Why dream of snow

Why dream of snow
Mon, Jun 20, 2016


Why dream of snow — по соннику Миллера

White, pure snow in dreams is a sign of flawless
health, there is it – to the destruction of ideals. If you are caught in a blizzard –
wait for failure in business. Dirty snow symbolizes problems with
health, melting – getting rid of fears, falling large
cereal – a quarrel with a loved one. Stay in the mountains or see
snowy peaks – it means your pride and ambition will prevent
execution conceived.

Sledding – to fight for love, to play snowballs – to
family litigation. Most likely, you will face ingratitude
children. Lost in the highlands – this dream foreshadows
the impending black stripe in life.

Why dream of snow — по соннику Ванги

Walking barefoot on snowy terrain – a sign that it has come
time to correct your mistakes, repent of sins. Dirty snow
talks about the upcoming trials, you have to go through
betrayal of a loved one. White snow represents purity
thoughts, sinless soul, desire to help people. Blizzard spells
long and prosperous life.

Wandering through huge snowdrifts – to serious trials. The enemies
set traps on your way to success, so you need to be
on the alert. To clean the roads of snow means to bring good to people in reality,
help them. After all, it is for this that God sent you to Earth. Sculpt
in a dream, snow figures are a sign of boasting.

Why dream of snow — по соннику Фрейда

Snow, in Freud’s interpretation, means the process of fertilization and
ejaculation. If a woman puts snow – she wants to have
children. If a man is overtaken by a storm, then he is inclined to
self-satisfaction. Cover your face from falling snowflakes – a sign
fear of liability and unwanted pregnancy. Snowy
landscapes symbolize the mutual desire of partners to have

Why dream of snow — по итальянскому соннику

This image in dreams indicates frigidity, coldness. Go
through untouched snowdrifts – the dream reflects the desire to know
virginity, dirty snow talks about sexual wine, maybe
for treason or lack of craving for a partner. Melting – forerunner
the extinction of passion, love.

Why dream of snow — по соннику Лоффа

Pure, white dream to the disease is likely to fall into
hospital with poisoning, appendicitis or any other acute
a problem. Gray is a sign of fast healing, both physical and
spiritual. Running barefoot in the snow – foreshadowing the approaching
flu epidemics, but it will bypass you. Build figures – to
catarrhal diseases: bronchitis, sore throat, acute respiratory infections, etc. Snowfall in
dream foreshadows exacerbation of chronic ailments. Play
snowballs – wait for the arrival of relatives.

Why dream of snow — по соннику Цветкова

– to see the falling – to a romantic date; – to walk, to run on
him – to a pleasant surprise; – wander through the snowy plain – to
trouble; – white promises wealth; – dirty – to treason; – blizzard dreams to
troubles and obstacles; – skiing – to good
news; – wipe off – to the fulfillment of desires; – fall into the snow
– to danger.

Why dream of snow — по соннику Хассе

Admire the falling snow from the window – dream prophesies fast
change for the better. Big drifts show danger
emanating from enemies. Being littered is a warning sign.
You will try to substitute, the probability of judicial
proceedings. To fall into the snow – to the upcoming difficulties on
work, to dismissal or reduction.

Why dream of snow — по английскому соннику

Land covered with white carpets, foreshadows well-being –
you, despite the intrigues of ill-wishers, save your honest
reputation. Walking in snowy weather promises family harmony,
spouse care and love. If in a dream you
storm overtakes – get ready! Fate will test you on

Why dream of snow — по соннику Лонго

Dreams of snow in all variations are harbingers of deception,
treachery and deceit. The danger will come from people
whom you trust.

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