Eyelashes – a delicate matter. What vitamins are theyare needed?

There is a sign language, and sometimes an eye language. Sometimes enough
take a quick look out from under the eyelashes to file a certain
signal: you are interesting to me, but I will not take the first step. Sometimes with
such a short look begins a long happy joint
a life. But so that the look was not just noticed, but caused a reciprocal
the response, it is necessary that it was quite expressive. And what gives
expressiveness to our eyes? Of course the eyelashes are thick, long,
they make the look velvety, languid, enveloping.

There are many epithets. No wonder that poets have been chanting the beauty of women for centuries.
the eye, we will end with one – in short, sexy, that is
extraordinarily attractive. Of course, we do so much for
of this: we paint them with mascara and spin them up. That’s just sometimes in the evening
we forget to care for them, and we go to bed without taking off from our eyes
makeup. Naturally, the eyelashes respond to this mockery
the only available way for them is to begin to weaken and
fall out.

For some reason, women who carefully take care of their
hair, provide them with nutrition and moisture, does not come in
head, that the eyelashes are the same hair, only small, and
also need care, nutrition and hydration. And they need vitamins for


Vitamins for eyelashes

  • Retinol or Vitamin A.

Fat-soluble vitamin, accelerating the healing of various wounds,
helps to normalize the metabolism. Enough
retinol stimulates the growth of our eyelashes, restores them,
improves the structure and makes it elastic. Lack of this vitamin
приводит к ломкости и сухости eyelashes.

  • Vitamins of group B.

Water soluble vitamins. Very important for the female body.
A deficiency of these vitamins leads to slow hair growth and
eyelashes, to increased hair loss, up to baldness. Consumption
The required amount of this group of vitamins protects against the appearance of
premature gray hair, high fat content and weak eyelashes
and hair.

  • Vitamin C.

Well-known antioxidant debugs
redox activity in the cells of the body.
Stimulates the normal functioning of blood vessels, resulting in
hair follicles receive the necessary nourishment and become
stronger. Helps calcium and gland to properly digest
the body.

  • Vitamin E.

Indispensable for the nutrition of the skin and hair vitamin. Lack of it
causes dryness and brittleness. Getting in the body gives healthy
shine to the eyelashes, nourishes the hair follicles, strengthens and protects against
harmful sun rays.

Features of our cilia

These small keratin hairs consist of 97%. Another 3%
makes up the water. They grow slower than any other body hair, and
their lifespan is only 170 days. As soon as you became
notice that the eyelashes fall out more than usual, or others
alarming symptoms, start treatment immediately. Suit
need from several sides. First, fill your daily
ration of useful and vitamin-containing foods. Tomatoes and
spinach, carrots and peppers, egg yolk, liver of fish and animals,
Butter, apricots, wild rose and sea buckthorn. Accompany it
taking vitamins A and E complexes. Secondly, proper care
the face. High-quality cosmetics and mandatory face cleansing before
a dream. Thirdly, health procedures for eyelashes with
using the necessary products.

Care for eyelashes with vitamins

The simplest and yet effective tool that can
apply at home – castor oil.

It is produced by cold pressing from the seeds of the eastern
plants called castor oil. Oil is available to everyone and
cost, and the presence in any pharmacy. But applying it to
distressed eyelashes there is no price. With some other drugs you can
compare the nutritional, strengthening and protective properties of castorca.
The fatty acids contained in it prevent dryness and
brittleness, speeds up the metabolism and growth, and even attached to the eyelashes
темный цвет, позитивно воздействуя на пигменты внутрand hair.

However, all these charms can only be felt with regular and
correct procedures. Recommendations are usually: hold twice
per year, better in spring and autumn, 2–3 months intensive courses
лечения eyelashes.

Castor and Vitamin Treatments

Using an empty and well-washed mascara tube,
you will be very convenient device for storage and application
medicinal formulations.

  1. Mix castor oil with almond, olive or burdock
    oil, add fish oil, which contains a lot of vitamin A
    (the main strengthening component for eyelashes), a little oil
    solution of vitamin E or capsules “Aevit” in oil.
  2. Useful for strengthening and growth of eyelashes balsam, which also
    can be made independently: castor and burdock oils, taken in
    equal proportions, oil solution of vitamin E and aloe juice. Such a balm
    наносится, как тушь, каждый вечер перед a dream. The course is 1
  3. Strengthen the follicles and restore the structure of the cilia will help
    mask of 3 ml of castor oil and chamomile essential oils and
    calendula which need to add 5 drops.
  4. You can also feed eyelashes with a peculiar cocktail of oils.
    (sea buckthorn, fir or castor) with the addition of several
    drops of vitamin A.
  5. Mix equally strong black tea and burdock oil.
    And growth will accelerate, and the color will become richer.
  6. Practice a compress twice a week. Cornflower decoction,
    chamomile, coltsfoot or calendula wet cotton pads and
    hold them on closed eyelids for 20 minutes.

When using all oil products, be careful to
the mixture did not get on the mucous membrane of the eye, and there was no sensation
oily veil on the eyes – getting rid of it will be pretty

It will never be superfluous to consult specialists. Good
physiotherapy sessions, in particular, eyelid massage,
magnetic therapy, ozone therapy. Thanks to these procedures removed
inflammation, improves metabolism, nutrition of eyelashes and
кровообращение в зоне их роста, укрепляется структура eyelashes.

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