Why dream wallet: empty or full?Basic interpretations – why dream your wallet or someone else’s

Вт, 21 ноя 2017 Автор: Инна

In a dream, a person can see a variety of scenes. Dreams
are happy, are alarming. Why dream wallet? what
does such a dream mean?


What is the wallet dream – the main interpretation

Finding a wallet full of money in reality is a dream of many. But what
does it mean a dream in which you find a wallet? For full
interpretation of sleep need to pay attention to the following

– Is it your wallet;

– Is he full of money;

– Is your wallet stolen;

– Who else is involved in your dream;

– What emotions have you filled during sleep.

If you dreamed of a wallet full of money – this dream promises you
well-being and success. You can not worry, you only expect
victory All that you have in mind is fulfilled. Important right now
move actively towards achieving well-being. You should still
more actively communicate with others, even more actively
look for opportunities to financially enrich themselves.

If you dreamed that you were looking for a wallet for a long time and didn’t
find – such a dream suggests that you will try for a long time
find yourself in the midst of a lot of things and just
lose time. You also will not be able to find financial resources.
to solve their problems after such a dream.

If you dream that the wallet was thrown at your door, and he
turned out to be empty – do not hope for success. You will most likely become
hostage to other people’s morals and other people’s preferences. You will be forced
obey someone else’s influence on your destiny. In the end, you will not get
need result from its activities. Someone will interfere with your
plans and destroy them.

If you see that the wallet thrown under your door is full
money – such a dream means that soon you will be able to realize everything
you conceived with the help and support of the unknown to you

If in a dream you see someone recounting money in your
wallet – you will witness financial fraud. They will touch
of yourself. You may even be responsible for the actions
another person who had no relation to you before.

If you see a stranger counting money
– such a dream means that you will envy another person,
his success, will try to achieve the same level as he.

A dream in which you are trying to choose from several wallets one
what’s with the money – says that you have a need
invest money. Try to implement it in full.
Try to invest money in the project that will bring
you profit in the future.

If you dream of several wallets, you choose the one
which is filled with bills – you can realize your financial
plans For you, this will not be a problem or a problem. You should
even want more so that you can successfully achieve everything
new and new goals.

If in a dream your wallet was stolen – such a dream promises you
ruin and financial problems. Do not hope that sad
fate will pass you by if in a dream your wallet is thrown
back. Such a dream only means that you get the opportunity
return the money spent, restore the lost connection.

A dream in which you are trying to build a business, conduct your business and
see how the money from your wallet crumbles on the floor – such
a dream means that you are too negligent about finance, not
tried to save them, accumulate and now they are in a situation where
you will have to spend extra strength to multiply

If in a dream you get money from your wallet, and they are all torn –
such a dream means that you should not expect gifts of fate, you
betrayed by close people, those on whom you counted. If you recently
borrowed money from someone – such a dream means that you cannot
to repay the debt in full, you have to look for a long time
opportunity to pay off debts.

A dream in which your wallet is full of not only bills, but also
precious stones – says that soon you can not
only correct your financial situation, but also your health
greatly strengthened.

See how your wallet sinks – you plunge headlong into
financial questions. They will take a huge amount from you.
of time. A dream in which you type money and put it in
wallet – says about your ability to really accumulate the necessary
the amount to purchase the long-awaited goods, property.

A dream in which your wallet burns – says that you will soon
will burn at work, trying to earn extra money.
You will be so tired that the efficiency of labor will decrease. You
it’s time to think about how to rationalize your work, make it
more efficient.

What is the dream wallet Freud’s dream book

Freud’s dream book says that an empty wallet dreams of
troubles in personal life, to stagnation in a relationship, when the wallet,
filled with money – dreams to a rich intimate life. Sleep in
which you put large bills in wallet – says About,
that you will be able to meet simultaneously with several
by women.

If a girl dreams of such a dream, she will be gifted with attention.
several men at once. Sleep in котором вы дарите кому-то кошелёк —
means that you give someone your attention. It is important to remember
who exactly did you give the wallet to.

If you have a dream in which you throw out the wallet,
filled with bills – you give up a long relationship in
favor of fleeting intrigue. Sleep in котором девушка дарит вам
wallet – says about your stinginess. You are stingy not only in emotions,
but also stingy financially.

It is because of this that many women do not want to associate theirs with you.
a life. Sleep in котором вы в банке пересчитываете купюры и
складываете их в старый, потёртый кошелёк — говорит About, что
Soon you will be forced to enter into a former relationship so as not to
stay alone.

What is the dream wallet for Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric Dream Book it says, if you dream of a wallet,
it means you are putting too much value on financial matters.
You are immersed in financial matters, you do not have enough time to
affairs cordial.

This will lead to problems in all areas of life. Why dream
the wallet that you found? If you found your wallet in the street – not
worth rushing words and money. It only hurts you.

Sleep in котором вы кошелёк нашли чужой, и он оказался пуст
говорит About, что не стоит рассчитывать на взаимопонимание и
support for outsiders. Better rely on yourself and
independently solve all your problems, satisfy your

Why dream сон, в котором вы разрываете кошелёк? You for a long time
you want to get rid of the debt routine and you have it very bad
coming out. Such a dream may mean that it’s time you say goodbye
with debts and no longer return to their accumulation.

Sleep in котором вы всё чаще пересчитываете не только купюры, но и
coins – says about reducing your income. If you want to leave
свой доход прежним — позаботьтесь About, чтобы своевременно
pay off debts because previous debts
obligations do not give you the opportunity to earn good money.

Why dream кошелёк по другим сонникам

In the Russian Dream Book it is said that an empty wallet is a dream to abundance.
and wealth. You will be able to build a new business, to equip your
life, say goodbye to your past debts and loans.

In the Modern Dream Book it is said that an empty wallet dreams to
disappointment. The old wallet dreams to a huge amount of work,
which will have to perform in the near future. If you are in a dream
find someone else’s wallet filled with money – you will soon begin
profitable business.

In the Erotic Dream Book it is said that a wallet full of bills dreams
to great opportunities. Soon you will bathe in attention
the opposite sex. You will be charming and attractive to
men. You не стоит спешить с выбором кавалера. Too big
opportunities are opening before you.

Sleep in котором вы просыпаетесь утром и у вас в руке новый
wallet filled with money – speaks of the possibility of a sudden
winnings. You will soon be able to significantly improve your material
position. You can get extra income, even repay
old debts The main thing is to calculate the strength and money received. Not
it is worth squandering earned, it is not necessary to give someone a loan.
It is important for you to solve all your financial problems now. Then already
help others solve their problems.

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