Why dream tea: good or bad? TOwhat dreams that you make or drink tea are the main interpretations ofdifferent dream books

Пт, 05 авг 2016 Автор: Инна

Dreams never come to a person just like that. They carry
hidden clues, symbols and signs. TOак приятно увидеть душевное
tea drinking in a dream. TO чему снится чай? Worth to understand.


TO чему снится чай — основные трактовки

TOак приятно после трудного рабочего дня испить чашечку бодрящего
tea TO чему снится заваривать чай — к ожиданию званого гостя, к
good news coming from afar. If after tea drinking at the bottom
cups sediment – in life an unpleasant sediment will remain in the soul
after talking with a stranger.

If after tea drinking the tea leaves remain and the person in the dream reapplies them
brews – in reality he will get a second chance in any area of ​​life.
The main thing is to ask for this chance.

Add milk to tea slowly – to change the negative period in
life on the positive. If you dream of fragrant fruit tea,
adding to the tea a variety of aromatic components – means a person
tired of his second half, and he is looking for adventure on the side.

If tea tastes tart and even bitter – a person is expected
stunning changes, changes for the better. TO чему снится
brew green tea? TO тому, что настало время позаботиться о
your health. It has deteriorated considerably, so it’s worth it.
take care. A person may be chased by chronic
fatigue and constant failures in life. It’s time to change the situation and
direction of activity.

Mint tea appears in dreams often in those people who have
which in life came the black stripe. Drink this drink during
dream – to change the period of failure to happy and favorable

Tea with sugar, especially if it has a cloying taste –
dreams of the fact that it’s time to sweeten life. It is not worth it
be limited to sugar and sweets – it is worth trying all the charms
life, so she really became sweet.

Such a dream may indicate a lack of care in a person’s life.
He lacks intimacy and warmth. Then it is worth thinking
that maybe it’s time to change the environment, trusted

If you dream about tea with dessert:

• Tea with cookies – for fun and joy;

• Tea with chocolate – love games, passion;

• Tea with caramel – to the fact that the problems melt.

Collecting tea in a dream promises waking hardness and hard work that
will be rewarded according to merit. Buying tea promises nothing less than
pleasant chores, fun and preparation for joyful

If you dream of dry sheets of tea – the person will soon decide
realize all your plans. He will all succeed pretty
high quality and fast. Decisions will be lightning fast and deliberate and
positive results are not long in coming.

Shed tea in a dream – to trouble, financial loss, loss
authority in the eyes of households and colleagues. Your colleagues and relatives
people will simply disappoint you, will not meet your expectations,
even substitute.

TO чему снится пить чай по соннику Миллера

TO чему снится пить чай? TO тому, что пора что-то кардинально
change in life. So Miller thinks. To live on the thumb is already boring and
ineffective. It’s time to take active steps towards
self-development and self-improvement.

Man needs new emotions and new discoveries. If he se in them
refuses – will make a huge mistake, because of which a long time
can not change anything in life for the better. If you wanted to drink
tea, but the cup was empty, and there was no tea leaves – soon
possible large, unforeseen expenses. In order to avoid them
– it is necessary to plan the budget and all purchases, waste is not
places of human life.

• brew a lot of tea in a dream – to punishment, but fair,
for previously committed negative actions;

• Drinking tea with friends in a dream – life is pretty fed up, it’s time to
It’s going to change a lot;

• Sediment, bad taste in tea – failure in love

• Spilled tea on the table – chagrin at home, on the floor – on the way;

• An empty cup in which there was tea – dream to gossip and

• The unbridled desire to drink a refreshing drink – to uninvited
to the guests.

TO чему снится заваривать чай по different dream books

По соннику Медеи стоит запомнить, что
long tea brewing promises late arrival to an important meeting.
Late decisions, missed chances to renew
relations. It is worth being as attentive as possible to all the little things
that occur in life. It is from them build a picture
of the future.

По соннику Фрейда заваривание чая, сама чайная
the ceremony promises the need to wait, not to take active
action. In which area of ​​life should take a waiting position –
prompt interpretation of the remaining characters in the dream.

If it’s about relationships, then you should put a maximum
effort to win the favor of the beloved. But do it
worth with caution and endurance. Do not act
recklessly, it is better to start a long romantic game. Her
family can result relationship, marriage.

Serve tea to others at the tea ceremony – hope only on
my strength Do not count on companions – they will fail, not
will give the opportunity to develop a business and get monetary benefits. AT
personal relationships, this may lead to a period of loneliness, a long
separation, which will end in a triumphant return and
restoring relationships.

Pour tea to your loved one and add sugar to it – to
opportunities to improve relationships, add raisins, sparkle.
ATозможна приятная встреча, которая может перерасти в серьёзные и
длительные relations. But do not rely only on life. By myself
also need to do something.

TO чему снится чай по другим сонникам

AT соннике Майя указывается, к чему снится пить чай — к общению с
an attractive and very interesting person. TO чему снится
brew tea for this dream book? TO тому, что все сегодняшние дела
will bring great success. It is worth preparing for pleasant surprises.
But after a period of joy and happiness a prolonged period is possible.
financial losses.

AT соннике Фрейда указывается, что заваривание
tea in a dream indicates that it is time to look at your sexual
of life. It is worth choosing exquisite ways of courting your second
half, it is necessary to revive the intimate life.

On how you will be attentive to the desires of the partner –
зависит благополучие интимной of life. Drinking tea in the company – soon
you will be betrayed. Drinking tea alone – meeting the non-permanent
man, non-binding flirtation.

AT эротическом соннике указано, что распивать
tea, being alone – promises the need to change the usual
life pace. It is also worth changing the partner because intimate
life with him does not bring proper comfort and pleasure.

If you do not do this in advance and independently, then life
put in such a difficult position that getting out of it will
quite difficult. Have to sacrifice your time and personal
space for the benefit of another person. Drinking tea in noisy
companies – to new acquaintances, meetings, sexual emotions. But
it’s worth being careful not to let frivolous into your life

Making tea for yourself – sexual energy stagnates and requires
exit out. It’s time to look for a suitable sexual partner. If a
dream that tea is scattered – the partner will not find pleasure
from meeting you, he will begin to look for happiness on the side. Worth
reconsider their intimate relationships and fill in milestones in them, otherwise
there is a great chance of losing them forever.

The very Japanese ceremony of brewing and drinking tea suggests
man that he has a very refined taste in sex that is alien
his second half. Worth посмотреть на свои взаимоотношения по
new, perhaps they have already outlived their own, and it’s time to go in search
new sexual sensations. Do not turn back and
constantly seek solutions to problems in the past. ATпереди радостное и
active future sexually.

Tea drinking is treated differently in many dream books, but despite
It is worth noting the positive trends in the interpretation of sleep.
Of course, if a person dreams about tasteless, bitter tea – even in
life events will not make him happy. But если чаепитие радостное во
dream, then in reality there will be progress and growth. Love affairs will become
to please Worth толковать весь сон целиком, а не отдельные его
символы — тогда перед вами откроется полная картина of the future.

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