Burning facial skin. You should not joke!

Burning of the skin of the face can be caused by many reasons: bad
care, too frequent and improper cleansing, wrong selection
cosmetic products. Sometimes skin problems can appear.
a sign of disruption in the work of any organs. Sometimes burning skin
individuals may be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle
hormonal status and general stress.



Burning of the skin of the face can also provoke couperosis – serious.
a disease that causes poor circulation in the dermal
cover. Most often, rosacea is found in sensitive skin,
which is characterized by a special susceptibility, and then on the skin
there is a burning sensation, tingling, itching, sometimes on the skin
reddening and even inflammations of different localization occur – on
cheeks, nose, forehead and chin.

At the onset of the disease redness and burning sensation appear
from time to time, however, the expansion of blood vessels and
loss of elasticity. Redness becomes a permanent phenomenon
and manifests itself more intensely. As a rule, such negative
changes in appearance cause not only physical but also
psychological discomfort.

The appearance of the vascular reticulum on the face is more common in
natural blonde women.

In addition to temperature fluctuations, couperosis can be provoked.
any factors that cause dilation of blood vessels. Appearance
reddening may contribute too hot or too hot
food and alcohol. Risk factors include smoking and
excess ultraviolet radiation, and not only
natural, but also artificial, in the solarium. Hormonal
disturbances and frequent stress only aggravate the process.

Treatment of rosacea

First of all, you need to establish the right skin care. It is impossible
wash with cold water, especially wipe your face with ice. Not worth it
and steam out the skin. All care products must be alcohol free.
eucalyptus, anise, clove and dill oils, menthol,
aloe, honey and other irritants. Do not apply and fruit
acid. After washing, do not rub the face with a towel, let the skin
dry yourself. Take vitamin courses

Purchase and use a special cream of rosacea and
practice healing masks. All creams, masking and toning
means to apply only with your fingertips, so as not to injure
skin with a brush or other devices. As part of the purchased
cosmetics or homemade recipes should be extracts of ginkgo biloba,
Kalgan and olives, butch, Sophora, horse chestnut and clover,
wild myrtle, cypress and blueberry, mimosa, kupeny, green tea or
lemongrass. Instead of ordinary water, it is better to use face wash.
infusions and decoctions of chamomile, calendula, horse chestnut, field
horsetail or yarrow. The same infusions can be used as

Folk recipes

  • To remove skin burning at home, you can
    use one of the recipes of traditional medicine. In equal
    pieces take daisy flowers, lavender flowers, sage leaves and
    Iceland moss, how to grind and mix. 2 tbsp. spoons
    mix pour 300 ml of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes.
    Then insist in a thermos for 2 hours, finally filter. By this
    decoction you need to wash your face 2-3 times a day.
  • Три столовых spoons сушеной ромашки залить стаканом кипящей
    water. Cooled infusion filter, moisten cotton in it
    wipes and attach on areas of redness. 10 minutes is enough
    Compress per day.
  • Withготовить отвар из 2 ложек цветков ромашки и 0,5 л water.
    Cool and strain. Grind into powder 2 tablets Askorutin,
    add to decoction and mix. The result was a healing tonic that
    you can wipe your face daily.
  • Wash fresh potatoes and peel, finely grind
    and apply on the skin as a mask. After 10 minutes, wash off all
    infusion of calendula or chamomile.

In case of rosacea, you should especially protect the skin from frost and wind. AT
winter time, an hour before the cold, make a 15-minute mask.
A teaspoon of peach, linseed or olive oil combined with
the same amount of lanolin, add a little starch or talc.
Mix the mixture into the desired zones, and rinse with chamomile extract.


Chronic skin disease – Rosacea – can also cause
burning face skin. This disease is characterized by the appearance
erythema, bright papules and blackheads, the face constantly looks puffy and
has a steady reddening of the central region. On late
stages of redness begin to condense and manifest
spider vein. Rosacea встречается преимущественно у
fair-skinned people, women more often than men. Rosacea может также
cause eye damage. To this disease exists
genetic predisposition, it often appears in people
who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With
Rosacea should not self-medicate, it’s better to go to
specialists, in particular, to the endocrinologist and dermatologist.

Rosacea Treatment

Unfortunately, apply grandmother’s recipes while disease
can not. Only an experienced and qualified doctor can
recommend some herbal infusions as a wash.
As even such means can aggravate the situation and cause
allergic reaction. The same applies to various imported
certified drugs. Take no action without
consultation with the doctor.

Prescribed ointments and creams with antiseptics have antimicrobial
action, and cold compresses based on decoctions of some
medicinal plants, relieve inflammation and reduce redness.
Sometimes prescribed antibiotics.

AT наше время все большее применение находят электрокоагуляция,
cryodestruction, dermabrasion. Often successfully practiced by some
types of peeling.

The restrictions and prohibitions for rosacea include the entire list,
given for rosacea.

Be attentive to yourself, do not let complications, then you can
will cure these unpleasant and complex diseases.

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