Fashion braid in the Greek style: how to weave

Since ancient times, hair is considered the subject of a special “guarding” from
the effects of otherworldly witchcraft. In ancient Russia, girls
took care of the spit before marriage, and its cutting off was considered the highest
the shame equated to loss of maiden honor. Hair used
in the magical rites of voodoo, making of them dolls, with the help of which
after being ruled by a man or harmed by him.

In ancient Greece, free and wealthy townspeople wore long
the hair that distinguished them from poor and shaved women
or sheared slaves. In the same glorified Greece
hair designated their owner as a priestess of one or another
deities. So, for example, Bacchante, going to a half-trans dance,
shook with developing curls and became similar to
deadly Medusa Gorgon.

Refinement, naturalness, elegance – all this is integral
part of the appearance of a civilized woman both in the past and in
present. Both the condition and the look of the hair play here solo, since
unkempt and disheveled lady – this is not a lady, but, sorry,
bum. But cosmetologists and doctors, even a cursory examination of the ladies
head of hair can diagnose a number of hidden diseases. Our
�”Space antennas”, as some call them, need all
the same cosmetic and energy protection of which they knew
girls are still in “dark times”.

To this day, “dobreli” examples of hairstyles from enlightened Greece
in the form of statues, bas-reliefs and drawings on the dishes. Curly curls,
falling on the proud shoulders, tight bunches, skillful flagella and braids.
By the way, about the latter. Of course, these were not thick blond braids of length
on the floor, like our Slavic beautiful girls, and thin,
intricate weave, “bordering” the heads of proud daughters
Aphrodite. To this day, the Greek style braid is considered an attribute
femininity and the right choice of hairdresser. This kind
hairstyle, however, is not as complicated as it seems at first glance.

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How to weave a Greek braid?

�”How to braid the Greek braid?”, – you ask. Technology
is quite simple, and with proper skill and irrepressible fantasy such
hairstyle can turn into a real hairdressing masterpiece.
Remember that nothing is impossible for a person … with intelligence,
as the woman of fashion “Verochka” from “Office Romance” used to say. And therefore
we arm with the necessary tools and a drop of patience.

The Greek braid, it’s the Greek braid, is woven by many
in ways. The easiest one is to make a rim of hair around the edge of the forehead,
from one lovely ear to another, and the rest of the hair either
leave loose (in this case it is necessary to fix
braided braid with invisibility right under the ear), or
complete the usual oblique.

One important point! On short hair, this hairstyle is not
work out. It is a pity, but women with haircuts will have to look for
yourself something else. But for long curls, whether straight or
curled hair, Greek braid – an alternative to simple hairstyles like
for work and for publication. The difference will be
only in the complexity of weaving such a scythe and the time spent.

Ways to braid the Greek braid you can find a huge
quantity, but there are a couple of “uniform” recommendations. Spit in Greek
style does not tolerate messy hair. Therefore, urgently wash, apply your
favorite styling tool, dry it. Next you need to divide
hair parting (its location depends on where and how you
you will “perform” the braid), and standardly weave a “spike” of three
strands. Weaving direction – from one ear to another, here
choose the sequence yourself. Then, if you have long hair, you can
continue to zigzag on your own, or restrict modest
oblique rim. In short, fantasy and imagination are here

Don’t forget to “walk” your hairstyle more often so that people
marveled, and it was pleasant and not a pity for the wasted forces.

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