Why dream of school, go to school,teach at school? Basic interpretations of various dream books – why?dreaming school

Пн, 25 дек 2017 Автор: Инна

In a dream you can get into any situation, be
in any, even the most unusual place.

К чему dreaming school? How to interpret such a dream?


К чему dreaming school — основное толкование

The school is a dream as a symbol of the knowledge that you will receive thanks to
his perseverance and his efforts. But it is important to consider all
details and all the nuances of sleep, in order to further understand the
its interpretation:

• Did your former school have a dream?

• Whether you studied at school, or taught someone;

• What exactly did you do in school?

• What emotions visited you during and after sleep.

Not all school years were a period of joy and self-development.
Many remember them with horror and even with negative emotions.
Do you remember your school with the same emotions?

A dream in which you dreamed of an unfamiliar school – says
that some events of the past were not realized by you and not thought out.
Now it’s time to understand everything that happened to you in
the past, perhaps, it will be about some negative events, about
whom you do not want to forget and carry the load of the past with you

К чему dreaming school, если вы видите себя подростком, который
late for a lesson – such a dream means that you will soon be
filled with emotions and experiences of past days. Depending on the
In addition, if you had time to sleep on the lesson, such will be the emotions in a real
of life.

If you didn’t have enough time for a lesson, then in real life you will
experiencing emotions of depression and confusion, you can also
to experience some stiffness in words and actions after such a dream.
Dream interpretation advises in the near future to choose the most
appropriate behavior strategy and do not try to delve into others
problems, try to solve all your situations first.

If in a dream you are happily approaching the doors of the school –
such a dream means that you will be happy to do things
urgent, you will be happy to achieve your goals,
Past experience will give you sensible tips on how to act

A dream in which you are trying to open the door of the school and you do not
succeeds – says that you will try to return to the past
and learn something from him, but this is a bad idea and you will not succeed in it
to implement. A dream in which you knock on the door and after some
time they open to you – says that it’s time you
knock on a visit to someone of your old friends and acquaintances.
It will be a pleasant meeting and a rather pleasant conversation, which
will let you know a lot of important things.

A dream in which you communicate with a huge number of people on
the porch of his former school – says that you are missing
communicating with like-minded people. You may need support and
mutual aid from a loved one. Perhaps you want to see y
yourself as a guest of one of your old colleagues, colleagues. In any
case, such a dream suggests that you can not find yourself
real friends with whom you can share common interests.

Why dream of a dilapidated school? Such a dream suggests that
that soon you will understand and realize that your dreams and hopes
destroyed by time. You could really try to hide that one from others.
the fact that you have long ceased to believe in yourself and dream, but life
events will develop so that you have to yourself in this

If you see in a dream how the roof of the school falls to the ground – such
dreaming means your modern life
collapse. Such a dream can also speak of your wisdom in the past and
about your lack of judgment at the present time. Try
not to lose sight of those people who can set an example for you and
benchmark. It is very important.

A dream in which you see schoolchildren who leave on a call
school – says that you are also ready to drop everything and
drastically change your life. But is it worth doing? Maybe,
you are in too much of a hurry and such your deed will not lead to good
the consequences will not be decisive for you. Maybe, вам стоит
reconsider their attitude to everything that is happening and decide for
yourself, do you want to change the situation dramatically, or is yours different

If the school burns in your dream – you will burn with shame
for their actions. On the one hand, you did not do anything terrible,
but on the other hand you could not behave in the past
judiciously and now very much regret it.

A dream in which you see your class teacher young and
smiling at you – says your past experience comes in handy
you in new achievements and as a result, you will receive new
opportunities for development. Also such a dream can foreshadow you
advice and support from a loved one with whom you have been
did not communicate.

К чему dreaming school по соннику Фрейда

Freud’s dream book says that school dreams as a symbol of experience.
past, which is useful to you in the present. Thanks to him, you
be able to build new relationships no longer making past mistakes.
Try treat past experiences with understanding and acceptance.
Do not save offense and anger.

If you dream that you visited school in old age –
such a dream may mean that you decide on an experiment in
relationship, you may decide to start dating
Former partner, who previously did not suit you for some
reasons, but now you are ready to compromise and much to him
to forgive.

A dream in which you try to go to school, but something you
constantly holding back from this, says that you can
try to get a life lesson and you will not succeed. You
you will try to take something out of the relationship, but
will only face misunderstanding and rejection
partner Dream Interpretation advises not to force events and not to look for logic
in the events that occur in your life further.

If a lonely girl dreams that she came to class to school
– such a dream suggests that she does not learn from her mistakes
and gets into the same situations again and again. This dream also says
that it’s time for a girl to take care of herself and switch from searching
partner to develop their personal qualities.

A pregnant woman can dream of school as a symbol of what
someone will lecture her and put pressure on her for the purpose of taking some kind of
solutions. Her partner will not be too caring and will not try
to maintain an even and trusting relationship with her, so she should
rely on your life experience.

К чему dreaming school по Эзотерическому соннику

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that the school dreams like a symbol
past victories and defeats. If in a dream you happily run on
corridors of the school – in reality you will receive good news from the old
friend You даже сможете лично с ним пообщаться, сможете приятно
spend time with him.

A dream in which you are trying to get out of school, but the door is closed –
talks about your negative experience that is too active for
your real life. Try минимизировать это влияние и не
betray so much value to all that will be further in your
life happen.

A dream in which you see some students leaving school,
while you stay in the classroom and look after them from the window – it says
that you are prone to envy and resentment. You ищете причину для того, чтобы
blame the other person in situations that have developed in
вашей of life. Dream Interpretation warns you against such actions.

К чему dreaming school по другим сонникам

В соннике Медеи сказано, что школа снится, как
the symbol of life, the lessons of which you must learn. On how much
well you will learn the lessons of the past – depends on the quality of your
of the future.

В соннике Гришиной сказано, если вы убираете в
school class – such a dream means that you will try to get rid
от всего лишнего в вашей of life. It can be both people and
things can be your old acquaintances and ex-partners.

If you don’t clean yourself at school, but clean with someone else –
remember with whom. This person will allow you to get rid of the huge
numbers of problems. He will be with you next to the most difficult moments and in
самые сложные минуты вашей of life. What is the dream in which you
running away from a lesson?

This means that you ignore the tips of life, do not want
listen to its important details, do not want to appreciate those chances
which gives you life. Try в ближайшее время
to focus precisely on the previously missed moments
life, on those points that you thought were insignificant. Now
they will manifest themselves in a different light and quality. Time to be ready for
this, otherwise life will become unpredictable.

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