Does the mummy from stretch marks help?

Мумие от растяжек. Does the mummy from stretch marks help? Мумие от растяжек: рецептOh,
how difficult is the woman’s share! Pray tell why men don’t
worry that they will have stretch marks and a new swimsuit
You can sharpen in a dark closet forever. Stretch marks – one of the most
sinister enemies of a woman.


The causes of stretch marks

Stretch marks are a skin defect that is narrow
wavy stripes. They may have a different width and shade. how
typically, stretch marks protrude above the surface of the skin, making them
more noticeable. Among the main causes of such a defect
can highlight the following:

  • 1. Pregnancy. While waiting for the baby to be born in the body
    women hormonal adjustment occurs that is negative
    affects the condition of the skin. As a result of the tensile
    Impacts and stretch marks appear.
  • 2. A sharp increase or decrease in body weight. If set or
    the loss of kilograms occurs too quickly, the skin does not have time
    adapt to new conditions. As a result of this on her and
    Stretch marks appear.
  • 3. In adolescence, there may be changes in work.
    adrenal cortex. This leads to excessive hormone production,
    which provokes the formation of skin defects.
  • 4. The use of hormonal drugs. For this reason, stretch marks
    may appear even in men.
  • 5. Genetic predisposition.

The use of mummy in the fight against stretch marks

The most affected parts of the female body are the breasts,
hips, belly and, of course, our favorite buttocks. Fighting
stretch marks, or stretch marks, is the holy duty of every woman. AT
her arsenal can be a lot of tools, including herbal baths,
essential oils, massage, peeling, wraps and mummy. let’s
Let us dwell on the latter and find out all its main properties and

First of all, even asking the question whether the mummy helps from stretch marks
not worth it. The fact of efficiency has been proven long ago, and it’s not to discuss
follows. And women use it, since there are many means:
Mummy masks, lotions with the addition of this beautiful product.
Our goal is not to succumb to depression, and, armed with a mummy, begin
effective and productive fight against stretch marks.

Mumiyo – “tar resin, which is mined in mountain caves
Central Asia. It is a natural blend of organic and
inorganic substance, highly soluble in water, which
concentrates in rock crevices, voids, and niches in the form
films, crusts, in the form of black, dark brown and brown
resinous masses in which there is sand and crushed stone.

AT чем польза мумие?

  1. Mumie is of organic origin, therefore, it
    has a huge amount of trace elements. Especially valuable of
    these are zinc, nickel, calcium, aluminum and magnesium. Besides,
    This substance incorporates a number of irreplaceable
    amino acids.
  2. Mumiye has a complex effect on the body. Thanks
    its application can give the skin elasticity and saturate it
    vitamins and nutrients. That is why this substance
    successfully fights with stretch marks.
  3. Mumiye also has wound healing and regenerating
    property. Therefore, it is necessary to use it immediately after
    as you noticed stretch marks on your body.
  4. This substance is completely safe. Its fearlessly
    you can use even mothers who are breastfed.

Mumie-based recipes

AT использование мумие также очень проста. Critically inspect
your stretch marks, evaluate the level of “neglect” and choose
suitable remedy.

  1. 1. Cream, which contains mummy. This means
    perfect for ladies suffering from small scars and thin
    stretch marks, even long-standing. Doctors usually recommend your
    daily cream or lotion add a small amount
    mummy, about 2-3 grams. The mixture must be mixed with a special
    once a day with carefulness, rub cream into problem areas
    massaging movements. In order to multiply the effect
    from such a tool in the process of its application can be used
    massage roller. It will help increase blood circulation in the problem
    area. After a short time, the question whether the mummy helps
    stretch marks will no longer worry you because the nasty stretch marks
  2. 2. Mummy in the composition of aromatic oils. Yes, this option is also
    there is a place to be. Its effect is that
    natural oils and so is the mass of substances useful for the skin.
    Plus, you can not worry about the smell of mummy, rather
    unpleasant! However, in this case, you must be firmly convinced that
    No allergies, otherwise it will not be up to stretch marks! And now – attention
    how to use aromatic oils and mummy from stretch marks. Recipe: 1
    gram mummy mixed with 1 tablespoon of selected
    aromatic oil. A word of advice: good smell overlap
    mummy peppermint oil, as well as pink. And if you choose
    orange oil, which is the most effective remedy anyway
    from cellulite, the effect will be simply amazing! Remains only
    apply the mixture onto the skin, thoroughly massage into
    problem areas.
  3. 3. Oily cream. Dilute 1 gram mummy in a teaspoon warm
    water. AT полученную кашицу введите столовую ложку розового или
    peppermint oil. This cream should be rubbed into the affected areas.
    skin. But remember that oils can cause allergic reactions.
    реакций, поэтому злоупотреблять таким рецептом not worth it.

Mumiyo from stretch marks, the recipe we gave is excellent
solution for women not willing to resort to operational
intervention by creating your own spa at home. Agree, perspective

According to clinical studies, more than 70
percent of women said that it was the mummy that relieves stretch marks
the best thing! The percentage is quite high, and the affordable price is profitable.
Shades mummy among other popular means. And do not need help

Say goodbye to stretch marks and tell them not “goodbye”, but

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