Why dream of an abortion – to conceive and give birth?The basic interpretation of what dreams of an abortion: a young girl, a woman,a man

Чт, 29 сен 2016 Автор: Инна

Plunging into a dream – everyone wants to see a lot of pleasant
events, joyful events. But dreams do not always carry
positive meaning, sometimes they talk about the sad, even
tragic events. What dreams about abortion? Worth to understand.


What dreams of abortion – the basic interpretation

If a young unmarried girl dreamed of an abortion – it is a symbol
the fact that she is rather impulsive in making decisions, she should
more balanced with all his words and actions. It is impossible
make rash decisions because their consequences are pretty
hard to predict.

Also, abortion, dreaming in a dream – in reality can mean
completely opposite event – conception and childbirth. Not always
dreams should be interpreted literally. Definitely a girl
having a dream like this will be alarmed and even scared, but not
worth the panic.

Если подобный сон приснился a man, хотя это и большая редкость
– he should push him to pay more attention to his beloved
to the woman. If there is none, you need to actively search. If
такой сон приснился a man женатому— ему стоит внимательным быть к
to her lover because she is in danger. Which one
danger lurks his soul mate – tell others
details of the dream.

Also a girl who had a dream like that can be
prone to exaggerating catastrophes, creating imaginary negative
images and projections. According to psychologists – such projections
work as a trigger for negative programs.

If подобное сновидение приснится девственнице — это
means that she has long had tender feelings for the young
man, but she still should not admit to her emotions, because
how can this cause scandal and refusal to further communicate with
sides of a man.

Also, if sleep was accompanied by excessive anxiety and
anxiety – a person should necessarily pay
attention to your health. It is even worth prophylactic
examination of the whole body. If a girl sees complications in a dream
after an abortion – she should pay special attention to their childbearing
organs. Perhaps there lurked an insult that eats a girl
from the inside.

If after a woman’s sleep mood swings, panic attacks –
you shouldn’t sound the alarm – it’s just that she experienced stress in her sleep, it means
in reality she really fears such a perspective – prospects
have an abortion.

If аборт приснится медицинскому сотруднику — ему стоит
pay attention to their professional activities. Also
should pay special attention to such a dream for women who
in the face of hard choices. Such a dream can advise them.
act according to conscience, choose the bright side, choose the good.

Also аборт может присниться тем людям, которые постоянно
are under stress, who constantly negative in life
and the black bar does not end. In some dream books
you can find the following interpretations for what dreams

• To the collapse of hopes;

• Depression and other mental disorders;

• To the despair of the case.

What do dream books advise to take in such cases? Not worth it
give up and go more depressed. Worth revising
your attitude to life and not to be so critical. Maybe,
man does not give himself rest and peace and constantly doubts his
choosing. It is worth switching from thinking about your losses to
understanding possible options for positive developments.

If беременной женщине приснится аборт — ей стоит
look closely at the plot of sleep. Maybe someone from
loved ones or relatives of people insists on it – this man can not
to trust in reality it means that he bears offense and evil in relation to
pregnant If беременная чувствует после сна облегчение —
it means she will find the strength to solve all her problems
in reality.

What dreams about abortion on Miller’s dream book

What dreams about abortion? Miller’s dream book says
that a dream like this is a risky deal for a woman
unexpected and unpleasant event. Those who occupy a high
position or directly related to their professional activities with
medicine – such a dream promises misunderstandings at work and maybe
job loss.

It is worth looking closely at who pushes
a dream to an abortion – this person in reality will intrigue and in every way
interfere with profit.

If a young girl who is going to marry has a dream,
how she survived an abortion – she doubts her chosen one and these
doubts are not in vain, she should think a few times before
decide on such an important step. She is not ready to charge her
fragile shoulders the burden of family responsibilities, and therefore afraid. Worth
discard fears and actively move forward to the family without panic
life, or abandon this idea.

If a girl in her sleep heartily regrets what she did
abortion – she really should make maximum efforts for speedy
complete the case. Also такой сон может указывать на то, что у
girls are not all right with health, she is pretty tired and
her mental exhaustion. She should be more attentive to
your body and redefine your rhythm of life.

What dreams of an abortion in a dream Danilova

In the dream book of Danilova, the interpretations of dreams in which
is an abortion. So, if a young girl sees in a dream like
she is bleeding to death – in reality she will lose understanding with her beloved
by man. The reason for this will be treason and excessive jealousy. how
can you avoid such negative phenomena in life? Worth поговорить,
consider all options for the development of events. If the relationship is not cheating
a rarity – it is worth thinking about the fact that it is high time to stop them.
It’s time to stop mocking yourself and your partner.

If in a dream the girl dreams about how she had an abortion, but
pregnancy managed to keep – it means that someone is very strong, fiercely
wishes her evil, but the machinations of enemies will not succeed. Girl
It should be more attentive to your surroundings, because in him for a long time
the enemy wound up. It may even be the best friend – to clarify all
The details of the dream are imperative. They have a clue that
who is this ill-wisher and how to behave further with him.

Если a man, который вскоре станет отцом – приснится, что его
the girl had an abortion – he should ask himself if he is ready
to such an important mission? Maybe, лучше более тщательно морально и
financially prepare for the emergence of the firstborn? So that later
to drown in tons of reproaches and grievances of my beloved, because
they do not lose a family.

What dreams about abortion in other dream books

В соннике Дениз Линн сказано что сон, в котором
a person sees an abortion, can mean unlimited possibilities in
the future and the release of the burden of old offenses. A person can get a glimpse
unique thought or new idea. If before that he could not find
problem solving – they alone can be solved, or he will find
effective way to resolve them yourself.

If an abortion in a dream is spontaneous – the person should be ready for
unreasonable and sudden changes in life, they have long been brewing,
and the time has come for them to happen. For those who deal with the court –
abortion can mean the failure of the judicial system
imperfection and confirm the guesses of a man that the attacker
will go unpunished. Worth внимательно растолковывать все
dream symbols and signs, as they may indicate hidden
problems and hidden human complexes.

В новом семейном соннике сказано что женщина,
who is preparing for an abortion in a dream – should carefully follow in reality
for all their actions. Her every rash word will entail
for a series of unpleasant events. In the gypsy dream book said
that such a dream indicates a collapse of projects and hopes not
It is worth making plans for the future.

В старинном английском соннике сказано что
аборт, явившийся во сне a man – указывает на то, что его
sweetheart sick or even die. But he has the power to take care of
and prevent trouble.

howов бы ни был сон, но если в нём фигурирует такое
an accident, like an abortion – it is worth being alert. Fate is imperative
throw a man to the test. Of course, he will be able to
overcome, but at what cost? Worth заранее подготовиться к столь
unexpected and unpleasant gifts to her, so that you do not regret for nothing
wasted time, lost love and happiness.

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