Why dream to talk with the dead, whatinterpretation has such a dream. Why dream of a conversation with the deceasedrelatives

Сб, 13 авг 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Dreams of dead are always a warning. They have great
value, and to relate to this kind of dream is extremely necessary
carefully. Well, if the dreamer remembers the details of sleep, especially
topic of conversation. It is in the words of the deceased that the important
information, and in emotions that the sender feels, is a prediction
the result of some business.


Why dream to talk with the dead

Dreams of the dead are mostly our feelings and
emotions. They should be interpreted neutrally if
the deceased behaved quietly and caused concern. Conversation with
the deceased, however, may contain some important information. From
how accurately you can memorize words and what is the situation
sleep, often depends on how the circumstances in reality.

Why dream to talk with the dead? If in a dream to
the deceased close relative has come to you, then in reality you need to be extremely
careful in dealing with new acquaintances or in business
It is necessary to once again analyze the situation and be
be careful with making any decisions. It is possible that the secret
spiteful critics or candid doctors will attempt to disrupt

Late parents often come to sleep to
warn of future challenges and trials.
If a
the dreamer talks to his mother, illness or problems await him
with health. In addition, it is worth taking care of
reputation. Conversation with умершим отцом сулит проблемы делового или
material nature. To cope with them, you need
mobilize your will and performance. Perhaps conceived
the transaction is unprofitable, and from it should be abandoned.

Why dream to talk with the dead, если это
dreamer’s grandfather?
For an immediate illness or some problems
with health. In addition, sleep indicates mental confusion and
severe anxiety that poison life. Should take
proactive to correct the situation.

If a разговор во сне состоялся с покойным братом, наяву
the dreamer will soon seek a friend or
Fromказывать ни в коем случае нельзя, иначе
life circumstances change for the worse. Late
friend is in a dream to warn about getting important
news. It can not be ignored: using the information, you can
get the benefit.

Why dream of talking to a dead man
To obtain important information. If a сновидящий
remembered the essence and details of the conversation, it is very good. Information
can be used to improve your personal or business life.
Hearing the voice of a deceased friend – it means soon to receive
bad news. Be prepared for a period of recession and minor setbacks.

Swearing with the dead man is also a very bad sign.
After such a dream, be prepared for a major conflict. Restraint,
caution, extreme caution after a negative dream
will help to avoid big problems. Another interpretation may be
due to the influence of the past, which the dreamer does not want
let go.

If a вы дали во сне какое-то обещание
, это не значит, что наяву follows предпринять
any actions related to this person. Sleep prompts
that the advice of wise people from your surroundings is what
necessary at the moment. In addition, the current crisis will soon
will pass, you just need to hold on a little more without losing

If a во сне вы общаетесь и людьми, умершими
означает реальную опасность для жизни. Need to
mobilize and be alert: circumstances may not
favor dreamer. He will either have to flee or
prepare for a long period of loss, frustration and

Why dream to talk with the dead по соннику Ванги

Dead according to this dream book come to warn of
impending catastrophes or diseases. After such a dream you need to be
more attentively with the health. If a покойный сам очень плохо
looks (sick, depressed), then awaiting the dreamer waits
injustice from which it will take a long time to recover.

Why dream to talk with the dead? The interpreter is considered
that a dreamer who has spoken to a dead friend is expected to have big
change. Need to вспомнить, о чем велся разговор. Maybe in
the deceased’s words contain a hint or warning which
will help to cope with a difficult situation.

Why dream to talk with the dead по соннику Фрейда

The dream of talking to the deceased is directly related to the emotions that
the dreamer experienced a dead man. If a состоялся разговор,
you need to treat it as a warning. Words spoken
deceased, you need to be taken literally, as if they were
uttered by a living person.

Why dream to talk with the dead по современному
family dream book

If a покойник явился в дом к сновидящему, буянит, кричит, то
in reality await trouble and grave danger. If a снится, что
the deceased behaves quietly, talks on neutral topics, then
follows expect reality to change weather for the worst.

If in a dream to вам пришел человек, на похоронах которого
you were present in person, and if he warns you of a threat or
кому-то еще опасности,
нужно обязательно прислушаться к
this information. Late в этом случае дает ценный совет: не стоит
embark on long journeys, take important steps that
can have a big impact on the life of the dreamer. Special
It is important to follow this advice in the first days and weeks after
dreams: sleep can warn of a real danger to life

If in a dream to вам пришел покойный и молчит,
means that he only makes you good, happiness, wealth, which
and he had in life. A cheerful dead person predicts
getting some good news from relatives or friends. Sad
the dead person warns of the presence of enemies and of the imminent receipt
news of their machinations.

If a во сне мертвый позвал сновидящего или увел с собой,
then death awaits him, either death or death, like the one that
Has comprehended the dead man.
If a такой сон приснится относительно
deceased relatives or good acquaintances, instead of death
the dreamer will face many hardships of life, problems, severe

Why dream to talk with the dead по соннику

Dreams of the dead are interpreted by the interpreter as a warning.
Conversation with the deceased father means that the dreamer awaits failure
business plans, unsuccessful completion
realizing business.

Need to соблюдать предельную осторожность в разговорах с
surrounding: among them there are hidden enemies who are just waiting
чтобы досадить или разрушить жизнь dreamer.

Why dream of talking to a deceased mother?
Such a dream warns of an early illness, as a result of which
the dreamer will be permanently knocked out of the usual rut. Besides,
the dream should be taken as a recommendation to be more
discreet in business and personal contacts and not show negative
emotions in relation to the people around them.

A dream of talking to the deceased may also mean that the deceased
expects some meaningful promise from you and what exactly this promise
can prevent negative developments and divert from
the dreamer is a real danger or misfortune.

If a покойники во сне ведут себя раскованно, веселятся, смеются
and generally look alive, then in reality the person who is dreaming has
strong and negative impact. This can lead to financial
losses and the immediate emergence of material problems. You can solve them
will only be a very big effort.

Why dream to talk with the dead по соннику Лонго

A dead person who appeared in a dream is regarded by the interpreter as
a sign of something unpleasant, nasty, painful, and this is due to
family dreamer. The living dead who says nothing –
a sign that very soon the long forgotten will return to his life
problem. Even if it seemed to be resolved, it would have to be repeated.
solve some unpleasant question or report on longstanding

If a во сне сновидец убежал от покойного, то наяву он надолго
stuck in a situation. If a же удалось пересилить себя и поговорить
with the deceased without fear, the solution will still be found.

Why dream to talk with the dead в нейтральном тоне? it
there may be a forerunner of a change in the weather, most often for the worse. Other
interpreting a conversation with the deceased is an indication that
relative or kind familiar deceased is looking for the dreamer to
hear from him something important or solve some meaningful

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