Chic makeup with red shadows – 3options


  • Red eye makeup with an arrow focus
  • Evening makeup under a red dress
  • Bright makeup for girls with green eyes
  • Who should not do makeup red?

красный макияж глаз

Red color is always very bright and somewhat defiant.
Even small pieces of red can create passionate and
bold image. Previously, makeup with red shadows was considered more
Stage rather than suitable for daily use.
However, starting in 2014, red makeup has become actively
used by stylish women and in casual looks.
Сегодня мы предлагаем вам 3 options макияжа в красно — розовых

The fashion for red eye makeup began with the idea of ​​creative
the director of the fashion house Chanel Lucia Pick that in a beautician
each girl must be present red shadows and
pencil for liner. Many girls have already followed her advice.
and tried on the scarlet eye makeup.

For a very long time, the red accent in make-up was only
arrow made red eyeliner. Now such restrictions
no longer relevant and you can afford to use red
color on the eyes in any way. One of the most popular
options is makeup in black and red, which will have to
to taste not only followers of punk rock style. This makeup
quite complex in design and for creating it better
use the services of a professional makeup artist who
will help you find the right shades and demonstrate the correct

However, in the absence of such an opportunity, you can try
perform such makeup and do it yourself, following some tips
from fashion designers. With red you can experiment and
try several different makeup options to find for
yourself fit.


Red eye makeup with an arrow focus

With the help of liquid shadows in a pearl shade is necessary to highlight
inner corner and place under the eyebrow. These shadows are pretty fast.
dry up, so they need to be immediately shaded with a brush. At first
need to put the shadows under the eyebrow and shade them down, and then
paint over the inside corner and perform feathering aside
outer edge.

The lower and upper eyelids need to be filled with liquid pink shades and
shade them with a pearl shade. In the upper century is necessary
stretch the color to form a petal and direct the feathering into
the direction of the temple. Lower eyelid shade, heading for the middle

To make the makeup saturation, you must apply red
shadows for both centuries.

Next you need to draw an accent in the form of an arrow along the upper
eyelashes. The line should expand from the inside

The arrow must be combined with the line of the lower eyelid and paint over
using the brush ciliary row. It is necessary to do this
so that both arrows also form a petal. If a
look at yourself in the mirror full face, then in the area of ​​the outer edge
eyes you can see the hole, which also needs to be painted over with liner,
to form a continuous line.

With the help of black kayal you need to select the mucous and fill
intercellular space. The arrows also need to connect and
inner corner of the eye.

Eyelashes need to intensely make up ink. Makeup with an arrow

Bright makeup for an evening look

First, apply a white shade under the eyebrow and in the corner
eyes to brighten these areas. Application limits need
shade carefully so that they are not sharp.

Next on the eyelid you need to apply the main shade and shade it
from the fold to the side of the temple. To do this, a flat brush is necessary
keep at a sharp angle. Shades of burgundy shade need to be applied
intense enough to be shaded on white
color and lead into a translucent haze. In the corner of the eye also need
shade white and burgundy shades.

The tail in the outer corner of the eye should be removed, continuing the line
lower eyelid towards the temple.

Use the same color for the eyelid of the lower eyelid and then
connect this line with the top so as to get a petal. Colour
on the lower eyelid should be applied less intensely, as it will
base for mica.

In place of feathering white shadows with burgundy need to apply
nacreous pink shades. Also they need to make a small
accent under the brow.

On the eyeliner of the lower eyelid, you must intensively apply the mica of gold.
colors with medium grinding. Brush need to stretch the layer of mica
way down.

With a small brush, you need to carefully apply the shadows on
mucosa of the lower eyelid or use a pencil of the same
shade. Eyelashes are well painted with mascara, if necessary, you can
stick extra bundles.

яркий бордовый макияж

Rich makeup for green eyes

This makeup needs to start with the main accent that defines
eye shape. With a small flat brush you need
draw an arrow along the upper ciliary row starting from
pupil. Its shape and bend should coincide with the bottom line.

The eyeliner of the lower eyelid begins from the outer part of the iris of the eye.
The line must be made flat and connect in a walk with an arrow. Shadow
нужно увести в складку от угла до внутренней части iris

The space inside the resulting part must be carefully
fill with a burgundy tinge and shade all borders. Top
the arrow should be shaded in the direction of the start of the eyebrow, while brushing
need to keep parallel to the skin, performing feathering the most
the tip.

Растушевку на нижнем веке выполнять в сторону центра ear.

Pink shades need to be applied to the upper eyelid and, making
brush similar movements, make a smooth transition to burgundy
Colour. Розовый оттенок должен располагаться по центру century. Clear
borders should not be, they need to be carefully shaded.

Lower eyelid need to issue the same color.

In the inner corner and under the eyebrow you need to put white shadows, after
Why shade them with a pink tinge on the moving eyelid and with
burgundy on fixed.

On the transition between white and pink tint with a wide flat brush
need to add a little pink pearl.

Finishes this makeup smooth beautiful arrow along the top

It remains only to apply mascara and makeup for
светловолосых красавиц ready!

Who should not do makeup in red shades?

Despite the fact that red makeup has long ceased to be something
extravagant and firmly in everyday fashion, there are
some features of the exterior that do not allow it

  1. Red makeup should not be done if there are under the eyes
    black circles and bags, and the eyes themselves look tired and
    reddened. Scarlet shades only underline burst capillaries.
    on proteins will make the look even more painful and add
  2. Very light blue or gray eyes are also contraindicated.
    all shades of red in makeup.
  3. Owners of very light hair, eyebrows and skin also do not
    стоит использовать красный Colour.
  4. In no case should not be applied bright red on the lower eyelid.
    Of course, this technique will attract a lot of attention, however
    it looks more intimidating than beautiful. Such an image can
    try on only on Halloween, there he will be in place.
  5. With short eyelashes, you should also avoid red makeup,
    because in this case he will make his eyes tired. But with this
    проблемой легко справиться при помощи накладных eyelashes.

In creating a stylish red make-up, as in other techniques,
it is very important to follow the order of execution. Any makeup needed
start with skin preparation, which is to thoroughly
cleansing. If a этого не сделать, макияж рискует получиться
sloppy and the image as a whole will look untidy and
vulgar. In this case, the resistance of the coating also suffers.
Therefore, before applying cosmetics skin must be clean, and
moisturized with a cream that you usually use in the care
for the skin.

Red, burgundy and pink color on the eyes looks very
stylish and fresh and attracts many views. Many
women are increasingly choosing red eye makeup to create
your fashionable image. When used properly, this shade
able to open the look and make it more expressive as well
emphasize the depth of view. It can be skillfully combined with clothes,
to create a holistic and harmonious image. Red is beautiful
looks like in the day’s make-up, and in the evening and wedding,
so do not avoid experimenting and try to find for
yourself your way of wearing this gorgeous shade.

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