Why dream of shoes? Basic interpretations of differentdream books – why dream of white, blue, black and othersshoes

Чт, 17 май 2018 Автор: Инна

Dreams do not come to us every night. But if
you will have a dream – you will remember it
for a long time.

Why dream of shoes? How to interpret such a dream?


What dreams about shoes – the basic interpretation

Если вам приснятся новенькие, красивенькие shoes — вас
pleasant chores and pleasant little joys await. You can even
get a small but relevant gift. If you
dream high-heeled shoes – here we can talk about
your desire to dominate and gain power over others

In order to fully interpret a dream is important
consider its details:

• Where shoes came from in a dream;

• What color were they;

• Have they been worn;

• What was their style;

• Who wore shoes in a dream;

• What emotions accompanied your dream.

If in a dream you see that shoes are torn – you cannot
achieve the goal. Most likely, you will prevent your
short-sightedness. You will not be ready for new twists of fate,
will hold on to old connections, old acquaintances. Dream interpretation
advises you to look at everything that is happening. Soon
everything will change dramatically.

If you dream that you broke your shoes while walking – you
decide to do something, start a business and during
implementation of the conceived face trouble. You may not
think about the trouble, and do not want problems. But, it will,
that all your efforts will be empty and unnecessary.

Try to act sanely and not be scattered on minor matters,
if you see a dream in which your shoes are slipped. If you are
hurry to sleep somewhere, but you feel that the sole of the shoe is getting thinner
and thinner. It may even hurt you to walk the road, you can
feel discomfort and pain.

So in reality discomfort and pain will be brought to you by your household
duties, your household chores. Do not be in a hurry to get upset, not
hurry to be disappointed in everything that will happen to you. Have
you still have a lot of time to establish your life and
prioritize it.

If you dream that your shoes are small – you charge them on
shoulders are too big obligations and you just can’t
to execute. Therefore, you better spend more time in solitude,
think well about how to build life further and with whom it
build. Perhaps you will pay too much attention to someone else
life, if in a dream you measure shoes, they are small to you, but you
buy it.

Such a dream means that you will take on too much of
someone else’s life. Perhaps even trying on someone else’s life for yourself. Will be
try to repeat the successes of others, you will be glad to others misses. Dream interpretation
advises to live your life, otherwise it turns out that you
lose, plunging into someone else’s life.

If you dream that you bought patent leather shoes, you will
want something new and bright. You will want new meetings,
New acquaintances, those who would give you a pleasant experience
and pleasant moments in life. You can even хотеть новых эротических
connections. The main thing – that everything was gorgeous.

It is important to pay attention to the interpretation of the color of shoes in

• Black shoes can talk about restraint in decisions;

• White – about positive changes;

• Yellow – about alarms;

• Blue – about wisdom;

• Gray – about the difficulties;

• Pink – about frivolity;

• Green – about success;

• Multicolored – about the complexity of choice.

If in a dream you see shoes with laces – you will try
go through a difficult path, you will complicate it yourself. All the intrigues
that will surround you – you will create yourself. If you dream,
that you can not unlace shoes – in reality you can not
deal with the life puzzle. You can not adapt to
life situations. Will be строить далеко идущие планы, но
disappointed in them without good reason.

If in a dream you are looking at shoes on another person, and they
you seem beautiful, you would like to have the same – in reality you
Will envy someone, and even can harm. This person
will be dependent on you and you will use the power.

If you see in a dream a huge amount of pairs of old shoes, and you
you are looking for one pair of new shoes among them – you will try to find
reasonable explanation of the events. Will be копаться в прошлом, пытаясь
explain the reasons for what happened to you. Dream interpretation советует
quit this venture and pursue your life. Do not look for reasons in
the past and build the future.

Buy shoes for a child – take care of someone, try everything
pay more attention to your loved ones. But the dream book does not advise waiting
from them return, gratitude. If you are helping someone, do
it’s free.

If in a dream shoes you are great – do not count on lightness
in work. You will drown in the routine and affairs, more and more
complain about your colleagues and will look for opportunities to get away from
commitments that have piled on you.

If in a dream your shoes rubbed your feet – you will be disappointed
someone from colleagues. You will be very unpleasant hear from him
negative feature. Perhaps the conflict between you was brewing
for a long time, but you did not want to notice. Did nothing
to eliminate it. And now, you will be very difficult to fight
with its consequences.

What dreams of Freud’s dream book

Freud’s dream book says that shoes dream when a woman
wants new sensations in sex. She lacks some intrigue,
raisins. She really wants to try herself in everything and everywhere. Her
really want to try your luck with a new partner.

If a woman polishes her shoes to shine in her dream – in reality she
ready to shine in front of other men, ready to give them her
sexuality. If a woman’s shoes are dirty, and she cannot
launder – her reputation will be spoiled and this will only be her
the wine. Dream interpretation советует в ближайшее время контролировать свои
deeds and thoughts. Control your words. Otherwise reputation already
can not be help.

If a woman dreams that she rearranges the shoes on the shelf –
she will change cavaliers, will change her preferences in
men But she can’t find the right one, because she’s not
confident in what kind of man wants to see next.

If in a dream shoes a man shoes – he is ready for new
conquest, ready to meet new women, conquer them
hearts, build relationships differently. If you see that your chosen one
shod new shoes – get ready for what you can be in his
life is not the only one.

A pregnant woman to dream in a new, beautiful shoes – to new
opportunities and pleasant troubles. See old and trampled shoes
– to trouble, which will take a lot of time and effort.

What dreams of shoes on the esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that the shoes are dreaming as a symbol
New roads and new opportunities. You will travel on them in
alone, if you see that you put a shoe on only one foot. Your
the path will be thorny and difficult, so try to pay more attention
pay yourself and your interests now. Do not rely on big
help from outside.

If you dream, что туфли вы надели чужие — вы будете
live other people’s emotions and other people’s experiences will be for you
the main ones. Dream interpretation советует не лезть в чужой омут, а решить вначале
own problems.

A dream in which you see how children put their shoes on – speaks of
that you will miss tenderness on the part of loved ones. You
increasingly will seek attention from loved ones, but so
and you will not be able to receive it, because you will not take the first steps to

If you dream, что вы надеваете вместо туфель тапочки — вы
want to make your life easier so that you leave it to yourself
obligations and then you will regret it. If you приснится,
that shoes are all soiled with soot – it is important to preserve reputation.

What dreams of shoes on other dream books

If you dream, туфли вам подарили — вас ждут новые
discoveries, thanks to some important, influential person.

В соннике Гришиной сказано, к чему снятся туфли
– to success in all endeavors, if you risk.

В соннике Эзопа сказано, что белые туфли всегда
dreams of a favorable change in personal life. In front of you
new horizons and new opportunities to succeed will open. Important
just do not allow fear and apathy. And clearly understand what you are
really want. Then it will not only bring you closer to your goal, but
and will give an understanding of the result of your actions. It all depends on your
vision and desire to change things for the better. So treats
dream predictor.

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