Attractive volume of your lips. How to makelips more?

Not all of nature gave such lips as Angelina Jolie.
Bulky, full lips – the last squeak of fashion, and every woman
Surely she dreams about how to make her lips bigger. Upload in them
medications are not always safe. However, there are
certain techniques by which they can be visually

Объемные губы с помощью ботокса


Radical tricks

A few decades ago, everyone who wants to increase their
lips and having the financial ability to do this turned to
plastic surgeon. Implantation under the skin implants is pretty
common today, but, after many sensational stories,
the number lying down under the scalpel decreased significantly. Especially
that alternative offers have appeared for getting plump

For example, lipofilling. In the tissues of the lips there is no fat at all,
so when the muscles become flabby and dry, the lips feel as if
melt away. With the help of lipofilling a small lip is inserted
the number of fat cells taken from another place of your own body.
There is a possibility that this fat will not take root either, or
unevenly distributed, forming irregularities. But if all
will be successful, the result will remain forever.

Lip filling with hyaluronic acid fillers. Thin
syringe under the skin of the lips is a special composition. He will
keep the volumetric form for only a few months, not more than a year.
Gradually, the gel will dissolve, and lips will take the original form. therefore
the procedure will have to be repeated at regular intervals. This
the least risky method described.

Decorative cosmetics for visual increase of lips

A huge role in the perception of facial features and its individual parts
plays makeup. You can often find this recommendation: to lips
seemed more just to outline the shape you
want to. In this case, the circuit can pass at some distance from
естественного края lips But even on brightly plastered lips there will be
it can be seen that they are drawn. therefore попробуйте воспользоваться таким
advice: to make your lips visually look more plump, use
light pencil for the contour and light lipstick. If you are more
dark lipstick goes, then apply a little bit of gloss in the center
brighter, thanks to this lips will seem fuller.

Using glitter with glitter can make lips much
bulkier. Also applying lipsticks with ginger, pepper, menthol or
other substances that cool stimulate blood flow. BUT
the presence of collagen or silicone in lipstick will visually increase

A popular way to make lips lush is a tattoo. According to principle
татуировки рисуется точечный контур линии lips At the request of the client
You can even give a completely new shape to your lips, increasing them.

увеличиваем губы с помощью косметики

Lip charge

With age, the lips shrink and lose volume. To prevent this
happened, do a special gymnastics:

Pull the lips forward and blow the relaxed lips, as if
blowing a candle. Repeat 30-40 times.

Take a deep breath, inflate the cheeks and exhale, alternately making
slowly exhale after exhale pushes. Repeat 15-20 times.

Громко произносить гласные а – и – о – у, напрягая lips
Repeat 10-15 times.

Ways to increase the lips without leaving home.

You can add volume to your lips without risky procedures. Such
There are many recipes.

  • For example, to make lips look plump and shiny,
    use day cream “for sensitive skin of the eyelids.” Him
    need in the morning with your fingertips slightly to drive (and not wipe it in)
    red border around lips, without stretching them at the same time.
  • Using a baby soft toothbrush, do daily
    1-минутный массаж lips Or twice a day for 30 seconds. Move
    brush gently and slowly, so as not to injure the skin. After massage
    certainly apply a therapeutic moisturizing balm.
  • The skin of the lips must also be cleaned of dead cells. For this you can
    use your favorite fine abrasive scrub but best
    make it from natural products. In a small glass jar
    mix two tablespoons of candied honey, a teaspoon of soda
    and sesame oil, two drops of mint essential oil. Mix
    need a wooden or ceramic stick or spoon. Keep
    Scrub certainly in the fridge. At its discretion to use
    can be a day or more, but not less than once a week. After
    exfoliate moisturize the skin of the lips with a balm.

маски для объема губ

Homemade masks for lip volume

  • Mix half a teaspoon of cottage cheese equally with any
    natural juice or milk.
  • Homemade sour cream, one spoon, mixed with 3 drops of juice
  • Natural honey to distribute lips. Possible for enhanced
    skin nutrition mix honey with pork fat.
  • Apply kefir, and as soon as it dries, apply another

And remember: when you purse your lips in a naughty grimace, around
they form wrinkles. Smile better!

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