Cellulite wraps

Обертывания – это, пожалуй, самый древний
way to fight cellulite. The essence of the procedure is very simple: the whole
the skin surface is applied the active substance in the form of a mask. Body
wrapped with film or bandages. Greenhouse effect created by
film, leads to increased blood circulation and increased
activity of sweat sebaceous glands. As a result, the entire surface
skin is absorbed all that is useful in this mask –
trace elements, biologically active substances, plus, from wrapped
Zones are disposed of.

Cellulite wraps

Professional cosmetologists argue a lot about the merits and
deficiencies of certain methods of correction, and only
almost no wrappings opponents. Wraps are not easy
effective way to correct the figure, but also very comfortable –
the patient rests and relaxes during the session.

Indications for wraps are very wide. Wraps can
use with almost any problems with the figure or skin,
varying drugs. You can apply wraps when solving
following problems:

– skin that has lost its elasticity after losing weight, childbirth, and so on. –
cellulite and local fat deposits; – dry rough skin with
symptoms of hyperkeratosis (excessive thickening of the horny layer of the skin
human) – problematic skin with stagnant spots and infiltrates –
sensitive skin prone to flaking and stinging.

Wraps are considered to be especially indicated in cases
when you want to get the desired result as quickly as possible. AT
Currently there are a huge number of options
wraps, and it is difficult for a layperson to remember even their names.
There are fundamentally new drugs, whose task –
to act directly on the mechanism of a problem.
Например, в состав антицеллюлитных растворов для
вводят сегодня целый комплекс компонентов:
fat burning enhancers (carnitine, cola nut extract,
iodized proteins and algae), heating the skin (derivatives
nicotinic acid), reducing microcirculation (arnica,
escuzan) and others. Modern formulations are developed in this way.
so that you can get exactly the concentration of substances
which is required in a particular case.

Wrapping can be complete (from neck to toe) and partial when
limited to bandaging individual parts of the body. It is believed that
full wrap more efficiently. In addition to addressing specific
cosmetic tasks the wrapping procedure also includes
Additional skin care that always needs it.

One of the options wraps – using bandages (elastic
bandages), another option is compression wrap with
films, when gel forms with
extracts of various necessary substances. They are quickly absorbed into the skin.
and leave no marks. Tight film bandaging is good
way lymphatic drainage by increasing tissue pressure. Him
can also be combined with other procedures. Wrapping –
Intensive body care, which is now practiced by many salons
beauty of Moscow, even the smallest. But despite its simplicity
and accessibility, there are a number of contraindications in which
categorically can not hold wraps. For example, wraps with
high iodine is contraindicated if there is a violation
thyroid and iodine allergies. Also should not be
neoplasms, vein inflammation, chronic diseases
respiratory tract cardiovascular diseases. AT этих случаях
mud wraps and warming procedures are excluded. They
also contraindicated in pregnant women.

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