact that the scissors loosely adjoin
to the skin. If after this, skin irritation and
redness, it can be smeared with external antibiotics:
depersolone, dermozolon, oxycort, geocortone.

How to treat burrs?

You need a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables.
and fruit. The most accessible and effective tool is
grated carrot with sour cream, retinol is the most
absorbed by the body. And also practice taking vitamin
complexes, which necessarily must contain vitamin A, are
called retinol.

  • Useful before bedtime hot 10-minute hand bath with
    by adding a few drops of lemon or bergamot essential oil
    (can be replaced with olive or vegetable oil), after which the skin
    drain with a napkin and smeared with nourishing cream.
  • Very good bath of heated vegetable oil.
    Suitable olive, sunflower, almond, burdock, sea buckthorn
    or other of your choice. For 15 minutes you need to keep the brush
    hands in containers with oil, do not rinse, dry with a napkin.
  • Soften the skin will help the bath of a tablespoon of soda,
    dissolved in 0.5 liters of hot water. Hold hands in such a bath
    10 minutes. While the skin is steamed and soft, you need to cut
    available burrs, process peroxide and lubricate hands with olive
    oil A few minutes later blot the excess paper
    a towel.
  • Practice periodically bath with essential oil of bergamot and
    sea ​​salt. Instead of bergamot, you can take other essential
  • Once a month spend paraffin bath. In the pharmacy to purchase
    300 g of paraffin, simple or with a content of vitamins. AT
    ceramic dishes warm it in a water bath. Pre
    clean your hands with a scrub, wear polyethylene gloves and
    Dip your hands in liquid paraffin. Such heating procedures
    remarkably rejuvenate the skin of the hands and help fast healing
    burrs and burrs.
  • Painful, but very effective skin treatment
  • A wound after burr will heal faster if it is smeared.
    balsam “Savior”.
  • It is very useful before bedtime to grease hands with a cream, rubbing
    him in the cuticle area, and put on cotton gloves on the whole
  • Once a week it is recommended to make a green mask. Some
    Aloe and Kalanchoe leaflets to wash, dry and chop. Gruel
    put on the fingertips, each individually wrap food
    пленкой и оставить так на всю night. Very soon cuticle again
    will become soft and healthy.
  • To get rid of the constant burrs quickly
    such a cream. Almond (40 g) pound in a blender to powder
    states. Pour it into a glass of warm boiled water. Through
    strain for a few minutes and rub into the skin about the nail 2 times in
  • You can smear your hands with mayonnaise and wear rubber or
    polyethylene gloves. Leave the mask for 30 minutes, after which
    wash your hands with warm water.
  • ATзять какао-масло, растопить его и ложку жидкого facilities
    mix with a spoon of natural honey. Mask applied to the nails and skin
    Around them. Through 20 минут сполоснуть руки и воспользоваться
    nourishing cream.
  • Apply warm castor oil on your fingers and nails, good
    massaging the cuticle. After half an hour, simply wipe off any excess
    oil, hands do not need to be washed.
  • ATозьмите 3 столовые ложки домашнего творога, добавьте ложку
    любого растительного oils. You can bring the mixture to the blender
    gentle homogeneous mass, or just carefully grind. Generously
    put a mask on your pens and leave for 20 minutes. Warm water
    rinse hands.
  • Nourishing mask will be the way with frequent burrs. AT 100 г
    fat cream, soak the crumb of white bread. Mix everything up
    uniformity and apply on hand. Wear cellophane gloves and
    warm the top with a towel or blanket. Let your skin soak up
    минут 40 и смойте остатки facilities теплой водой.

That burrs are not formed on your fingers and not
created so many unnecessary problems, give your hands more
regular attention. Conduct procedures for the prevention,
Moisturize your hands with cream and protect from negative effects. ATаши
hands worth it.

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