Why dream of a woman’s horse, unmarriedgirl pregnant? Basic interpretations – why dream of a horsea woman

Ср, 21 июн 2017 Автор: Инна

In a dream you can see a variety of events. You can
meet in a dream with old friends, lovers. For what
снится лошадь a woman? Worth to understand.


For what снится лошадь a woman — основное толкование

If a во сне a woman приснится лошадь — такое сновидение
means that she is waiting for success and joy. It is worth paying special
attention to such details of sleep:

• Is your horse in a dream?

• Where did you meet the horse;

• Did you ride a horse;

• Who else have you met in a dream;

• What emotions caused you to sleep.

It is important to remember exactly where you met the horse. If a
this meeting was unexpected and the horse just came out to meet you
– you expect pleasant acquaintances in reality and pleasant communication. You
unexpectedly you can meet the person who will decorate your life.
If a навстречу вам вышла лошадь белая — значит, в вашей жизни
A kind and helpful person will appear. If a вам навстречу вышла
black horse – in your life there will be a person who will become
dark horse

Do not trust a stranger, because he can throw
such that it will shock you. If a вам приснится, что лошадь
jumping around you in a circle – you will also walk around in circles
your goal. And you want to decide and understand the situation, but you have
it will turn out a little. Life events and coincidences will be
act against you.

If a во сне лошадь становится на дыбы — вы будете сопротивляться
to certain events, you will have an internal protest against what
your life will start happening. Dream interpretation indicates that this is not
problem and need to look at things easier. You просто попадёте в
dependence on the situation, will become dependent on events. For
order to break the vicious circle – it is worth taking the situation in their
hands and manage it.

If a лошадь во сне ухоженная и красивая — вашему здоровью ничто
not threatened. You будете прекрасно себя чувствовать, у вас будет
wonderful mood. If a лошадь много пьёт в вашем сне — у
you may also be dehydrated. If a лошадь
limping – you may also have problems with your legs.

Much more disturbing is the sleep in which the horse falls. It is important to remember
did the horse get up after the fall, or did it remain on the ground?
If a лошадь не смогла встать — в вашей жизни произойдут такие
events that will knock you down and it will be difficult for you to get back on
legs. If a же лошадь упала и умирает — следите за своим здоровьем,
stress and nervous exhaustion can significantly shake it.

If a во сне лошадь вздымается на дыбы и скачет — вы также
start protesting against the current situation, but then accept
wise decision and continue your journey further. If a же лошадь
attacking you – expect to be attacked and awake. And in reality you will
forced to defend against baseless and unpredictable attacks.
If a же во сне вам кажется, что лошадь больна, но при этом
continues to ride – you will also feel a slight discomfort
and keep working. Dream Interpretation advises not to continue work if
you are unwell

If a во сне вы пытаетесь перейти реку на лошади — такой сон
means you have to cry a lot and mourn. Maybe you
you will remember past insults and frustrations – the dream book protects you
from this. If a вы не видите конца реки, которую начали переходить
on a horse – such a dream says that there will be no end to your sadness. it
there may even be a protracted depression.

If a вам приснится, что мужчина скачет на лошади, и вы любуетесь
they – you do not have enough care and love. You хотите видеть рядом мужчину
reliable, loyal, loving, but have not yet met this and you it
worried. If a вам приснится, что кто-то украл вашу лошадь, не
worth the upset. Letting your problems be solved by
a person you could never rely on before.

If a вы видите выступление в цирке с участием лошадей — вас
expects a holiday in life. But do not count on support.
outsiders. You должны рассчитывать только на себя и собственные
strength Then the celebration of life will last quite a long time. Your happiness
there will be no limit.

For what снится лошадь a woman по соннику Фрейда

В соннике Фрейда сказано, к чему снится лошадь a woman. She is
dreams of changes in personal life. If a вы увидели во сне огромного
black horse – such a dream foreshadows you communication with the rich and
famous man. But in order for communication to grow into something
more – you need to work on yourself. Try
match your chosen one.

White horse in apples – dreams of new opportunities and
adventures. If a вам даже уже показалось, что в личной жизни вас
Waiting for nothing – do not rush things. Soon it’s snowing on
you will meet a pleasant meeting with the man who will become you

To water a horse in a dream – to the thirst for romance and passion. You will
seem like your life is boring and unstable. You will всё время
little attention from loved ones. You будете нуждаться в care. But
the dream book does not foreshadow you meeting with it. Not yet time.
All you can do now is sort out your
internal conflicts and needs. it поможет сделать вам
right choice in the future.

If a вам приснится, как вы мчите на кон вдаль — такой сон может
signify your imminent progress towards a perfect relationship.
Even if you don’t believe it and are disappointed that you have
– now is the time to find hope.

If a вам приснится мёртвая лошадь — это чёткий сигнал не
go back to the relationships that you had in the past. You
Now is the time to do something new. Build new relationships.
Leave alone those relationships that have become obsolete.

For what снится лошадь a woman по Эзотерическому соннику

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that a horse in a dream may
interpreted as a trap into which you will soon fall. Someone you
caught in a lie and betrayal and now wants to prove your guilt
in front of others. Now you should be extremely careful to
don’t make matters worse. Do not worry if the horse is from you
rode off. itт сон может означать, что неприятности вскоре
run out by themselves.

If a вы видите что лошадь во сне умерла — вы избежите
troubles, even now it seems impossible to you, but
the situation will be resolved in your favor. Do not dramatize and
look for any way out of the situation, it is enough to wait out the storm of emotions and
quietly rush into battle.

If a вам приснится, что вы спрыгиваете с лошади — вы потеряете
their position in society may also indicate a job loss and
goals in life. If a вы катались на лошадях вместе с возлюбленным —
lose his trust and disposition to you.

For what снится лошадь a woman по другим сонникам

In the dream book of Jou-Goun it is said that the horse dreams as a foreshadowing
resolve an unpleasant situation.

• Ride a horse, get ready for a long journey – to a huge
joy, luck;

• Rejoice in a dream that you are riding – to sadness and

• A horse that carries things, valuables – to lose its position,

• Herd of horses – troubles will be resolved;

• Ride a white horse – to the disease;

• The horse bit you – moving up the career ladder;

• Horse in the house – to the joy, happiness.

In the Modern Dream Book it is said that a horse dreams like
forerunner of slander. If a лошадь встаёт на дыбы — будет ссора,
scold It is worth paying special attention to the condition of the horse.
If a она ухоженная, красивая — вас ожидает радость и успех.

• A horse nodding in a dream – you get permission,
which have long been wanted;

• See the horse that you eat with your hand – to the conclusion
profitable deal, obtaining permission;

• To ride a small horse – to the hassle;

• Youгуливать лошадь — вы тянете груз прошлого за собой;

• Comb the horse – look for a way out.

If a вам приснится сон, в котором вы скачете под дождём —
Beware of gossip and interference. If a вам
dream that someone long drives a horse in a circle in the rain – on
a flurry of indignation, a flurry of resentment and anger will break you down. Situation
will be repeated day after day. You уже сами устанете от неё, но
can not do anything.

If a вам приснится, что вы лично убили лошадь — важно вспомнить,
what emotions did you experience? If a радость и счастье — вы
finally deal with long-standing problems. If a вы испытывали
grief and indignation – you still have to worry about for a long time
problems. If a лошадь вы не убили, а только ранили — вы на грани
bankruptcy, large losses.

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