Why the dog is raised or loweredtemperature: looking for reasons. How, what and why measure temperaturepuppy

Чт, 07 июн 2018 Автор: Нина Корсачева

Our four-legged friends can also hurt. AND
The main indicator of their well-being is body temperature.
Its deviation in one direction or another is a clear sign of ill health,
which by no means can be ignored.


When the temperature is normal

Normal in dogs is the temperature from 37.5 to 39.5-39 ° C. But
There are nuances that must be considered when measuring it. So,
температура тела puppy может составлять 39-39,5 °С. Such
�“Heating” is necessary for young animals for better thermoregulation, or
a case if you have to wait a long time for mom in the cold. Differ
temperature indicators for dogs of different breeds and different weight
categories. The smaller the dog, the higher the temperature of its body.
It is also necessary to know that the temperature may briefly

  • after heavy loads
  • during estrus
  • in very hot weather
  • from nervous tension

Knowledgeable people can pinpoint when the dog starts
whelp. To do this, you need to regularly measure rectal
temperature As soon as its performance drops to 36.9 – 36.5
degrees, you can be sure: the dog will bring offspring in
the next day. At the same time, if the temperature before delivery
becomes high (above 39.5), this indicates a strong
inflammatory process. It is urgent to seek medical attention.
to avoid big trouble.

ANDзмеряя, не навреди

ANDзмерить температуру любимому питомцу не так уж и сложно. For
This is suitable mercury thermometer or its electronic equivalent.
Electronic device is used most often: with it the procedure
runs faster and calmer. But и привычный измеритель температуры
no worse. The main thing is to use it correctly.

For того, чтобы измерить собаке температуру, необходимо:

  • make sure that the values ​​on the thermometer are zero
  • lubricate the tip of the device with petroleum jelly
  • put the dog on its side
  • raise tail
  • Carefully insert the thermometer into the anus 1.5-2
  • mercury thermometer to hold up to five minutes, electronic – to
    beep sound
  • pull out the thermometer and record the result
  • thoroughly wash the thermometer and wipe it with alcohol

It is very important when measuring temperature not to be nervous: negative
emotions can be transmitted to the dog and the result will be inaccurate. It is better
cheer up your pet, talk to him tenderly, stroke him. He must
feel that nothing terrible is happening. After the procedure
treat a dog with some delicacy, if, of course, it allows

What will tell the temperature

Usually high or low temperature in dogs is accompanied
other symptoms that need attention. Among such
symptoms: lethargy, lack of appetite, refusal to walk, desire
hide in a secluded place, dry hot nose. Heat
usually indicates viral, bacterial or parasitic
infections. It is impossible to delay in such cases, any delay can
lead to the death of the animal. Increase and decrease in temperature
lasting a long time may signal problems
hormonal nature, oncology, vascular and heart diseases.
ANDногда причиной повышения или понижения температуры являются
toxins resulting from poisoning. Low temperature
happens when helminthic invasion.

If the dog is seriously diagnosed, measure the temperature
should be held daily – morning and evening. Important not to forget
write down the indicators in the notebook: they will help the doctor in the diagnosis and
mapping treatment.

Attention! Not always raising or lowering the temperature
are pathology. When changes in normal performance is important
assess the situation in the complex. Analyze whether you have experienced
dog stress, was there any serious physical exertion that she
on the eve of ate, how much time spent in a stuffy room. ANDногда
enough to eliminate the reasons to bring the pet’s condition
the norm.

Action algorithm

With problems with temperature, many pet owners rush
from extreme to extreme. Someone is trying to find answers to questions in
online and in forums, someone asks for advice from friends. ANDногда
after such treatment, the temperature really works out
normalize, but the disease does not go anywhere and eventually begins
to progress, reducing the chances of recovery. Therefore, the first
What should be done for any suspicion of the disease – refer to
qualified veterinarians. The doctor will prescribe
proper treatment regimen that will reduce the risk of complications
and qualitatively solve the problem.

If it is not possible to come to the clinic promptly, in any
If you need to sweat the phone to consult with
the vet.

At high temperatures (below 40 ° C), you can:

  • give to drink cool water in small volumes
  • прикладывать cmоченное водой полотенце к бокам и спине
  • wrap the ice with a towel and apply to the paws and the back of the head
  • air out the room without drafts
  • put cold water tanks on the floor

When the temperature exceeds 40 ° C, you need act
promptly. Срочно езжайте в ветклинику, где собаке cmогут оказать

At temperatures below normal at 1-1.5 ° C at home
apply the following measures:

  • give warm drinks periodically
  • make warm compresses to the sides and back
  • Attach a heating pad to the paws.

In the case when the temperature drops below 37 ° C, you need not
losing precious time, immediately contact the clinic.

Important! Do not treat the dog with human medicine: they
can hurt.

If the dog behaves when the temperature is high or low
as if nothing had happened, rejoices life, actively moves –
perhaps she is completely healthy. You just need to understand what could
provoke this imbalance and try to eliminate the cause. But
just in case, it’s better to be safe and show a loved one
pet doctor to rule out the disease. After all, the best medicine
As you know – prevention.

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