Fashionable haircut with shaved temple – Mast Hev 2018of the year!


  • Varieties of haircuts
  • Whom shaved whiskey will go
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • How to diversify hair with shaved temple
  • How to avoid problems during hair regrowth

All people, especially women, always want to stand out from
crowds, and it’s easy enough to do with a hairstyle. Not this way
long ago Hollywood stars such as Avril Lavigne, Rihanna and others
one after another began to appear at various events with…
shaved temples. It was somewhat surprising, because initially
hairstyles and haircuts of this kind were only popular with
representatives of some subcultures, for example, ready, hippies or
punks. Following the stars of world scale such a haircut steel
choose and courageous representatives of the weaker sex.

Like all other hairstyles, haircuts with a shaved temple or
back of the head, has its own features that are worth considering.

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Features hairstyles and its types

Unusual bright haircut certainly attracts attention
surrounding Having decided on such an experiment, you need to be prepared and to
that part of your favorite curls will have to say goodbye.
The amount of shaved hair and the side with which it will be done,
depend on the direction of hair growth, and of its own

There are no strict restrictions in this case, but valid
The unspoken rule is that the longer the remaining hair, the longer
shaved area. It is not necessary to shave whiskey bald,
You can leave a short hedgehog – up to 5 mm. As a basis more
just fit: bob, square, pixie, page, etc., but this does not prohibit
leave and impressive length of hair.

Among the main and most popular types of haircuts are:

  1. Only 1 temple is shaved. This is perhaps the most popular
    an option that is actively practiced by a wide audience. BUT
    he deserved an honorable first place because it is very
    universal. The undoubted advantage is the ability
    adjust the shape of the face, visually lengthening it. Main
    feature haircut is the ability to hide shaved temple,
    combing the hair on the right side – suddenly the haircut “tired” or not
    quite appropriate. Although the last statement is controversial, since
    An example of “stars” shows that this hairstyle perfectly combines even
    with classic evening gowns, and with curls and
    multi-colored strands. But here the matter is limited only
    fantasy and courage.
  2. Shave 2 temples. This option is not suitable for everyone – in
    particular, it is used only on fairly short haircuts,
    because with long curls, it looks a little ridiculous. Wherein
    hair styling of the remaining hair is important because
    With such a haircut, everyone’s attention is guaranteed to you. In addition
    in the same way the back of the head can be decorated.
  3. With the addition of a variety of patterns. Many know that
    men shaved areas on the head are often decorated with various
    patterns. This technique did not pass and women who do not like
    stop there It looks very bold, and
    the number of possible patterns is amazing. But it is worth remembering
    that only such experienced work can be trusted
    masters – artisanal “masterpieces” are not valued at all.

In addition, some are stuffed on the “bald” temples of the tattoo,
which gradually hide under the grown head of hair. If so
the option is not considered, and you still want to decorate yourself, you can
resort to drawings made with henna, or rhinestones. Image immediately
will play with new colors!

Who will suit haircuts with shaved temples

It is a pity, but not everyone will be able to experiment successfully
In a similar way. There are some limitations you need
seriously consider before the final decision. What already
it was said that the length of hair in this case does not play a significant role,
but it is worth choosing the appropriate design option.

Restrictions primarily concern hair color. For example,
Blondes rarely look like this in a winning manner. Also
The most concerns if a woman has thin and rather sparse hair,
without volume – shaving more hair parts will only aggravate the situation with

This haircut is ideal for some categories of women:

  1. brunettes or brown-haired women;
  2. women with soft, oval features.

Wherein не обязательно полностью копировать стиль, форму
hairstyles and her length at the celebrity you like – absolutely
identical still does not work. Each has its own set
features – density, hair structure, facial features. How do they
apply in conjunction with the “temple” can prompt an experienced

In addition to general recommendations related to color and quality
characteristics of the curls, this haircut is combined with different
coloring options and hairstyles:

  • coloring;
  • highlighting and other species;
  • long bangs.

