Why dream rain: really, to the money?Basic interpretations, why a shower is dreaming, is it good orbadly

Пт, 18 ноя 2016 Автор: Инна

The world of dreams has many faces. Someone he is in the form of beautiful
pictures of the future, someone tells of the troubles and grief. Why dream
shower? Worth to understand.


Why dream ливень — основное толкование

To see a shower in a dream – to stagnation in affairs. Time will stop you
can not solve their problems. Not worth fighting with
circumstances – the time will come for you, you can safely
move forward, but later.

Rain is mostly in the fall, so many dream books are interpreted
his appearance in a dream as a symbol and sign of a certain depressive
states. It is worth looking into yourself, perhaps you can
depressed and depressed state that prevents you from taking
right decisions. If the rain in the dream is cold and the sky is completely
cloudy – such a dream speaks of protracted mental problems
and human torments that can lead to deep

It is necessary to carefully look at the well-being and
listen to the signals of your body. Also worth a special
attention to pay attention to who along with you was in the rain during
a dream. Perhaps this person is the source of all your

If you dreamed of a summer and warm thunderstorm – after
minor interferences and temporary inconveniences in your street will light up
light of hope. Do not forget that everything is temporary and looking at
problems – you give them strength. If heavy rain but heavy
– you need to be aware of each act, otherwise the black stripe
your life will not end.

A dream in which a shower was dreamed – one of the dreams in which
the main and decisive role is played by internal sensations during it.
Emotions and experiences. Perhaps at first they were very
negative and you felt dejected and upset but
with the appearance of a certain person in a dream, everything was fine. To such
The turn of events can also have many explanations, ranging from
the fact that a dream indicates a way of solving problems and ending with the fact that
sleep projects the desire of the dreaming person to spend time with
specific people.

Why dream ливень по соннику Эзопа

Aesop’s dream book says that rain is a symbol of hope,
purity of thoughts, the desire to launder yourself from the routine and dirt of life,
rumors and slander. If a person is mired in a routine and cannot
get out of the vicious circle of trouble and problems – a dream about rain
help him cope with this problem.

• Get under the rain, but stay dry – your hopes
implemented, plans implemented;

• Get under the lingering and heavy rain – you already have enough
strengths and aspirations for implementing plans;

• If you are hiding from a shower in a place unfamiliar to you – it is worth
be very attentive, as the interference of outsiders
can ruin your plans, you should carefully hide everything

• Washing your hair under a shower – you and your friends are great
spend time;

• If you are in a dream just contemplate the drops of rain, which
flow down the trees – it’s time you go to rest with
friends on nature;

• If you swim in a river under a rainstorm – your financial affairs
will go just fine, do not even doubt their

• If you happily walk in the rain – you don’t
tend to make tremendous efforts to resolve problem

Why dream ливень по соннику Фрейда

Freud’s dream book says that rainfall is a symbol in a dream
cleansing a man of his sexual energy. It is a symbol of aspiration.
get a lot of sex – do not bother yourself in this. If young
an unmarried girl will dream how she will swim in the storm shower
water and enjoy this process – it will not be rebound from

It is worth looking at the weather during a rainstorm if you see how
the sun looks out because of the clouds – then all past adversities in a personal
life and frustration, loneliness – everything will remain in the past.
Rain in a dream can symbolize purification, rebirth
relationship in reality, if the water during a shower is warm. If it is cold
and dirty – the situation on the contrary will worsen.

Most likely, you will have to spend considerable time
proving that the partner and his entourage are right. For newlyweds
a dream in which they bathe under a shower promises a long and happy
семейную жизнь, но без problems. Careful to be to your
needs and requirements of your partner.

Why dream ливень по другим сонникам

Why dream ливень по детскому соннику? To that fortune
will be favorable to you. If the downpour begins as small and
unpleasant rain – rely on large income and positive
resolution of situations is not worth it now. If the water is warm and you
dream is a real pleasure to jump through the puddles – you can
feel free to embark on adventures, it is worth learning to trust life.

In the erotic dream book it is said that if you saw a summer in a dream
rain – in your family everything will be fine and the relationship will be the same
warm and bright. If the shower is long and the water is cold on
the street is damp – such a dream suggests that feelings between partners
cool, even separation is possible. More precisely it will be possible
to interpret a dream, if you betray the value of all its trifles. If
the rain stands by the wall – a wall of misunderstanding grows between

In the modern dream book it is said that the dreams in which it happens
rainstorms are unfavorable and worth treating them from all over
seriousness During a shower a person cannot go outside
your dream? Similarly, he will be immobilized and awake.
circumstances, they just block his way to the new
circumstances. To dream in a lot of circles on the water – to various
gossip around you. If вы сильно промокли — уделите внимание
not everything is as good with his health as he wanted

In the dream book of Medea, special attention is paid to the interpretation of the surrounding
environment during sleep. If there is dirt around and it is simply impossible to pass –
you will plunge into routine and even stop struggling with pretty
negative events of his life. If после ливня природа
comes to life – the same thing will happen in your life, it will happen
update period, you will be happy with your loved one.
Soak up under the warm summer rain – immerse yourself in emotions,

In the dream book of Lofa, it is important to look at the causes
ливня во a dream. If it is a natural phenomenon, not caused
human activities – do not be upset and think about
that the rain promises you tears in reality – such a dream, on the contrary, suggests that
that everything in your life goes on and on its natural path. If a
the rain took you by surprise and made you a hostage – in reality
you will become a hostage to circumstances that literally
words will not give you the opportunity to move forward and take
own balanced decisions.

In the esoteric dream book it says that special attention is worth
to give to the fact with whom it was you who fell under the rain. If a это
someone of your acquaintances – you may well become a hostage to the bad
man’s thoughts about you. If a вы представляете себя в
the role of a child who has fallen under a shower – such a dream suggests that
the cause of your current problems lies in the problems of your childhood and
you should deal with negative experiences that came exactly
from there.

If вы видите, как с неба вместо ливневой воды на вас
a stream of mud flows down – just as in reality you will be showered with mud,
lies and imaginary speculation. Do not resist – the moment when
you could make a difference in your favor – missed, better get engaged
self-development and self-improvement, it’s too early for you to
path of war with enemies, but it’s time to get the missing knowledge
and facts.

It is also important to take into account the fact, what time of day began.
shower. It will talk about when the situation in your life
change dramatically. If a ливень пошёл ночью и разбудил вас —
sudden events will change the course of events of your being. If ливень
went quite early in the morning, when you were still asleep – you started an important
business is too early – it is worth slowing down and wait a bit.

If ливень вам только в радость, и он начался в солнечную
the weather and the sun is over – understanding, success and
rest. You will flourish for quite some time. Worth using
such a situation for their own benefit. In any case, dreams give hints,
but do not change reality. Only you can change it yourself.
discretion. Trust yourself, and then fate will come to you
kind, do not be afraid to go ahead and the door in front of you
will open.

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