Beautiful eye makeup for any occasion underpink dress

In this master class, we will look at eye makeup, which will suit
for any event if you decide to go for it in pink
dress, as it looks spectacular and beautiful.

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To create it you will need the following cosmetic

  • white and black wax watercolor;
  • brown eyeliner;
  • brown, black, white, pink shades;
  • mascara;
  • Base shadows in skin color.

This makeup can be bold or evening. Color
You can choose a completely different palette, we took a pink –
brown shades that make the look “deep” and perfect
suitable for a pink dress.

The most important thing before doing eye makeup is to prepare
perfect face. First, wipe the skin with a tonic and apply the base under
makeup. We hide all the flaws with concealer and put on
whole face tonal basis. The next step is to create a beautiful
eyebrow frames. We draw them as close as possible.
colors to your hair color. After that, slightly tint eyelid and
anchor it with base shadows.

White wax watercolor paint area under the eyebrow, making
soft and smooth feathering throughout the fixed eyelid. Same
Apply watercolor in the corner of the eye. Line under the brow should
be clear and most intense. Tushevka we reach to the place
where brown shading will end on a fixed

Now our task is to draw an arrow,
which will adjust the shape of the eye. We start to lead the arrow from
outer iris of the eye. Its shape will repeat the bend of the lower eyelid.
and look in the same direction. Make the drawing brown
a pencil.

Then we bring the lower eyelid and connect with the upper fold.
Please note that the part corner will be just above the corner.

We extinguish the lines on the upper and lower eyelids. Since we must
remain clear middle, then the line of the arrow we are in no case

First we fill the part in black and then we’ll
shading shadows of other shades. To make it the most
gently, take a small brush for the shadows and drive in a black color according to
all the details right next to the lines. At the same time we extinguish a little
lines, as in pencil.

Now we take a bigger brush and type in shades of brown.
We extinguish black shadows outside, coming on them about 3 mm. This time
do not touch the internal part at all. On a fixed eyelid brown
shadows connect with white in a smooth transition.

Let’s go white shadows in those places where there is watercolor.

The penultimate stage we decorate the rest of the place beautiful
pink shade. It is best to take a wide flat brush and butt
to drive in the contour of the shadows. Smoothly mix pink with white.

We complete eye makeup with an arrow on the ciliary row, which
smoothly lead off to black. Apply black if necessary
shade re for greater color depth.

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Color eyelashes and a spectacular makeup ready!

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