Why not expensive anti-agingcreams?

Mon, Dec 22, 2014

SPA procedures, expensive creams – women are ready
spend a fortune on your appearance just to look
younger and more attractive.

The older the woman, the more expensive the cream she is ready to buy in
the hope of its miracle effect, which will transform and refresh the skin,
smooth wrinkles and make skin younger by at least 15 years. AND
every time, contrary to the promises of the largest cosmetic brands,
miracle does not occur. And why? Let’s understand the mechanism
actions of any cream – all of them, even the most innovative, work
only on the surface of the skin, moisturizing the epidermis and creating on it
protective film that prevents moisture from evaporating from the surface
faces – that’s all.

Take, for example, one of the most popular ingredients today.
anti-age creams — collagen. With age, the body produces
less collagen, and as a result, the skin loses its elasticity and
elasticity. Manufacturers promise shoppers that their cream
will help to fill the collagen deficiency. However, scientists from
Великобритании установили: молекулы коллагена настолько велики,
that are not able to penetrate the skin and remain only on
. A similar effect on the skin and have
other “magic” components used in the beauty industry.

Of course, no one denies that skin care with
creams need – the skin needs sun protection and hydration. But
to prevent the early appearance of wrinkles and do already
existing less visible need more serious integrated
an approach.

First, a beautiful woman is, above all, sleep and
rested woman, so the mode of the day – timely sleep, rest and
proper nutrition is the right way to healthy young skin.

Secondly, support your body from the inside. Whatever
your nutrition was not correct, your body might be lacking
other vitamins and microelements. Regular use
Biocomplexes rich in vitamins and trace elements can be called
The most effective tool to preserve your beauty. But для
maximum effect is necessary to select specialized
the complexes for women developed taking into account all features
it is the female body.

Quite often, such complexes are combined and
cover several “problem areas” of beauty, but there are
and natural biocomplexes of specialized action, for example
Lady’s formula «Гиалурон Форте».

Biocomplex helps to fill the deficit of those elements that
responsible for elasticity, youth and beauty of the skin. Components
биокомплекса способствуют синтезу коллагена и
, улучшая и восстанавливая структуру повреждённых
elastin fibers, eliminating small and medium wrinkles.

Гиалуроновая кислота обеспечивает интенсивное
moisturizing the skin, normalizes and maintains water balance, saturating
skin cells with moisture, and thus preventing the emergence of new

Коллаген II типа замедляет процессы старения
skin, enhancing the effect of hyaluronic acid.
Хондроитин известен своей уникальной способностью
retain moisture, thus ensuring a stable level
skin moisture. It also stimulates the synthesis of its own
hyaluronic acid.

Основной ценностью экстракта косточек винограда
is the presence of a powerful antioxidant action that
helps to neutralize the processes of collagen and elastin destruction
и hyaluronic acid.

Витамина С, входящий в состав биокомплекса,
enhances the action of hyaluronic acid by 8 times.

Due to high concentration and combination
nutrients that enhance the action of each other in the composition
Lady’s Formula Hyaluron Forte Biocomplex is happening
activation of own collagen and hyaluronic
. The biocomplex restores the skin’s natural elasticity and
elasticity, she gets the long-awaited moisture. Recovering
skin turgor, wrinkles are smoothed, the oval of the face becomes clear

When using a biocomplex with cosmetic
means-the effect of the latter increases several times.
Lady’s Formula — усиленная формула – усиленное


Marina 01/13/2016 Here is really practical advice! Not worth spending
Huge money on anti-aging cream. In the fight against wrinkles to me
Injection mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid helped.
The procedure chosen by the action from Biglion. Remained the result is very

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