Why dreams of a mouse small or big, manylittle mice? Basic interpretations – why dream smallmice

Пн, 08 май 2017 Автор: Инна

Dreams sometimes give us unforgettable moments of happiness, but
can bring trouble to life. If something bothers you
sleep – no need to be upset, better than him
to interpret.

Why dream of a little mouse? Worth to understand.


К чему снятся маленькие mice — основное толкование

Many of us love animals. Someone even keeps them at home.
Но такие млекопитающие, как mice — вызывают в людях двоякие emotions.
On the one hand, they can please someone. They are
small and fluffy. Но красивыми являются только домашние mice,
if we are talking about street mice, they mostly cause

Why dream of a little mouse? Dream interpretation interpret such a dream as
foreshadowing of troubles and troubles. What to pay
special attention in the dream:

• How many mice appeared in the dream;

• They were small or large;

• What color are they;

• Что mice делали во сне;

• Who else appeared in the dream;

• What feelings did they evoke in you?

It is important to remember exactly where you are faced with rodents. If a
the meeting took place in your house and you saw it on your floor
little white mouse – such a dream promises you trouble, but soon
they will be pleasant. If a же мышь ползала по стене, и даже
tried to somehow climb the ceiling – such a dream
foreshadows many troubles that immerse you in your head
routine of life.

If a вам приснится, что какая-то женщина принесла к вам в дом
the mouse – such a dream clearly indicates the intervention of envious and
detractors. Someone has long envied you and your success, not
let no one stop you from becoming happy. In that dream in which
you will see yourself surrounded by mice, try to remember squeaking
they are or not.

Sometimes through the squeak of mice in a dream, you can clearly hear the intelligible
human speech. This way you will be prompted.
above so that you can make the right decision in a painful
the issue.

Окрас mice также важен:

• A black mouse dreams of illness and hunger;

• Gray mouse – to great trouble;

• White mouse – to the hassle;

• The red mouse – to problems in the love sphere.

If a вам приснится, что вы выглядываете из окна своего дома, а
in the courtyard of a huge number of mice – this dream speaks of the fact
that you are judged behind your back. This is not unusual for you
but nothing pleasant. Try not to give gossip reasons for
conversations. And do not respond to their provocations. in order to change
situation – stop making excuses.

If a вам приснится, как кто-то превратился в мышь —
look at who it was. If a речь идёт о близком вам
man – do not trust him secrets. Most likely, he will let you down.
If a речь о человеке вам незнакомом — ожидайте козней извне. Someone
bravely interfere in the course of your life.

If a вы пытаетесь поймать мышь и у вас это никак не получается —
you will try to catch luck by the tail and it will slip away
your hands. If a во сне вы мышь убили — не стоит радоваться, что
your troubles will end soon. Such a dream speaks of the beginning
New hard period in your life. You had a hard time
previous tests, now you have a new round of negative

If a же мышь в вашем сне оживает — такой сон сулит вам новые
opportunities. You can not only revive relationships, but also a lot
achieve in the professional field. If a вам приснится, что вы сами
turned into a mouse – such a dream means that you can
to condemn others, although you personally make the same mistakes.

To dream of mice gnawing at your stuff – having problems
with health. If a вам приснится, как вы кормите мышь — не стоит
afraid of changes in life, they are predictable. Can not say that
they will all be positive, but most of them will be for you

If a вы во сне видите огромную мышь, которая вас пугает —
troubles will be made up by you. You tend to exaggerate
the scale of the disaster, do not be so disappointed in reality. On
in fact, your inner enemy is your own fear. is he
governs you, does not allow you to develop.

К чему снятся маленькие mice по соннику Фрейда

Little gray mouse in a dream is interpreted by Freud as hidden
sexual desire, which you do not give out. You can
suffer because your sexual energy stagnates. You
need an experienced sex partner. Even if you are a member
relationship – such a dream speaks of unrealized sexual
energy, you do not get out of emotion in your pair.

If a вы видите во сне много маленьких мышей, которые пытаются
to bite you is not worth pinning great hopes on your
partner is he заставит вас переживать и нервничать из-за своего
selfishness. You нужно быть готовыми к эмоциональному всплеску, который
he will make you survive. On the one hand, a similar situation may
do you good – you can take a fresh look at the joint
relations. On the other hand – you may be disappointed in partner
as in person.

Для беременной женщины mice во сне — плохой
She should be more attentive to her health.
If a она недавно нервничала — не стоит возвращаться к решению
this issue. Now she needs rest and peace.

If a женщине приснится огромная серая мышь — такой сон
говорит о сопернице
, которая давно положила глаз на её
lover If a мышь атакует женщину во сне — такой сновидение
means that meetings between lovers are already taking place. If a же
the mouse, silently, disappears in the hole – such a dream foreshadows the loss of interest
rival to the man.

К чему снятся маленькие mice по Эзотерическому соннику

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said what the little mouse dreams about –
она снится к неприятностям и проблемам with health. If a вам
dream that the mouse hid under your bed – someone strongly
envied your family happiness and now you and your spouse can
expect trouble.

If a же мышь съела всю вашу еду — вас ожидают проблемы
financial nature, you should accumulate reserves so that in a difficult
a minute you could always find money for the essentials.

Сон, в котором у mice появляются мышата
says that your problems will multiply just as quickly.
If a вы видите всего несколько мышат — значит, вам ещё недолго
left to resolve difficult situations. But, if the little mouse turned out
a lot – you just plunge into the routine.

Сон, в котором вы кормите мышь, и она кусает вас за
— говорит о предательстве близкого друга, близкого
you man loved You betray the person you are more
all trusted. If a вам приснится, что mice в прямом смысле
attacked your home – try to hold back soon
emotions. You сейчас не на руку выставлять себя в негативном

If a вам приснится, что вы топите мышат — вы быстро распознаете
enemy and just as lightning neutralize him. Unfortunately you
will have to learn more about a few betrayals that you
underwent earlier.

What dreams a little mouse for other dream books

В соннике Миллера сказано, что mice снятся к
unpleasant events associated with the house. Also such a dream can
указывать на проблемы финансового плана, если mice во сне погрызли
bills. If a во сне мышь вы убили — ваши враги будут повержены.

If a вы долго гонялись за мышью во сне и позволили ей убежать —
you will struggle for a long time with the result that causes
doubt you. If a молодой женщине приснится мышь, которая просто
looks at her – she will have to fight with the enemies alone. Her
intend to deceive and substitute. It can be personal.
life and about the professional sphere. The mouse that sits on her
clothes – it will become the central figure of a huge scandal.

В соннике Лонго сказано, что мышь снится к
danger. You should not make new acquaintances in the near future.
You пока должно хватать общения и без них. Do not enter into
doubtful intimate connections. If a с вами на работе кто-то будет
flirt – do not pay special attention to it. Man
we do not need you, but some kind of service from you.

A sleep in which a mouse has fallen into a mousetrap promises deliverance from
failures and in love also. Such a dream foreshadows many positive
events coming soon. Dream Interpretation advises not to recall often
past and despair. Dream Interpretation advises to move on to
making positive changes in life. To dreams worth
listen, they sometimes give very good advice, revealing
in front of a person are several scenarios for the future.

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