Electrode should be carefully inserted into the base of the glass tube.
With the contact technique, a glass electrode is gently passed over the skin.
When the procedure begins and ends, in order to avoid
sparks electrode base is recommended to hold with your fingers.
You can also process the skin through sterile gauze or
paper napkin. Dry skin, smeared with cream, treated in
for 2-3 minutes, oily, sprinkled with talcum powder – 5-8 minutes.
Try to avoid touching the patient with your hands so as not to
there was a spark discharge.
Кожу нельзя обрабатывать спиртовыми лосьонами, так как они
can spark a spark that will cause a fire!
With a remote electrode technique, as soon as it comes to
pustules, detached from the face, with the formation of a spark,
which cauterizes the skin. It can also move over the skin on
distance of 0.3-0.5 mm from the skin, without contacting it, to create
effect of lifting – lifting.
For the treatment of hair loss, use a comb electrode
who need to drive on the partings for 3-7 minutes. it
stimulates blood circulation and irritates hair
follicles that move from the fading phase to the active phase
work. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures that are carried out.
in one day.
Private darsonvalization techniques
- Darsonvalization of the scalp
The procedure is carried out in a sitting position. From the hair you need to remove
all metal objects (hairpins, etc.) and comb your hair.
Scallop electrode slowly and smoothly along the hairy part
head from the forehead in the direction of the neck. With a short haircut you can
led by the electrode and in the opposite direction. Impact
carried out within 8-10 minutes, with low power, every day
или in one day. The course is 20-30 procedures.
- Century darsonvalization
The procedure is carried out in a sitting or lying position, you need to head
lock headrest. Technique контактная.
The electrode is a cylindrical or conical shape smoothly lead
on the skin of the eyelid (eyes closed). Power is small. The procedure is carried out
ежедневно или in one day. Starting from 1 minute, gradually
increase (each procedure for 1 minute) and adjusted to 5 minutes.
The course consists of 15 procedures.
- Darsonvalization of the face area
Seated or lying down, head fixed
head restraint. Depending on the evidence method may be
contact or remote. Mushroom electrode make
slow circular movements, smoothly moving it from the forehead to the nose and
chin in turn on one and the other half of the face. Procedures
held every day or every other day for 5-10
minutes, power average or big (according to indications). Course
makes 15-30 procedures.
- Darsonvalization of the collar area
Position – recumbent, but better sedentary. Mushroom electrode
make circular motions, starting from the clavicle in front and up to the 6th
thoracic vertebra from behind. Technique дистанционная, воздушный зазор
small. Procedures проводят каждый день или через день, по 10-15
minutes, power is average. Course составляет 10-15 procedures.
- Darsonvalization with damaged skin (wound, ulcer, abrasion)
Comfortable position. Electrode selection depends on size
affected area. If the wound is extensive, mushroom is used.
electrode. First, within 3-5 minutes, effects on
the skin that surrounds the center of damage (radius 5-8 cm), then 1-3
minutes affect the outbreak directly, and in conclusion
for 3-5 minutes – to the corresponding area of the spinal cord. If a
the wound is bandaged, the procedure is carried out immediately after the dressing, and
the electrode moves along the surface of the bandage. In the days when held
dressing, you need to effect on the wound for 10-12
minutes, power is low or medium. Course составляет 10-15
- Darsonvalization warts
It is carried out by a remote method. Intracavitary electrode
hold over the place of growth of the skin, maintaining an air gap of 1.5-2
см. Impact осуществляется 1 раз в 5 дней, мощность большая.
Course составляет 3-5 procedures.