Why dream of blood

Why dream of blood
Sat, 11 Jun 2016


Why dream of blood – по соннику Миллера

According to Miller’s dream book, the dream of bloody clothes foreshadows
the appearance of enemies whose purpose will be the destruction of your well
started a career. He also advises to be careful when getting acquainted with
new people. To dream of blood pouring from a wound – to the disease
or trouble, to see blood on your hands – to failure.

Why dream of blood – по соннику Ванги

Vanga believed that blood in a dream means related
ties, retribution, quarrels. Attempt to stop in a dream pouring from a wound
blood says that you are saddening for a deceased loved one.
Seeing your clothes stained with blood is at the risk of your reputation.
because of the act of a loved one. If you dream that, defending yourself,
you hit your opponent before the blood, and she splashed on you,
it means you don’t need to interfere in a quarrel between loved ones,
so as not to get into trouble.

If in a dream you drink pure water from a river, and suddenly it,
turning into blood, it stains your hands, mouth, clothes, then such a dream
warns you of a long-standing dangerous curse on your
family, and the need to ask God for forgiveness for their sins

Why dream of blood – по соннику майя

If in a dream you are bleeding out, then soon you will have to give
help to a loved one. If you drink blood, it means someone
trying to hurt you.

Why dream of blood – по соннику Нострадамуса

According to Nostradamus, the blood seen in a dream – to the news from
relatives. To bleed in a dream – to loneliness and sadness,
shed foreign blood – to the need to be more proactive.
If a person close to you bleeds in a dream, it means that
your selfishness will lead to a deterioration in relations with someone from the family.
To dream of a blood-drenched earth – to the ordeal and

Why dream of blood – по соннику Лоффа

According to Lofa, blood in dreams rarely promises something good.
As a rule, she speaks of exhaustion, both physically and
emotional. However, to dream of the blood of the enemy – to

Also, blood in a dream can be a symbol of life and unity with
another person or sacrifice. According to the dream book of Lofa,
The clue to this dream is important to consider whose blood it featured,
what caused her appearance, and other factors.

Why dream of blood – по соннику Цветкова

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, blood dreams to an unexpected event; blood from
a nose – to a monetary loss, a plight, or to arrival

Why dream of blood – по соннику Хассе

Clothes with blood stains, seen in a dream, indicate the machinations
competitors and talks about the need to avoid casual dating.
Blood flowing from a wound is a precursor of the disease and other
troubles, including business failures. Dreamed
bleeding or blood-stained hands promise problems and
warn you need more attention
your health and affairs.

Why dream of blood – по соннику Менегетти

According to the dream book Meneghetti, blood dreams to a wound or physical
damage that will be caused by external or internal
by violence.

Why dream of blood – по соннику Лонго

Traces of blood on the ground, seen in a dream, indicate the need
wait with the decision of important cases and wait out the situation. Blood,
coming from a wound, dreaming of some kind of problem, at first
look simple, but carrying a lot of difficulty. Wash in a dream
blood from clothes – to the need to think more independently and
more firmly stand on their opinion. Lick blood in a dream – to
unpleasant traffic and car accidents.
Such a dream may warn of the need to increase your
mindfulness on the road. A person who gives blood in a dream
analysis, such a dream promises a lot of small and annoying
affairs As a rule, he talks about the need to learn correctly.
manage your time.


Danil 12/08/2016 I wondered how I am coming as a lady from the right ear
there is a lot of blood stretched but 150-200 meters. adoma got blood and
I lost consciousness Alexander 17.08.2016 and if with blood from a wound
Are the meat chunks? Vladimir 07/07/2016 DISCOVER THE OLD
The Covenant, the book of Jesus the son of Sirach, chapter 34 and read, from the first
verse about faith in dreams, then confession, to the temple … Julia 03/31/2016
dreamed that I was standing near an aquarium with one fish (very
it was colored), and as if there is half blood there, half
water, fish swam in the blood, what is it for? Ellean 03/14/2016 You
fortune tellers! some stupid answers – only Tsvetkova is close to
the truth.

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