Fashionable hairstyles for hair extensions

There is no such woman who would refuse to get the magnificent,
beautiful and well-groomed mop of hair, but unfortunately not always
nature gives us this miracle. So you have to be content with
what is already there. It’s great that hairdressing in some kind
degree allows you to solve this problem.

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Today, most beauty salons and hairdressers delight us
those that provide a fairly new service called
�”hair extension”. This procedure, the purpose of which
is lengthening or increasing the volume of your own hair, not
causes practical harm to natural hair and significantly
expands the possibilities of creating beautiful hairstyles.

Hairstyles for long hair extensions are almost nothing
different from hairstyles made on their long hair, and
often have even greater variability, since few
boasts hair of such beauty. But in order to
the result of building pleased for a long time, and the hairstyles were obtained
diverse and original, you need to take care of
hair extensions.


Hair Care

Spiked hair looks almost like natural hair.
and not much different from them, since the build-up is performed in
mostly with natural strands. So wearing
hair extensions do not limit your normal lifestyle.
Keeping your hair extensions for a longer period will help
the right attitude towards them. In order to make hairstyles for
long hair extensions, you will need to comply with some

  • Hair, styled, in the hair will look beautiful, if
    will be clean and well-groomed, naturally that the extensions
    also need washing and care, as well as natural.
  • Wash hair should be good, throwing his head back,
    to prevent damage to your hair and tangle
    capsules dredged strands.
  • To make hair extensions look natural and
    beautifully, you can resort to the use of masks for hair that
    will nourish and strengthen them as well as their own.
  • When choosing a hair shampoo, try to avoid
    aggressive, preferring those whose pH is neutral.
    Shampoos for intensive cleaning are dangerous for hair extensions, and
    designed for dry hair.
  • Hair care products like liquid silk and oils for
    hair is contraindicated, they can damage the capsules.
  • To keep hair from tangling and not to have careless and neglected
    pretend never go to sleep without drying your hair.
  • Experts recommend braiding hair in a free braid, or
    collect in a light “tail” before bedtime, then you probably don’t
    there will be problems with the subsequent hair styling.
  • The only thing that requires a delicate and special relationship, in
    If you decide to build it up – this is combing
    hair. Combing should be very careful, should
    hold the hair at the base and slowly brush it out
    natural bristle, not containing massage balls, but best of all
    приобрести специальную щетку для нарощенных hair.

Photo – hairstyle ideas

Hairstyles for long extensible hair are hard to imagine without those
opportunities that open when they are stained, only
should definitely use this service at
a professional hairdresser not to harm the bulge
hair. Very often, women who have grown hair, limit
themselves, daring only on simple styling. However, as shown
practice, extended hair perfectly tolerate even complex
hairstyles, such as wedding or evening.

Hairstyles for long extensible hair suggest styling at
help irons, hair dryer, pin fastening and stealth, only
so as not to damage the capsules. As a matter of fact,
build up and done in order to create on your head
fancy styling, weaving, combinations of high styling, and
released curled locks.

You can be absolutely sure that becoming the owner
professionally hair extensions, you change your appearance and become
more feminine and attractive.

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