Hair conditioner: how to use and whyNeed a hair conditioner?

And for the lovely gentle faces – the policeman. :)

As you already understood, this is about … No, not about the police,
but about hair conditioners. And although almost every woman (and
men too) know what it is, yet it will not be superfluous
again talk about some of the intricacies of using this
beauty product.


What is air conditioning for?

Determining what hair conditioner is is very simple. it
a special hair care product designed to
moisturizing hair and softening cleansing, but sometimes not the
favorable action shampoo. In addition, air conditioning protects
against the influence of aggressive environment, protects as it can, but
there is still no great hope for it.

So, the question of why hair conditioner is needed is partially removed.
As already mentioned, this moisturizing and protection.

it средство должно стать неизменным «жителем» полочек в ванной
a room in women whose hair is damaged or thin by nature.

How to use hair conditioner?

The procedure for use is simple.

  • Conditioner is applied to freshly washed hair. Hair
    You should first dry a little with a towel to
    no water flowed in streams, which in passing will wash the air conditioner
    for hair, not yet had time to be absorbed.
  • Apply the product better as follows: rub a small
    the amount of conditioner between your fingers and combing movements
    evenly distribute it over the entire length, without affecting the roots.
    Why not touch the roots, when you need to shampoo when washing
    rub into the scalp? Conditioned hair roots successfully
    and obediently go down. If you don’t like curvy hairstyles, then this,
    Of course, you only on hand. And if you strive to create easy
    volume that looks natural, then you do not need to weight the hair
    roots. By the way, and owners of greasy hair is

What problems with hair will help solve?

Sometimes there is a problem: how to use air conditioning for
hair, if the tips split? Apply conditioner can be on the ends
hair, and over the entire length, it does not matter. The only thing about
you need to remember, this is the “excerpt” means. That is not how long he
produced and the time that is necessary for penetration
moisturizing components in the hair structure. As a rule, there is enough 2 –
3 minutes. The exception is an intensive conditioner,
which is kept on the hair twice as long.

Some ask why you need a hair conditioner, which
no need to flush? Conventional air conditioners have a temporary effect.
the effect of which lasts one day, sometimes a little longer.
Indelible hair conditioners have a lasting effect.
and serve as an ambulance for hair in need of immediate
improvement. They are suitable for special occasions, allowing
give your hair a well-groomed and healthy look, bright shine and,
respectively, beauty.

The choice of conditioner depends on the type of hair.

  • Moisturizers are simply necessary for weak, lifeless hair, and
    curly hair helps to straighten easily.
  • Dyed hair also has its own type of conditioners. is he
    allows you to keep the new hair color longer, moisturizes them and
    provides the necessary nutrients.
  • For fine hair, you can buy a special conditioner,
    which will give them strength and volume.
  • Do not think that the hair is oily or combined type
    do not need moistening. Just that hair needs a little
    less money that is distributed mainly at the tips

DIY hair conditioner

Once using hair conditioner, it becomes
It is difficult enough to do without it in the future. But unfortunately
similar products are of synthetic origin, which is not the best
образом сказывается на состоянии hair. But always come to the rescue
folk methods. Products based on natural ingredients are not
only safe, but also very useful for beauty and health
your hair, and in their effectiveness they are not inferior

  • Herbal Conditioner

Medicinal herbs from ancient times used by women
for hair care. To cook homemade
air conditioning, you need to insist in boiling water (about half a liter)
collection of calendula and chamomile (half a tablespoon), as well as
tablespoon comfrey. Here you can add your favorite
essential oils to give the remedy an extra effect and
heady aroma.

  • Aloe Conditioner

In order to revive the curls and prevent from damage,
it is useful to use a combination of half a glass of juice
aloe, a quarter cup of lemon juice and essential oils on your
discretion. Well rub the mixture into the skin, and distribute it
at the tips. After 5 minutes, rinse.

  • Moisturizing hair

Women’s hair every day exposed to many harmful
factors that cause dryness and damage. To solve
this is a problem, you can use the following tools:

  • To infusion of nettle (3 spoon grass half a liter of boiling water) need
    add a little vinegar (literally one spoon). Mix need
    boil and strain. This conditioner strengthens hair,
    gives them shine and volume.
  • Insist a spoonful of chamomile in a glass for an hour and a half
    boiling water. When the mixture has cooled, strain it and dissolve in the liquid.
    a teaspoon of honey. Rinse your hair clean.
    conditioner, after which they will need to be washed again
  • It nourishes and moisturizes the hair mixture, which is based on 100
    milliliters of olive oil, egg yolk and a small tube
    mayonnaise. Mask need to withstand a quarter of an hour, after which the hair
    will have to wash with shampoo again.
  • To make a light conditioner, add water to the glass.
    a spoonful of instant gelatin and some vinegar. Also not
    excess will be essential oils (for example, rosemary, lavender or

Rules for the use of home air conditioners

That the conditioner had a due effect on the condition of the hair,
You need to follow a number of rules:

  • – before applying, be sure to wash your hair (it is better that they
    were wet);
  • – if the conditioner has a dense texture, then before applying
    on the hair, slightly warm it in your hands;
  • – try not to affect the hair roots and scalp, if you
    suffer from excessive hair greasiness;
  • – the most attention when applying the air conditioner should be paid
    hair tips;
  • – because home air conditioners are made from natural
    components, it will be useful to hold them on the hair for some
  • – do not rinse with hot water (it is better to use
    cold or slightly warm).

In order for the effect of home air conditioners to be noticeable and
sustainable, do not forget that they need to be applied after
every wash.

Top – 10 best hair conditioners today, by
customer reviews, you will find in this article.

Conditioner will no doubt help your hair look better
but no miracle remedy will help the hair damaged from the inside.
Therefore, first of all, take care of a healthy diet and nutrition.

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