Many in childhood loved to admire the rainbow. She is pretty not
often appeared after the rain, but gave a lot of positive emotions.
К чему dream rainbow, что может означать такой сон? Worth
sort out.
К чему dream rainbow — основное толкование
In the general interpretation, a rainbow appears in a dream as a precursor
positive changes in life, as a forerunner of joyful events
and bright emotions. If you see a rainbow in a dream just above the river –
such a dream suggests that the weather will be wonderful and all your
endeavors will be very lucky.
A rainbow in the sky is a hope for a bright and joyful future.
that the situation will change and you will get a start in life. Double
a rainbow means all hopes are realized and no obstacles
on the road to perfection will not be.
Our ancestors also considered a rainbow a sign of divine providence,
she personified everything that is God’s will and with his help in life
man will manifest miracles. Generally dream about the rainbow almost
always promises happiness and peace, the opportunity to look at life
completely different eyes.
You should also expect support from your close people and understanding
by the authorities. All the effort you have put into
a specific thing – bring you success and honor. But do not forget
and about the people with whom you have achieved success. They continue
can help you in your life promotion.
If a rainbow dreams of in love or newlyweds – they are expected
really great relationship. If they had to
observe how the rainbow is extinguished gradually in the sky – such a dream promises
many problems and losses in their union, which will be avoided
extremely difficult.
К чему dream rainbow по соннику для всей семьи
В соннике для всей семьи сказано, к чему dream rainbow — к
quick restoration of family ties and mutual understanding between
family members. If you have experienced a long period of trouble and
loss – a rainbow in a dream symbolizes their imminent completion, you
soon you will forget that once something was not received from
of life.
If you see a rainbow in your dream, something will happen in your life
that radically change it. If she sprawls over yours in a dream
home – peace and harmony will reign in it, you will become the keeper of the hearth, and
Your household will treat you with due respect. If e
the rainbow over the house will gradually disappear – it is worth
look at other symbols of sleep, perhaps soon trust
between you and your household will be lost forever.
If a rainbow spreads over you, you will be
complex and uncertain issues and tasks will help your
loyal friends. They are ready to help you any minute.
and no longer leave you in a difficult moment.
If, on the contrary, in a dream the rainbow disappeared just above you – someone
from relatives offended you seriously – you need to be attentive to
the needs of loved ones and not to leave them alone for long
your fears. After all, people are given each other in life for support.
The most favorable are dreams of a rainbow from Thursday to Friday.
and from Wednesday to Thursday. Dreams are especially productive these days.
portend precisely positive developments in the situation.
К чему dream rainbow по эротическому соннику
If you dreamed of a bright and huge rainbow in the sky – dream book
promises you the same bright and positive changes in life in
in the nearest future. However, do not count on a long
a period of joy and well-being, it is likely that this joy
will be temporary.
Also, the dream book heralds you rest in the company of exactly interesting
and diversified person, you definitely will not be bored.
You will be surrounded by pleasant attention and a lot of positive
of emotions. Also, such a dream promises you a strong love union,
which will grow into something more, and that you will become the initiator
similar transformations.
If you dream of spilling the river and as a result of this
rainbow – you will be filled with sexual energy, and your partner
заставит вас испытать все прелести взаимной интимной of life. You
you will be in seventh heaven with happiness, and the further you go, the more you will
благодарить судьбу за такого человека в вашей of life.
К чему dream rainbow по соннику Фрейда
Freud’s dream book says that a rainbow in a dream is a symbol
subconscious desires and aspirations for mature and open
relationship. In this relationship, partners complement each other and wait
только приятных сюрпризов от of life.
Ate this dream a dream of a lonely man – he is wrong
chose all this time for a partner – he had to choose
a woman for life, and he chose a woman for an easy rest. If he
will not stop behaving this way – only long
depression and apathy that adversely affect business
of life.
If a паре приdream rainbow над звёздным небом — они давно
mired in their dreams and illusions. Partners do not appreciate each other for a long time
friend and live in hope for a bright future, but no good
these hopes will not bring. People will only be more and more
give up on the reality that is between them. But
they will have to make a choice sooner or later, so the relationship is further
can not continue.
К чему dream rainbow по другим сонникам
In the gypsy dream book it is said that the rainbow that appeared exactly
on the east side – such a dream promises wealth and well-being,
restoration of bonds within the genus. If a rainbow arose with
Western side – this dream promises the absence of positive
changes in life, so for the rich it means stable
wealth, and for the poor, stable poverty.
If the rainbow came straight over your head – it is worth
fear disease and trouble. Also related and
friendly will simply be upset and no longer
will recover.
In the esoteric dream book it is said that a rainbow in a dream is twofold
phenomenon. She can personify both genuine joy and
false hobby. It all depends on who dreams about. If a
rainbow dream of an unmarried girl – she has long dreamed of a prince,
who will save her from being alone, but miracle does not happen because
the fact that it is further and deeper hiding in its negative
beliefs. She lives under the guise of good and in relation
the opposite sex experiences double feelings. Maybe in her
some false stereotypes work that prevent it soberly
look at the situation.
If a же радуга приснится паре, в которой долгое время
complex relationships were observed – such a dream suggests that the period
problems and losses are almost over and you can safely look in
the future without worrying about your past. If a же таким партнёрам
приdream rainbow, которая резко исчезает с небосвода — им стоит
prepare for a difficult period, because after long
happy events they will expect such serious problems
which can even lead to parting.
If a радуга приснится беременной девушке — ей стоит ожидать
favorable circumstances and very light births.
Thanks to her innermost seventh feeling, a woman will succeed
throw away all the envy and anxieties that might accompany
her future life, in the end she will save the family and give birth to a healthy
If a же радуга приснится маленькому ребёнку — он ещё долго будет
please your family with good behavior and good health. For
those who are going to go that kind of dream can promise a bright and
good easy road All plans come true.
But если вначале на небе появится радуга, а потом небо затянут
clouds – such a dream, on the contrary, suggests that you have to wait a long time
You will have to resolve a difficult situation. You сами должны продвигать
their ideas themselves must make their way despite
bad weather, despite the skeptical mood of your surroundings. Not
it’s worth being afraid of the future, because the rainbow in the sky at any moment
может появиться и в вашей of life.
Even if the dream does not promise you a bright and joyous future – not
should be upset in advance, it is necessary to take into account all of his
details and trivia. It is important to remember all who participated in the events.
your sleep. These people will be important for a long time in your
the future may have been important in your past. Sleep will tell
how to best manage your time and how
better use the odds of fate. You всегда можете воспользоваться
tips of life and change it for the better, the only thing you need –
to sleep deeply.