DMAE – a supplement of eternal youth

DMAE bioadditive is one of the most striking discoveries of recent years in
rejuvenation areas. Same as, for example, hyaluronic acid.
Если ваш косметолог ничего не слышал о  ДМАЕ, сделайте выводы.
Probably, this person has little interest in the latest developments,
not up to date and not able to comment on the composition
cosmetics and dietary supplements, which rejuvenates the whole world.

Behind the letters DMAE hides the abbreviation of the word
dimethylaminoethanol. This is a substance of natural origin,
able to influence the brain and skin condition. DMAE stimulates
brain function, improves memory, ability to concentrate,
makes sleep deeper, and dreams brighter. But most importantly, DMAE is
most powerful antioxidant, i.e. slows down cell aging
body and skin.

In elderly people, toxic toxic accumulates in the cells.
lipofuscin pigment. Under old age, each cell can be 30%
clogged with lipofuscin. Reception DMAE, even for several months
can reduce the content of toxic pigment in the cell

How powerful anti-aging remedy DMAE increases in the body
содержание активного вещества ацетилхолина,  которое повышает
the tone of the facial muscles, so that the skin tightens and looks more
elastic.  Some people who apply DMAE notice that they have
naturally pulled, fallen over the years the tip of the nose, not
to speak of lingering eyelids and facial contours.

Initially, DMAE was released only in the form of pill supplements. AT
In recent years, the substance began to be introduced into the rejuvenating
creams and serums for the face, and now for a more pronounced
actions can be combined internal and external use.

AT виде биодобавок можно покупать DMAE любой хорошей фирмы. But
as an external means DMAE begins to act, if its proportions
in the cream is at least 0.5%. Not all manufacturers comply
technology, so it’s better to buy proven brands.

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