Castor oil will help smooth outwrinkles

In former times, the word “castorca” itself caused several
comic associations, because it was a well-known laxative.
However, now widely used in the cosmetic industry
found many useful qualities of castor oil, which
we’ll talk.

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Useful properties of the good old “castorca”

Castor oil is an excellent nourishing and emollient.
for dry and sensitive skin that helps fight off
fine wrinkles. Total month of its regular use
enough to show its effective effect on the skin:
it becomes smoother and more even, dryness disappears.

The effect of castor oil is so delicate that it
even used for the care of the eyelids, where the skin is the thinnest and
prone to the early appearance of wrinkles. In this case, there will be more
one, so to speak, side positive action: castor
oil stimulates the growth of eyelashes.

The effects of castor oil on the skin are diverse: it does not
only nourishes and softens it, but also destroys cyst growths,
warts, scars, cracks and other defects on the skin.

Castor oil is also successfully used for hair care.
and scalp. However, now we want to offer you a few
recipes for how to use castor oil for wrinkles.

Anti-wrinkle castor oil

  • Wrinkles under the eyes. Heat the tea over the fire or in boiling water
    remove the spoon from the fire and pour a little bit of castor into it
    oil to make it a little warmer. Heated oil needs to be very
    gently lubricate the skin around the eyes and soft movements of the pads
    fingers massage it into the skin. The main thing is not to overheat the oil and not
    burn sensitive skin around the eyes. If you will conduct
    such a procedure two or three times a month, you can get rid of
    small shallow wrinkles and prevent the emergence of new ones.
  • Wrinkles on the face. Heat some castor oil like
    indicated in the previous recipe, and apply it on the face, following
    massage lines, while slightly massage into the skin. Leave on 2
    hour, then remove excess oil with a cotton swab. For better
    effect in castor oil, which will in this case perform
    base role, you can add a few drops of one or several
    essential oils. In principle, you can enrich any cream
    essential oils (no more than 1-2 drops) just before
    by application.

Castor oil can cause clogged pores, so when
regular use should be carried out every 10 days
peeling. However, because of this, you should not refuse to use
castor oil, because the result of his actions will be there, or rather
– on the face: smooth, soft skin, fresh complexion.

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