3 New Year’s makeup ideas for blue and grayeye


  • Beautiful makeup under the orange dress
  • Макияж eye в фиолетовых тонах
  • Rich dark smokey ice with glitter

Preparing for the New Year is not limited to cooking 20 salads and
home decoration. Before the New Year’s party do not forget about
to myself. Если наряд можно выбрать практически любой, то макияж eye
depends entirely on its color. In this case, the brightness and
courage in the image, but without excesses. Today we offer you 3
варианта новогоднего макияжа для голубых и серых eye, подходящих к
different images.

новогодний макияж для голубых и серых eye


Смоки-айс в оранжевых тонах для серых и голубых eye

Prepare the skin for make-up and cover the eyelid with powder or
basic neutral shadows.

1. As the basis for the smoky effect we use brown.
Colour. Pencil draw an arrow that originates from the middle
century, extends slightly to the outer corner. This option is suitable
for everyday look.

2. With the same pencil we bring the eyelashes of the lower eyelid and crease
on top. At the outer corner slightly draw the boundaries and connect
These 3 lines are at 1 point. Форму eyeа при этом не меняем.

3. Paint the entire area between the 2 lines in the upper eyelid
brown pencil. At the same time from the line tabs make out bevel to
ciliary row.

4. We extinguish the entire zone and its borders, while not greatly stretching
colors – up to about 3 mm.

5. Cover the whole area with base brown shadows – this is
will allow you to better extinguish in the future, since the pencil for this
fits not very well.

6. Choose the lightest color in this makeup. In this case
orange smoky ice will be used, so the brightest will be
peach or beige. We recruit it on a wide brush and pass
around the shaded area. At the same time, the outer edges of the application of shadows
thoroughly extinguish, and the area of ​​contact with the brown color –
strongly do not stretch, adhering to its borders.

7. The next active color will be dark orange. Him
we put on the border between the brown and the lightest shade. Him
extinguish in the same way as the previous one – stretching strongly
only in the direction of a light shade. Borders with dark will be
much sharper.

8. Draw an arrow in black eyeliner along the upper eyelid
eyelashes. We thicken it, starting from the middle of the century. We extinguish the line.

9. Cover with black shadows a previously painted area.
brown, or rather what was left of it. We do it like this:
initially draw the line of the ciliary row, and then stretch
color to brown zone.

10. We make out in this way both the lower and upper eyelids.

11. In the lightest shade, we decorate the area under the eyebrow and
уголок eyeа у переносицы. Borders color stretch.

12. The mucosa of the lower eyelid brings black kayal.

Apply mascara on volume to eyelashes. Lipstick is better to use
light tone.

Violet shades for a festive makeup

Prepare skin and eyelids for makeup using a base under the shadows.
and powder for fixation. We bring eyebrows in order, if necessary
tint and fix them.

1. Since this is Smoke’s ice, one shadow will be used.
colors, but different saturation. Initially we take the average purple
tone and flat brush of small size. With its help we draw in
внешнем уголке eyeа лепесток для смоки-айс – 3 линии, соединенные
at one point. The line on the lower eyelid, the line on the top and the line in
fold – together form a corner.

2. With this part, you can adjust if necessary
форму eyeа, например, удлинить ее.

3. All lines are slightly quenched, while leaving them flat, and
кончик у края eyeа незакрашенным.

макияж в фиолетовых тонах

4. Take a shade lighter and impose it in a small
the amount on the upper eyelid near the purple. Borders are extinguished and
Stretch light color on a clear eyelid. If necessary,
add some more medium purple.

5. The lightest shadows are white or milky, which
suitable for dark skin – make out the area under the eyebrow and corner
eyeа у переносицы.

6. For a smoother transition to a milky hue, apply to
upper eyelid a little more and light pink. All borders
between the shadows should be smooth and soft.

7. Along the eyelashes draw an arrow with a black eyeliner, the end of which
will be at the edge of the ciliary row. We extinguish it and fill
the remaining free tip on the eyelid is black. Lightly extinguish
borders ending color stretching within
dark purple.

8. Make the lower eyelid in the same way, but do not draw black
an arrow.

Use bulk mascara and make-up ready!

Waterproof makeup for a night party

The water resistance of the makeup will be provided with a special waterproof
gel eyeliner. But first you need to create a color base,
for which will also be used cream watercolor and shadows in
tone. Our festive makeup will be bright!

1. To begin with, we deepen the fold of the upper eyelid. For this
draw a line in it throughout the century, using wax
watercolor. If not, then shadows can be applied. In this case –
светло-коричневый Colour.

2. Shade the line in the direction to the outside: the temple,
eyebrows and nose. We do this with a small flat brush,
working with one of its tips.

3. We make the lower eyelid, drawing a similar line, while
departing from the mucous and eyelashes a few millimeters. With both
сторон по углам eyeа соединяем верхнюю и нижнюю линии, таким
образом полностью окружив eye. Drawn lines while
находятся на некотором удалении от самого eyeа.

черный смоки айс для серых и голубых eye

4. Make sure that the outer corner drawn is a bit
выше, чем уровень уголка eyeа. Otherwise the look will be
seem sad

5. We extinguish the lower area in the same way as the upper one.
Slightly stretching the color to the temple from the outside corner. To fasten
wax watercolor we cover it from above with shadows of the same tone with
using a wide brush.

6. The next stage will be very responsible, since the work
will be carried out using a black gel eyeliner, which has
The property is very quick to dry. In doing so, we will need to cover
eyeliner with crumbly shadows so they have time to stick while she
still sticky.

7. Apply a sufficiently wide layer of liquid liner along
ciliary edge. Take the mascara and quickly extinguish it, stretching the color to
watercolors. The boundaries between them are carefully “blurred” and made

8. In the same way, paint over the area under the lower eyelid and its
mucous membrane

9. Quickly, before the liner has dried, cover the black area.
crumbly shadows, such as purple. For a great holiday
Shadows with glitter or mica will be an option.

10. Border is also thoroughly extinguished.

11. В зону под бровью и вокруг всего eyeа, точнее закрашенной
areas, apply light base shadows. Light shade will do
the same color that was used at the beginning. In this case, better
matte option will do.

This bright makeup requires voluminous eyelashes, so you should not
neglect the overhead. Waterproof festive makeup that
endure the fun until the morning, ready!

We hope you charge a portion of positive emotions and feel free to
start creating a charming holiday image!

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