How to achieve an even complexion at homeconditions?

Ровный цвет faces. Как сделать цвет лица ровным?There are
lucky girls who have a perfectly smooth and clean face from birth.
Alas, they are in the minority. And most of life is concerned about one
problem: how to make the complexion even?


Take care of your youth

There is a misconception that acne, acne and acne are pure.
age and harmless phenomenon. Yes, they leave with age, but
more often still leave a mark in the form of irregularities and enlarged pores.
Because you should not rely on the natural course of time, better
timely and without harm to the skin to engage in the treatment of inflammatory
processes. Only in this case you can count on even color.
faces in the future.

The scourge of youth is teenage acne, and because of the young man’s inexperience and
girls struggle with them in the most primitive way – squeezing.
This is what causes the lumpy skin. Getting rid of
contents, inflamed pores heal scars, from which
only deep skin polishing can save
The procedure is painful and unsafe.

At the initial stage of the skin disease, the most competent is
seek help from a dermatologist, because the treatment
often involves, in addition to purely cosmetic manipulations and
procedures, and also drug, and nutritional treatment.
Proper salon treatment will help avoid microtraumas on the skin.
faces. There are universal tips on how to make your complexion even:
regular cleansing, rejection of bad habits – smoking, alcohol,
spicy and fatty foods, overuse of coffee and chocolate

Do not be lazy to care for your skin

The skin should be protected, nourished and in every way to appease not only expensive
creams and lotions, but also improvised means. Homemade masks
guarantee an even complexion, if you don’t be lazy to do them regularly,
and not once a month. The choice of mask is determined by the type of skin and specific
a problem. For example, masks for skin whitening and treatment.
inflammatory processes are not the same thing. Here are a few
simple but very effective masks.

Wheat germ sprouts are sold both whole and ground
the form. Eating them has a pronounced healthful
and rejuvenating effect. And if this flour is diluted with warm milk,
add honey, egg yolk (with dry and loose skin, protein is better),
mix and apply on face for twenty minutes, the skin will freshen, color
it will be smooth and matte.

There is such a “predatory” grass – badyaga. She, of course, biting and
unpleasant, but the effect exceeds all expectations. First, she
tends to quickly dissolve small and large bruises,
In addition, badyaga is a natural peeling. Red and nasty
sensations will soon pass, and smooth skin will remain. Naturally,
After such a procedure, the person requires a rich moisturizing cream.

Masks based on cucumber, parsley, lemon are known for their
whitening and vitaminizing properties. Even ordinary
rubbing them will help to get closer to the cherished goal, how to make
complexion smooth.

Folk remedies a lot. Mandatory condition for
use of any of them – the skin must first be cleaned
from dirt and grease. Otherwise, the effect will be the opposite.

And do not forget about the possibilities of decorative cosmetics.

Masks are masks, but nothing guarantees instant results. BUT
you should always be beautiful. In order to invent decorative
cosmetics. Fortunately, the possibilities of modern cosmetology
allow you to cope with almost any problem and disguise
skin defects.

The first remedy is a properly chosen foundation. what
does it mean “correctly selected”? Not lying on face like
plaster, namely leveling the color of the skin, preserving it
natural shine In a word, do not smear the face that
horrible. Of course, good tones and cost
respectively. Such a light cream can not close serious
defects, so on top of it you need to use
light proofreader.

On the rules of applying makeup should be aware of each
a woman to avoid gross errors, for example, in the form of
visible border between the skin color on the face, chin and neck. And again
same – one fundamental rule: decorative cosmetics
applied only to clean skin and never left on the face

BUT что делать, красота требует если не жертв, то постоянных
effort. Love yourself and be loved.

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