Separately, you can note the excellent combination with African

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Advantages and disadvantages

A cardinal change of image towards bold decisions requires
serious approach. Need to weigh how you will feel
under scrutiny, whether it is suitable for lifestyle and
thoughts. Like all the other hairstyles, “shaved temple” has its
advantages and disadvantages.


  • everyone’s attention to your person is guaranteed in any
    the setting;
  • fits most styles in clothes and jewelery –
    sporty, romantic, casual, etc .;
  • Some haircuts can be changed easily.
    necessities, for example, one shaved temple easily hides
    combing curls on one side;
  • helps to change the facial features and open the bend of the neck, which is
    makes a woman more feminine;
  • haircut at home is possible, but this option is not
    all will succeed;
  • the image becomes bright and opens up new horizons for
    experimenting with color, accessories and clothing.

There are a lot of advantages, but there are also disadvantages, and since
shaved hair will grow long;
with them:

  1. Fashion is a changeable lady who tends to go through
    quickly, changing trends one by one. Behind her is not always possible
    keep up, and accelerate hair growth – will not work.
  2. Care is required in this case not only behind the hairdo itself,
    which often requires careful styling, but also gradually
    growing hair. Since haircut implies restrictions in
    the length of these hairs is usually up to 5 mm, then the master will have to attend
  3. When changing the image will have to grow and hide the temple
    for a long time, while it will not look very
  4. This image is suitable for representatives of not all professions. AT
    For our country, it is definitely inappropriate for: state or
    municipal institutions, teachers, especially primary
    education. AT деловой сфере более широкие границы, но в
    classical understanding – is also not welcome.

If such changes still attract you, then better
hurry and have time to shave the whiskey while this hairstyle is still
is in trend. The first wave of fashion for her has already passed, but still
she hasn’t lost her position in salons

How to diversify hair with shaved temple

Independent creation of “masterpieces” in this case is too
risky. This requires not only certain skills and
tools, but also manual dexterity, which is still better
contact a professional.

  • Curl Color

The brightness of the image implies courage in everything, therefore, especially
the combination of such a haircut with fashionable ones will look original
modern shades: black, chestnut, red. In addition, on
the peak of popularity bright strands: yellow, purple, red, etc.
Wherein не обязательно окрашивать их стойкой краской. ATыпускается
a lot of tools to paint a couple of curls just up
next wash. It allows you to be very stylish and fashionable.
party and the next day wash your hair and go to
work or to college.

  • Piling

Piling оставшихся локонов ни в коем случае не должна быть
careless, otherwise the haircut will lose all the “chic”. On the contrary – the image
should be carefully thought out, and for this you should stock up
tools and tools for styling: foam, wax, curling iron and
ironing ATарианты укладки в первую очередь будут зависеть от длины
major hairs, and make them do it yourself in home

  • Long hair

Knowingly suggest a large number of ways to lay
hair. The most common is the creation of waves or large curls,
which are placed on the side opposite to the shaved temple and
fixed with hairpins, invisible and varnish. Create waves
You can use curling, curlers or ironing.

You can lift your hair up or braid your braid, especially if
shaved both temples. This may be, for example, horse tail. With
This should be done bouffant and volume at the crown – without
his hairstyle will lose all its appeal.

  • Short hair length

Short hair in combination with the design of the temples
attract even more attention and often suggest epatage. Highly
stylish look large curls, combed to one side. Often
a short haircut is combined with an unusual contrasting color
resistant paint or special chalks that provide temporary
Effect. Highly короткую стрижку моделируют с помощью воска.

  • Bang

Smooth or straight bangs very rarely look good, but
graduated long on its side – great.

How to grow hair in a shaved area

Often when growing short hairs occur
inconvenience because the hairstyle looks untidy and is not at all
stylishly. In order for this agonizing period to pass to the maximum
comfortably, you can use some tips:

  1. An ideal and convenient way would be to cover this area.
    with your hair, combing them to the other side and securing;
  2. overhead strands – this method is suitable if the zone is short
    hairs are very large and can not cover her
  3. foams and gels will help lay down the remaining hair and fix
  4. bandages, scarves and other accessories can be used to

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option to change your appearance which nevertheless not
obliges its possessor to any particular

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