Wrinkle mask after 50 years at homeconditions. Effective mask recipes after 50 years based onnatural ingredients

Пн, 06 ноя 2017 Автор: Рыжкова Валентина

Human skin is exposed every day.
negative impact of aggressive environmental factors.
Wrong way of life immediately reflects on the state
epidermis: nicotine, alcohol use, drug intake
drugs, mechanical damage and improperly chosen
cosmetics. But a fundamental change in the structure of the skin
faces in women occur after 50 years.

It is at this age that a new vital stage of the organism begins,
associated with hormonal changes in the body due to menopause.
Active aging processes start due to disruption.
hormonal levels, extinction of the reproductive function of the body,
changes in the endocrine system.


Major skin changes in women over 50

The skin of a woman’s face from the age of 50 is different from the skin of a 20
summer girl is not the best side of the next row

– collagen production decreasing every year, providing
elastic framework of the epidermis;

– reduced amount of hormones due to disruptions in work
endocrine system and reproductive function extinction;

– the presence of chronic diseases.

When choosing an anti-aging face mask, it is important to understand which
changes occur with the skin in adulthood and with what
imperfections to fight:

– thinning of the skin;

– reduction of the protective functions of the epidermis;

– skin becomes dry type;

– reducing the thickness of the nutrient layer of subcutaneous fat on the face and
the neck;

– sagging skin due to a decrease in its turgor;

– slow recovery processes;

– poor nutrition of skin cells with oxygen;

– slow recovery process;

– pH acidity level is shifted to the alkaline side.

Traces of fatigue on the face no longer pass, it becomes hiding
all harder. The skin fades, becomes flabby. Return her old
elasticity and smartness is unlikely to succeed, since such
pathological changes associated with age restructuring work
all organs and systems of the human body. The only thing that can
make a woman in this age period – regularly make masks
морщин после 50 лет в домашних conditions. Their special composition is capable
activate metabolic processes at the cellular level, increase metabolism
substances provide an additional portion of nutritional vitamins,
micro and macronutrients, minerals. The procedure will not bring strong
rejuvenating effect, but also will not force to be disappointed in
the result.

Wrinkle mask after 50 years at home should be
приготовлена только на основе natural ingredients, которые
contain a high concentration of all essential nutrients

Its regular use has the following
beneficial effect on the skin of the face:

– acceleration of metabolic processes at the cellular level;

– increased blood flow, strengthening the walls of blood vessels;

– lymph drainage;

– the work of collagen is activated, smoothing small

– smart face contour;

– normalization of nutrition of the subcutaneous layers.

Of course, with the help of home rejuvenating procedures is impossible
achieve a skin that was 20 years old, but give it a fresh
look, smooth wrinkles, refresh color – quite under the power of each
to the woman.

Rules for applying wrinkle masks after 50 years at home

Cosmetic procedures for the skin of each individual
age categories require compliance with certain rules. Only
following the advice of beauticians for the preparation, application and
time mask will bring visible results later
several procedures. Consider the basic rules for the use of masks
морщин после 50 лет в домашних conditions.

1. The time spent by the mask on a mature face should be
at least 20 minutes. Only тогда кожа начнет получать максимальный
приток питательных substances.

2. Before applying any mask you must hold
allergic test for intolerance to any individual

3. The skin before applying the mask should be well steamed. For
This can put a hot wet towel on your face or
hold it over the steam bath.

4. It is useful to peel the top before applying the mask
dead layer with scrub. Preference should be given
soft delicate means, so as not to injure once again

5. For дополнительного тонизирования кожи для смывания маски
need to use alternating hot and cold water. initially
the tool itself is washed off with hot water. Already clean face
rinsed cold. It triggers exchange processes and
provides additional blood flow to the cells.

6. Any, even nourishing, mask requires that the skin after it
face was moisturized with cream.

Compliance with all the listed rules will give a guaranteed
the result of rejuvenation. The skin will have a fresher look, will become
velvety to the touch, fine wrinkles smooth out, and the facial contour
will become taut.

Рецепты масок морщин после 50 лет в домашних conditions

Wrinkle tightening masks после 50 лет в домашних conditions

The main task of the tightening mask is to activate
collagen production processes. Thanks to their regular
using the face becomes more taut with a clear outline,
skin becomes elastic.


For ее приготовления необходимо 15 г желатина растворить в 50 мл
water in a water bath. Once the solution has cooled slightly, add
in it 50 ml of cucumber juice and 5 ml of aloe juice.

From whey

Place whey in a water bath in a volume of 100 ml,
add 15 g of gelatin. When the gelatin is dissolved, remove from
heat and add 4 drops of jojoba oil and germ oil

Питательные маски морщин после 50 лет в домашних conditions

Nourishing mask helps mature skin to get maximum
necessary for its normal state of matter, deeply
moisten, normalize lipid metabolism. After applying the skin
becomes tender to the touch.


It is necessary to melt 18 ml of honey, dissolve it in 16 ml of tea leaves
green tea. The resulting mixture is applied in 4 layers, after
each previous dries a little.


Cook a few potatoes, grind them to a state of mashed potatoes and
add 32 ml of baked milk, as well as the yolk of 1 egg. Apply
mask on face and cover with cotton cloth on top.


You need to whip the protein of one egg and 5 ml of freshly squeezed
lemon juice. The resulting mask is applied to the skin of the face and leave until
complete drying. Next, it is necessary to wash it off and immediately apply
a mask made from the yolk of one egg with the addition of 15 drops
оливкового масла и 3 мл свежевыжатого lemon juice.

Витаминные маски морщин после 50 лет в домашних conditions

The basis of the preparation of any vitamin mask for mature skin
are fresh vegetables, greens and fruits. Good to cook such
cosmetics in fruit and vegetable ripening season when
они содержат максимум полезных substances. Vitamin masks have
toning effect, fill the skin with life-giving moisture,
give rejuvenating and refreshing effect.


Using a blender to grind to a mushy
states of kiwi, 5 strawberries and 1/2 cucumber. For придания маске
density can add to it 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal.


Take 15 ml of fresh orange juice, add 5 ml
almond butter, 50 g sour cream. The resulting mask is distributed
ровным слоем и оставляют на коже до complete drying.


For приготовления травяной маски понадобится смешать следующие
herbs in equal proportions: peppermint, chamomile,
plantain, dill, sage and linden. The resulting mixture pour boiling water
in a volume of 1.5 liters and let stand for 30 minutes. Next gauze
or any thin cotton fabric moistened in the infusion and
impose on the face in the form of lotions.

Maximum effect from using any mask for
Aged skin will help to achieve self-massage. He will become
an additional tool that allows you to tighten the shape of the face,
smooth fine lines, increase blood microcirculation to

Do not forget about the beneficial effects of vitamin complexes,
tailored specifically for women 50 years old and
older Moisturizing the skin should be carried out not only outside, but also
from the inside. An important means of achieving this rule is use 2
l regular drinking water per day.

The skin is the largest organ of our body. Her beauty in
any age is a reflection of the internal state of the body, and
also the effectiveness and intensity of cosmetic care procedures
for her.

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