Fashionable business hairstyles for long hair

Business hairstyle is a must-have element
business style. It is largely determined by the dress code adopted in
this or that company. However, with all its diversity, such
hairstyle has common mandatory characteristics – it is severity,
restraint and accuracy.

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Owners of long hair should be given special attention.
his hairstyle, as in many companies loose long
hair is absolutely unacceptable. Fortunately, fashion business hairstyles
develops no worse than evening or everyday. TO
For example, a traditional bundle can be as high as performed on
crown, and very low, reaching the neck line. His form
can also be very diverse. Twist the long tail in
loose the harness and lay it around the base in the form of a round
buns (horizontal bundle) or cone (vertical bundle).
You can make a complicated version, if you collect a bunch of several
bundles intertwined.

The main thing in this hairstyle is restraint and modesty, therefore
decorative details should be kept to a minimum. Better if
the bundle will simply be fixed by pins and stealth, skillfully
disguised in your hair. An exception can only be
simple in form barrette black, brown or gray.

Another very popular business hairstyle is
hair styling in the form of “shells”: hair is gathered together on
occiput of the head, slightly twisted along the entire length in a light
harness and then wrapped in the form of a shell so that the ends of the strands
were hidden inside. This version of the “shells” looks very
strictly and with restraint, and if desired, this hairstyle can be lightened,
if you leave the ends of the hair free and as if covering
�”Shell” on top. The latter option, as a rule, do not fix
Only studs, but also a hairpin.

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tail. Actually, a beautifully gathered high tail in itself
is already an excellent option for business negotiations.
But we must remember that it will look rich only with a very
quality accessory (barrette or clip), so women
often choose a compromise, but the most natural and
elegant option – they mask the base of the tail specifically
highlighted hair strand.

Hair looks very strict, elegant and neat
braided in braids. For the business hairstyle is perfect
French braid with all its variety of variations.

  1. First of all, service jackets are very practical, because thanks to a very
    dense weaving perfectly retain their shape.
  2. Secondly, such braids allow you to create beautiful on your head
    patterns and patterns, making the hairstyle unusual and very
  3. Thirdly, hair, braided in this technique, reveal the whole
    its beauty, because “weaving on the head” emphasizes and strengthens
    natural shine and beautiful hair color.

We hope you find your version of business hairstyle from
proposed by us.

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