Burdock oil – a gift for the skin

Burdock oil – one of the favorite means of traditional medicine.
Even our distant ancestors learned to extract it from the roots
ordinary burdock (or burdock big, as it is called in
botany). Fortunately, we are spared the need to waste time and
forces on self cooking burdock oil at home
conditions. Now you just have to go to the pharmacy, and this
a healing tool can be used without any hassle.
purpose. What is the purpose of burdock oil?


The benefits of burdock oil for the face

Burdock oil is widely used both in pharmacology and in
cosmetic industry mainly as an ingredient of various
skin creams. Its action is based on regeneration and
cleansing effect, which is especially important in skin care. Known
that the skin cells, like any cells in our body, are constantly
updated: some die off, they are replaced by new ones – this and
called regeneration. However, if this body function
impaired, the skin condition deteriorates dramatically, leading to
acne, acne, and in more severe cases –
boils and even suppurations. Burdock oil helps skin
cope with these problems, returning the skin health, beauty and

Ways to use burdock oil for the face

  • If you mix a teaspoon of burdock oil with a few drops
    chamomile essential oil, you get a great cleansing agent
    face against makeup and impurities.
  • To help your skin clear of acne, try to steam it out.
    face over lime or chamomile bath. Now gently with your fingers
    Massage your skin with burdock oil for 3 minutes. Oils
    do not take much, it should be completely absorbed and wash your face
    not required.
  • Mask for dry or mature skin. Tones well and
    stimulates blood circulation. Five grams of parsley grind,
    add 5 drops of burdock oil and 7 ml of aloe juice. Carefully
    mix, gently patting to distribute on the skin. Sustain one

Enhance the efficacy of any cosmetics can
adding to creams, tonics, lotions and serums 2 drops of oil
burdock immediately before use.

Before bed, in a few hours, apply a little cotton swab
burdock oil on peeled eyelashes. It will stimulate them
growth and strengthen follicles. If necessary, you can also
do for eyebrows.

Burdock Body Oil

However, burdock oil is not only used for skin care.
face, but also the whole body.

  • If a small amount is added to the bath, the skin will become
    soft, smooth and velvety, the hardened places will soften. With
    regular bath with burdock oil the skin of the whole body will be
    regenerate and rejuvenate more effectively.
  • Apply to dry areas before taking a shower or bath.
    burdock oil, you can and completely on the whole body. Moisturizing skin
  • Rubbing this valuable oil into the scalp can avoid flaking,
    dandruff, hair loss. For better results
    It is recommended to mix with burdock and other vegetable oils.
    For example, wheat germ oil, chamomile, grape seed,
    Jojoba and others. To enhance the activity add to the oil
    mixtures of some esters, such as grapefruit, beat, ylang-ylang and
    etc. Mask applied to the scalp and spread along the length
    hair. Wrap in polyethylene and terry towel for a time of 20
    up to 50 minutes, depending on the type of hair and the selected composition.
  • For nail care, add a few drops of oil in the bath
    burdock, and at night to do indelible masks, rubbing this oil into
    nails and cuticles.

Burdock oil is quite inexpensive with such
an astounding track record.

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