Exotic facial massage with Achatina snails

In her pursuit of excellence, a woman is ready for much. From
the simplest skin care at home, to amazing salon
procedures and plastic surgery. To the most unusual events
for the rejuvenation of the skin has joined another.

улитки ахатина, фото


Snail therapy

In Japan and other countries of the east in the most expensive salons
Beauty a few years ago was born a new service. Face massage
snails Achatina. A rather strange exotic procedure quickly.
has gained commitment and authority among women
aspiring, by all means, look younger and more beautiful.
The practice of using snails with such an extraordinary goal appeared and
in our country. Why not, there is no need to pay money to snails,
they eat little and only vegetable food, in the care of unpretentious, and
Here is the effect of their massage. And, despite the fact that scientific
no one has done any research yet
information about the benefits of such an action, customers who have completed the course
ulitkoterapii just loved.

Useful properties of snail mucus

Chemical analyzes of mucus secreted by snails in
the process of movement and life, showed the presence
some natural substances that are constantly used in
cosmetology and even in medicine.

These include:

  1. Allantoin is a powerful antioxidant that repels attacks
    free radicals slowing the process of premature aging
    skin and also very effectively restores various
    damage to the skin, from mechanical to burns;
  2. vitamins A, C, E, which are very saturated mucus, have
    moisturizing, nourishing, softening, protective and
    anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, in addition, refresh and
    even out skin tone;
  3. elastin and collagen are proteins that support elasticity and
    elasticity of connective tissue;
  4. glycolic acid has an effective cleansing effect
    removing dead cells from the upper layer of the skin;
  5. antibiotic peptides neutralize most pathogenic
    microflora, falling on the surface of our skin, helps in the fight
    with acne and various inflammatory processes caused by
  6. solar filter that protects the skin from ultraviolet

Thanks to these components, the skin after a course of snail massage
becomes toned, refreshed and velvet. In this manner
cures scars, stretch marks, acne, pigment spots decrease.
There is a general rejuvenation and healing of all layers of the skin,
wrinkles are smoothed and the skin becomes elastic.

With the help of snail mucus, you can get rid of stretch marks on the stomach,
remaining after pregnancy and childbirth, as well as from warts on

Many burn centers around the world use Achatina snails
for the treatment of burns of varying severity.

Exotic procedure

In the process of crawling on the face of the client, the snail massage therapist is actively
cleans the skin, eating dead horny cells of the epidermis.
Thus, in addition to a light massage, you also get
natural peeling, after which there are never any complications,
because no chemistry or mechanical abrasive is used.

Despite all the advantages and useful properties of snails and their
secretory secretions, there are several disadvantages of this newfangled
skin rejuvenation techniques.

  • The high cost of salon procedures using snails.
  • The need for constant control of the movement of mollusks
    face surfaces to avoid contact with eyes, nose and mouth.
  • The specific procedure is not equally easy for everyone, since
    many feel disgust towards such slippery
    animals like snails.

Contraindications include only personal intolerance,
causing allergic reactions in the form of a rash or redness. If a
In the course of the massage, these symptoms appeared, should immediately
stop the procedure, rinse your face and no longer use
such a method.

How is the massage

This new wellness treatment is suitable for any area.
body and equally useful for both women and men. By virtue of its
considerable cost, most often it is used for the skin of the face, neck and
decollete area. After all, these areas are almost always on
it’s difficult to hide signs of fatigue, aging and various
skin damage.

If a вы решились на такой шаг и записались в салон на
snail therapy, then prepare for the following actions.

  • Makeup and dirt from the surface of the face clean. Offer
    take a comfortable position, for example, lie down in such a way that
    the head was thrown back and was parallel to the floor. On the skin
    quite a bit of milk is applied. Snails like this a lot.
    Achatina. They are then planted directly on the chin, cheeks and forehead.
    themselves masseurs. At the same time on the face can range from three
    to five mollusks, it depends on their sizes and on their presence in
    specific cabin.
  • The duration of the procedure is different. Some salons offer on
    for an hour, relax and feel a soft movement on the face.
    Others recommend a 30 minute massage, and then hold for another half hour
    evenly distributed mucus on skin as a mask.
  • At the end of the session, the skin must be rinsed and applied.
    moisturizing cream.
  • It is advised to conduct such a massage every other day or at least twice in
    week for 1.5–2 months.

Home use

You can get all this relaxation and treatment at home,
independently making the necessary preparations.

Для начала, само собой, нужно обзавестись улиткой Achatina.
Keep it to the aquarium or terrarium large enough
size. Observing a warm and humid climate, caring for the soil in
aquarium, providing the animal the right food, you get
healthy and active snail.

Now about the technical side. Wash with soap and water without
using aggressive synthetic agents. Be sure to bathe
his pet, and completely. Apply a little on your skin
milk or cream and you can run a snail. Be sure to watch
so she didn’t fall. The time of the procedure is not from the salon
is different.

Wash off the dried layer of mucus, moisturize the face with cream and
enjoy the sensations of softness, freshness and youth.

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