Zodiac signs that can not stand eachfriend

Zodiac signs that can not stand each friend

Hate is not the most pleasant feeling
a person may experience. It is destructive, destructive
a state in which from time to time each of us resides,
inflicts great damage on our mental and physical health,
therefore, doctors and psychologists of the world are unanimous in saying that
learn how to get rid of hatred, and even better to be able to it

Some zodiac signs are violently, with all the strength and passion, on
которую они только способны ненавидят, не переносят друг friend.
The reasons for this behavior and attitudes may be different, but
the result is always the same: between representatives of certain
Signs now and then serious war breaks out. So what signs
disgusted with each other and persistent hostility? How
do signs better not face off and not talk at all?


Sagittarius cannot stand Lions and it is mutual

When head-to-head face two strong and stubborn signs
zodiac, begin to happen out of the ordinary things.

Archers with Lions do not get along because of the constant
collisions of views, ideas, priorities and requirements that
each of the above zodiac signs is full.

Leo is used to being dominant in any situation, whether
relationship, work or casual communication. Leo is comfortable when
the last word remains for him, however, and the first word should
be behind him. Sagittarius, in which the warlike never sleeps
spirit of freedom, does not tolerate any control, attempts to command and
to give orders.

He is his own master and is used to listening only to his own “I.”
Sagittarius will not flatter, please Leo to earn him
location He is a self-sufficient person. Usually when the lion
and Sagittarius create a pair, nothing good comes out of it.
Either the war between the two signs will last forever, because neither
one of them will not be the first to take a step back, or both will fall in cruel
and wild fight.

Cancers and Scorpios are not bound by warm feelings.

Cancer is a quiet, calm, homely creature that believes
the limit of happiness is a cozy home and a modest evening together. With this cancer
emotionally balanced, rational if necessary,
unlike Scorpio, whose life is ruled by passions.

Scorpio cannot accept and understand the way of thinking and
the moral code of domestic, mundane Cancer, therefore,
faced with Cancer, he desperately tries to show him
his wretchedness, failure and simplicity.

Scorpio is vital to make sure that his words and
actions took effect. He, as a true representative of his
sign, will be happy to watch his poison poison and
kills slowly. But Cancer is able to find opposition. He beats
slowly but surely. And the best weapon in his hands is indifference,
complete indifference and rejection, combined with iron calm,
which brings Scorpio to distraction. Marriages between Scorpio and
Cancer most often quickly decay due to the above

Aries – not a pair of fish

Aries does not like those who are too slow, whose life
govern feelings. He lives by other laws. He is active, and Fish
slow, he can relax in noisy and fun
companies after work, and Fish must gain strength in his secluded
a place that, besides her, nobody knows. Aries is principled, but
Fish is willing to make concessions if necessary.

Aries is prudent, and for Fish above all
the senses.

Nothing can bind two such different signs of the zodiac. Aries
will certainly try to change the fish, adjust it to your tastes and
habits, and Pisces will respond to him with a protest, since he loves no
change. Aries с Рыбой превратится в безжизненный цветок, которого
weren’t watering for a long time, and the Fish next to him will feel as if
would have cruelly thrown her out of the sea to the land.

Virgins do not tolerate Libra, as Libra does not tolerate Virgos

Virgos value human naturalness first and foremost.
ease, they go berserk from lies, hypocrisy,
flattery, also do not tolerate “actors” who love to try on yourself
various masks. Such versatile personalities, masters of
concealment of true feelings and talented flatterers are

Representatives of this sign are accustomed to close their hearts on
key, able to adapt to the conditions of the modern world and
change like chameleons. They are completely incomprehensible motives and goals of Dev,
in their opinion, not enduring and not able

Scales will willingly look at how the Virgins drown, and those
in turn, hands will not be served if Libra is over

Most acutely, the conflict between these 2 characters is played out then
when they start working. Such a collision is usually
translates into serious enmity.

Mutual hatred of Aquarius and Virgos

Aquarius – rich personality with a bright personality. They’re in
any situation they try to be themselves, not changing
own principles. Aquarius is not selfish, but they have self-love
prevails over all other senses, so criticism they
perceive extremely painful. Criticize representatives of this
sign love Virgo, for which they get a portion of the negative and poisonous
energy from the angry Aquarius.

Virgos often intervene in something that does not concern them, and
consider it a sacred duty to insert their word, and Aquarius is without
attention will not leave.

He will try by any means to put the Virgin in place. Virgo and
Aquarius should not bind themselves tightly, as such
communication will constantly cause conflicts and many
disagreement. Most often, these two signs coexist most peacefully.
in neutral territory, where there is a third party – the owner.

Ability to settle conflicts, find a compromise and
making concessions is priceless. Not everyone is capable of it. In the world,
where each of us is an individual with his own advantages,
minuses and cockroaches in my head, it is this skill that is capable
maintain mutual understanding, harmony between people and lead
humanity to well-being.

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