A true woman is beautiful in everything: from the top of the head to the heels.
Yes, yes, those same heels that are hidden by shoes. Especially relevant
this question in the summer when women’s legs dream of open
sandals and sandals. That is why it makes sense to take care of
heels all year round, without ignoring their “pleas for help”!
The modern market offers many women
various means for foot care, in addition, there are
excellent tools that people used for a long time. Only
do not be lazy – and your heels will be smooth and pink!
Heel Skin Care
Down with rough, yellow, rough and cracked skin on the heels!
Of course, the easiest way to contact a specialized salon. There too
know exactly how to make the heels soft and smooth, picking up
optimal procedures. But not every woman has the necessary
time, and money. So, how to take care of the heels is not
leaving the house?
In no case can not be cut rough skin, of course, if
You do not want to get hurt. Plus, after cutting the skin
becomes even more rough and ugly, and such an inverse
the effect of someone hardly wants to achieve!
Make for heels baths. Think over the composition – it all depends on
skin features and preferences: salt, herbs, soap and soda – these
ingredients help ladies to find beauty.
Here are recipes for simple but effective baths.
One glass of milk, soap solution in the same quantity and 3
tablespoons of salt. Stir everything hot
water, pour into the pelvis and within an hour do not let the legs out of this
bliss Immediately after the procedure, clean off the top very carefully.
layer but don’t overdo it. At hand should be a special brush,
with stiff bristles. After cleaning, lubricate the cleaned areas.
cream Remember – your credo is regularity and moderation in withdrawal.
skin! You can also clear the skin with a scrub. Such a procedure
must be repeated regularly.
In two liters of water dissolve in a tablespoon of ammonia
alcohol, baking soda and finely rubbed toilet soap. AT
the resulting solution you need 40 minutes to steam out the legs, and when
the skin on the heels will soften enough, remove the dead skin,
corns and calluses. Rinse the legs and certainly apply
Once a week prepare this bath: in hot water
dissolve two tablespoons of sea salt, add three spoons
ammonia. The procedure should last 15 minutes. Calluses easy
removed, and the skin becomes incredibly soft.
If you need to heal cracked heels, use this one.
recipe. At the rate of 50 g of boric acid in a glass of water, prepare
bath. Keep your feet in the solution for 15 minutes, then wipe dry.
Apply Vaseline to the cracks, glue with adhesive tape, on top
Wear wool socks and leave on all night. First morning
turn wash the feet. For the best effect, spend 5 such
What ill-mannered rough heels—
Situations when the heels grow coarse, bring a lot of unpleasant
moments for women. ATам на подмогу придет примочка из корня алтея.
Crush 2 tablespoons of Althea root, fill with half a liter
hot water and put on steam, that is, in a water bath. Warm up
half an hour, constantly stirring. The resulting decoction must be cooled.
to room temperature, after which it wet wipes from
gauze and apply to the skin heels for half an hour. Twice a day
repeat lotions until the skin is firm and
Homemade masks to please heels
Heel Skin Care – ответственное дело, в котором могут помочь
various masks.
- Take one egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and half
a teaspoon of potato starch. Mash the skin, apply the mixture
and wait for it to dry completely. When a crust forms,
�”Ruthlessly” wash it and lubricate the skin with cream! Very effective
the procedure – the result is obvious – that is, on the heels! - Onions also know how to make the heels soft and smooth.
Immediately after the bath go to bed, putting it on the heels of the half
medium sized onion heads that are pre-scalded
boiling water. And do not pay attention to the smell! Close the bow
polyethylene and bandage your heels – in the morning you can easily wash the onions. And not
Forget the cream – this is your main assistant! - If you make a face mask, say fruit, leave
a little and for the legs – they will appreciate your care. - After one of the trays, clean the heels with a scrub or pumice.
Then apply a mask of curd, sour cream and honey on your feet. ATсех
products take two tablespoons. Enjoy 20 minutes and
wash off the mask. - Try during the week every evening smear on
feet olive mayonnaise, wrap polyethylene and, wearing socks,
go to bed And the morning to wash off the remnants of mayonnaise. ATы не
recognize your heels! - Dry heel skin should definitely be softened. For that great
Suitable mask with clay. ATозьмите стакан голубой глины, размешайте
her in a glass of yogurt. Heat the composition in a water bath, only
stir not forget it. Bringing mass to a temperature of +45, from fire
clean up Impregnate the flannel flap with clay mass, wrap
feet, on top of the film and still thick cloth. After 30 minutes it all
remove and rinse your feet with cool water. - Boil some milk. Diced apple
put in milk and boil until gruel is obtained. Abundantly
apply on rough and cracked heels. Shake up with bandages and
leave for half an hour. Then rinse your feet.
Plunge into the world of experiments, try various means –
many of them are really good. �”Ask” the legs that they
Liked the most and gave the maximum effect.
If you are still doubtful about the heel care, then
Remember how many beautiful poems poets have written. They were
tend to glorify the beauty of female legs. But imagine what the
would the poem come out about cracked and skimpy heels? And let all
men will be at our feet … at the same time and will appreciate our efforts, praising
beautiful heels!