Hand skin nutrition with vitamins

Even very young girls watch their faces, try
regularly clean it, nourish and moisturize, but on the hands, like
usually pay little attention. But after all skin of hands in the same way
needs regular nourishment and hydration, especially since it
constantly exposed to water (containing bleach),
chemicals contained in household chemicals finally just
cold and heat depending on the time of year.

Everyone knows about vitamins. But vitamins for the skin of the hands – this is something
new! Do the hands need any special vitamins, not such
how our whole body? No, of course, and vitamins, in principle,
the same ones, just think about whether you get them in
in sufficient quantity, it is necessary still in youth, that in two or three
do not look at your wrinkled hands for ten years with longing and horror
with faded skin and not lament how little you cared about
them in past years.


What vitamins are especially important for the skin of the hands?

So, let’s see which vitamins our skin needs at all.
and the skin of the hands in particular. Let’s start from the beginning, with the letter A. Yes, it is
our favorite vitamin A (medical name is retinol), without which
skin will be dry and rough, not smooth and elastic, like all
we would like to. Vitamin A is found only in animal products.
origin (fish oil, milk fat, butter, cream,
cottage cheese, cheese, egg yolk, liver fat and the fat of other organs –
heart, brain).

The next alphabetically vitamin B, but not one, but the whole group.
For the condition of the skin important vitamins Bl, B2, VZ, B6, B9, B10. a lack of
a certain vitamin can cause deterioration of the skin, and
sometimes even her illness. So, vitamin B6 deficiency can cause
to dermatitis, and vitamin B9 (folic acid) helps our skin
cope with the harmful effects of the environment. Vitamins
B groups are found in legumes, in cereal bread, liver, yeast,
greens, eggplant, etc.

We continue our journey through the vitamin alphabet. On line
Vitamin C – a regulator of collagen production, due to which the skin
hands retains its elasticity. The leader in vitamin C content
rosehip rolls on, followed by dill, parsley, cabbage,
sorrel, citrus, strawberries, etc.

Vitamin E protects our skin from harmful effects
ultraviolet rays, helps keep her youthful. He also
very effective antioxidant that neutralizes action
free radicals and promotes skin regeneration. Most
vitamin E is found in oily marine fish, vegetable oil,
nuts, germinated grains of wheat, milk and eggs. Should add
that without vitamin E, full absorption of vitamin A is impossible.

Proper hand care

In order to give your hands a healthy young look you need
adhere to the following recommendations:

  • 1. First of all it is necessary to saturate the whole with vitamins.
    organism as a whole. The best option for this is to receive
    specialized vitamin and mineral complex. Such
    The tool today can be purchased at any pharmacy. They contain
    imagine the necessary concentration of all the vitamins that are essential
    to maintain the beauty and health of the skin of the hands. But in order to
    make up the lack of substances in the body
    chemicals. You can do with natural products.
    Try to eat as many legumes as possible, eggplant,
    cabbage, greens. Fish, eggs, dairy products, fresh berries and
    citrus fruit
  • 2. Using creams. For complete hand care
    it is not necessary to use expensive cosmetic
    facilities. It is quite enough to regularly process them when
    help ordinary baby cream. But before that, his best
    mix with vitamins. At any pharmacy today you can purchase
    Vitamins A, E and B on an oil basis. Few drops of these
    vitamins will be enough to add to the cream in order to
    get a truly healing composition.
  • 3. Egg-based mask. Restore the skin of the hands and make it
    more attractive will help a special mask. In order for her
    cook you need to mix a small amount of olive
    butter with one chicken egg. This composition is applied to the skin on
    15-20 minutes. After which it can be washed off with a clean
    warm water.
  • 4. Mask based on honey. A tablespoon of melted honey
    mix with one egg yolk. In the resulting composition, enter six
    drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply the product to your hands and
    wrap them in cellophane wrap. This mask should be kept in
    for 20 minutes.
  • 5. Aloe. This healing plant will help bring hands in order.
    and provide the skin with essential vitamins. Squeeze the juice out
    a few leaves of aloe and lubricate their skin. Do not wash your hands for
    15 minutes. After such a procedure, you can use a light
    nourishing cream.
  • 6. Mask based on carrots. As you know this vegetable is rich
    vitamins and carotene. Therefore, a mask based on it will help to return
    hand skin health. Grate one carrot of medium size.
    Mix obtained gruel with a tablespoon of sour cream and tea
    spoon of vegetable oil. Apply the prepared compound on your hands.
    and leave for 20 minutes.
  • 7. Application of raspberry and chamomile. Cook such a healing
    The tool is quite simple. It is necessary to mix half a glass
    dried chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water. Mixture must
    infuse for half an hour. In a similar way, prepare
    decoction of raspberry. Then mix both broths together. Dampen in
    prepared gauze cloth and put it on your hands on
    10 minutes. After remove the napkin, moisten it again in the broth and
    приложите еще на 10 minutes. This procedure should be done by
    3-4 times in a row.

However, vitamins alone will not be able to preserve your skin for a long time.
The hands are smooth and supple. You should also take care of her: in
wear cold gloves to prevent the skin from weathering and
peremerzla, constantly use nourishing and moisturizing
hand creams. Take care of your hands – and you save longer
them, and their youth!

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