Women which zodiac signs remain oldmaidens and which marry quickly

Women which zodiac signs remain old maidens and which marry quickly

Women’s happiness is so fragile, tender and
tremulous state of which all the representatives dream
fair sex, but which is often capricious and
selective. Every woman has her own idea of ​​female
happiness, but it’s indisputable that without success and well-being in love
the woman will not feel until the end

Some ladies quickly find the love of all life, create families,
give birth to children, and others for years, sometimes looking for a second for decades
mate. Representatives of which signs of the zodiac quickly bind
marriage with a man and which ones have difficulty in doing so
difficult business? The answer to this question will astrology.


Early birdies or who marries quickly

Women which zodiac signs remain old maidens and which marry quickly

Early birds can be called women –
Cкорпионов. Because governing, dominant
their side is sensually emotional, then under the influence of
feelings, emotions, hormones and passions that constantly rage and
boil inside them, ladies – scorpions marry quickly. Meanwhile
early marriages entered into by scorpions are rarely successful and

Most often they fall apart, and the scorpion is to blame,
which cools quickly.

After all, hot and passionate lady Scorpio can not live without
passions and emotions.

If it is cold, then nothing can make it endure,
pretend to be a happy woman for family, children or opinion
surrounding Scorpio in cold blood will sever ties with her husband and begin
the search for a new object of passion and love.


Women which zodiac signs remain old maidens and which marry quickly

Women are equally hasty and impatient.
Twins. As a rule, they marry early, quickly have children
and only after the device of privacy, after creating a warm
the home of a representative of this sign begin
think about things like career, independence and

For them in the foreground is always family and family

Early marriages with twin women are much stronger than with ladies.
– scorpions. Ведь женщины – Twins, хоть и обращают немало
attention to the emotional side of marriage and relationships, but they are always
are guided by such concepts as debt, responsibility,
duty. If Scorpio does not tolerate anything for the sake of the family and
children, the twins will sacrifice something important to them and valuable if
this, in their opinion, will require well-being in the family. Twins –
women are not afraid of early marriage, but agree to it,
only if they are sure that they have found their chosen one, that marriage with
he will be the first and the last in their lives.


Women which zodiac signs remain old maidens and which marry quickly

Еще одни ранние пташки – Fish. Женщины – Fish
also often become wives at a very early age. If a
scorpions are driven by passions, and twins are set
priorities, then fish get married under the influence of thirst
adventure, which at a young age covers them with full
by force. Fish – дамы воспринимают брак, как некую игру, приключение,
which can be stopped, stopped at any convenient time. Phrase
�”Together forever” a woman – the fish does not touch and not touch. If a она
got married early, so she lacked the thrill, and
the constancy of her tired.

For this reason, early marriages with women – Pisces also
end unsuccessfully.

But the fish will not suffer from this and will not put an end to his
personal life. She will come to her senses very quickly and will be ready in
once again become someone’s wife and gain precious life


Women which zodiac signs remain old maidens and which marry quickly

Virgin нередко выходят замуж в 17-20 лет. To such a serious
step, like marriage, they are pushed by a keen sense of loneliness,
which they experience since adolescence.

Woman – Virgo can not be alone, she is constantly
needs a partner, stability and

All her needs are best served by marriage. Virgin с
childhood are distinguished by the ability to look ahead, think rationally and
weigh everything correctly. They do not look at marriage through pink
points Woman maidens understand the consequences of such a decision and
deliberately marry, although they are at a young age.
Therefore, a family created with a young maid may well be strong
и happy

What zodiac signs can remain old maidens

For some beautiful ladies, the question of marriage is
an insurmountable task, a huge challenge and a difficult ordeal. how
As a rule, all these difficulties are connected with moral standards,
prejudices, prejudices, fears, complexes, etc.


Women which zodiac signs remain old maidens and which marry quickly

Astrologers say that according to statistics the largest number
одиноких женщин среди Стрельцов. Representatives
This sign is extremely freedom loving, independent and overly
independent from an early age.

They have a male character, are able to solve problems themselves, not
accustomed to hoping for someone. Marriage of a woman – archers
perceived as an attempt by men to deprive them of their independent status,
make them weak, insecure and helpless

Sagittarius will never tolerate the command tone
jealousy and the need to report to the husband. She is quite
comfortable one.

If a женщина – стрелец и выходит замуж, то обычно это происходит
in adulthood (35-40) years. Sagittarius will not sacrifice their
interests, will not allow to crush yourself in marriage, compromises and concessions
not for her. She is a loner, so she may well file for divorce in
most unexpected moment or just run away on your wedding day.


Women which zodiac signs remain old maidens and which marry quickly

Aquarius нередко остаются одинокими, так как многие из них
fundamentally against marriage and family relations. Woman is Aquarius
in many ways similar to the lady – archer. She is as freedom-loving and
independent as an archer, but at the same time Aquarius is much
more sensitive and vindictive.

Aquarius always assesses the situation from the outside, learns not
on their own, and on others’ mistakes.

The bad experience of a friend, mother, sister, neighbor can become
a huge barrier to personal happiness and marriage. She panicky
afraid to make a mistake and burn yourself, repeat another mistake, and this fear
prevents her from creating a family. Negative experience of other women destroys
All the dreams of a woman are Aquarius about a loving husband and beautiful children.
It is better not to try and learn, than to try and regret. So
thinks Aquarius.


Women which zodiac signs remain old maidens and which marry quickly

Женщины – Crayfish большие мечтательницы. From a young age they create in
head image of the perfect man, absolutely harmonious
relationships and all my life trying to find what all this

Crayfish не способны принять тот факт, что идеала в мире не
it happens.

They do not marry because to all potential husbands,
lovers, lovers are flawed. No one matches
views of crayfish about marriage and family life. One man too
not serious for marriage, the other has no stability, and the third
appearance is not the same. In search of a prince, crayfish spend days and nights in
alone and rarely betray their ideals.

Happiness does not come to a woman just like that. Its like
all that is beautiful and worthy on earth must be won, to him
you have to go hard, knowing that for his sake you may have to
donate something. Only then will the woman be ready to accept and
let in happiness.

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