Why dream of a lion, to see a lion in a dreambeautiful eyes? Basic interpretations of various dream books – why?dream lion

Чт, 26 апр 2018 Автор: Инна

In a dream you can meet various people, face
different situations. You can dream of animals and birds. For what
dream lion? How to interpret a similar dream.


For what dream lion — основное толкование

The lion is considered to be the king of the beasts, chiefly in the jungle. it
strong and freedom loving animal that is much stronger
person If you have a huge lion in your dream,
beautiful eyes that look like human ones – you will soon meet your

You will meet that person with whom you will feel the inner
sincere relationship. it будет судьбоносная встреча. Remember
feeling when you look into the eyes of a lion in a dream. it могут быть
disturbing or rather pleasant emotions. If something bothers you –
The fateful meeting will not be easy for you and calm. With her
Some of the vicissitudes of life will be connected.

If you look into the eyes of a lion and you feel calm and
well – the meeting will be decisive for you. You’ll get
patronage and for a long time will not need anything.
The main thing – do not miss the moment when it appears in your life
that man. In order to interpret the dream entirely – it is necessary
Take into account the following details:

“Where did the lion come from in your dream?”

– Have you talked with him;

– How he behaved in a dream;

– What did you experience when meeting with an animal;

– Who else have you dreamed of?

A lion with a huge mane dreams when you have to postpone
solution for your own benefit and convenience. You
It will take a long time to catch up if you are now
refuse to make a decision. If in a dream the lion hunts – you
You will observe how someone achieves success. Dream Interpretation advises you
think about the correctness of such an act. The best choice would be
weighted assessment of what happened.

The white lion dreams when you are waiting for positive changes in
in the nearest future. If you worry about something for a long time, something
afraid, faced with some problems, then after such a dream
they end quickly. You can solve all your problems by one
stroke. You can say goodbye to past troubles that are so
long pestered you.

A dream in which you see how someone else has led to you
under the door of a lion – says about the possible hidden help from a person on
which you could not count earlier. She will come to you as
can not be the way.

A dream in which you see how a lion suddenly appeared in your house
– should be alerted. Perhaps you promised something to someone and not
fulfilled promises – it’s time to do the implementation of their
commitments. You may have accumulated debts – they will affect
standard of living in the future. Try not to let that happen.
accumulating debt that you cannot repay.

If you dream that someone knocks on the window, you open, but for
window lion – you are waiting for not very good news, but you can
solve all issues, you can resolve conflicts. You осталось
quite a bit until the moment when you get what you want.

A dream in which you see how a person turns into a lion –
talks about a person’s need to have enough strength to solve
pressing issues. He may have already surrendered his positions and now
someone else decides for him the most important thing. Also such a dream
may indicate a person who wants by all means
prove its worth and its importance.

He can prove this to both his relatives and his colleagues.
A dream in which the lion licks your hands – says that soon you
Receive a huge gift from life – you will get a friend
who can solve all your problems and help insist on
his it будет тот человек, благодаря которому вы сможете активно
change life, you can actively look into the future and nothing
do not lose in the present.

A dream in which a lion attacks you – must really
to alert. If a lion attacks precisely because you
provoked – then you yourself will be the culprit of conflicts and
problems. The future of a few more will depend on you.

If you dream that a lion attacked you unreasonably and with
in this you experience tremendous fear and disappointment – such a dream
means that you will be frustrated with a lot in life and
disappoint. You will worry for a long time because of troubles
which could have been avoided. You will be a long time
recover from problems that will soon be upon you
will come down.

A lion who hunts promises you new opportunities in your personal
of life. You can pay more attention to yourself and your life,
but, at the same time, should not be a victim of someone’s prudent plans.
The lion who caught the sacrifice in a dream also promises you victory over
own fears and blocks. You will actively develop in
the direction that has long dreamed of.

A lion who is sick is promising a financial loss,
extra spending and excess nervousness. Lion that does not represent for
you danger, since he died – promises in reality the machinations of enemies,
которые никак не смогут на you повлиять. Lion that puts his paw
on your head – it promises you to have fun spending time together
with an active and cheerful person, your good friend.

For what dream lion по соннику Фрейда

Freud’s dream book says that a lion dreams as a symbol of strength and
authorities. After such a dream you can fall under the influence of a person
который будет you использовать для удовлетворения сексуальных

If you dream that you have become a lion – in reality
you will set a goal to have a good rest, above the goal to develop
relationship, develop yourself. If you dream that you are a long time
you can not drive a lion into a cage – in reality you can not curb
your emotions and feelings and just will suffer from them.

A dream in which you see a lion talking to you – should
заставить you задуматься над тем, а действительно ли вы видите себя
by whether you want to do it. If you dream that a lion
human voice gives you advice – listen. They can
to be efficient.

A dream in which you feed a lion from your hand promises you the opportunity
reconcile with enemies and make new friends. You сейчас это
just needed. You will increasingly try to bond with those
people who have some feelings.

A dream in which you see a lion burst from a cage – promises
you release from the relationship, which is a long time ago. You не
will have to endure more humiliation and insults partner, now you
are free.

Если беременной женщине приdream lion, который обнимает её
huge paws – she can count on the support and protection
близких people. If a lion attacks her in a dream – she will be very
worry much about the actions of the partner. He may turn away from

For what dream lion по Эзотерическому соннику

The lion is a symbol of wisdom and endurance. it человек, который
knows what she wants from life and calmly achieves this. if you
will dream that the lion lay at your feet – you will need help in
solving some rather difficult issues.

A dream in which you see a lion tearing its prey apart
– says that you will also be torn apart between
commitments and body gusts. A life будет you искушать и если вы
succumb to temptation – you lose.

For what dream lion, который защищается от браконьеров? Such a dream
сулит вам попытку отстоять свои интересы, перед людьми, которые you
do not appreciate and do not respect. Dream interpretation advises to revise the priorities.

For what dream lion по другим сонникам

Sonic Grishina says that a lion dreams as a symbol of wisdom and
stamina. The man is devoted to his desires and his interests. Person
will not betray your loved ones, even if they are wrong. Lion that eats
their prey is a symbol of victory over their fears and even the most
minor issues.

In the dream book of Aesop, it is said that the lion dreams when you are almost
ready to defend their point of view. Perhaps you will defend
её перед людьми, которые you не слишком ценят — это должно you
make you think, and whether to worry about the lives of those who do not
печётся о you.

If you dream that a lion вам улыбается — не спешите
rejoice, perhaps after such a dream you will have to choose between
multiple development options. But initially they will all be
unsuccessful. Try in the near future to decide on
direction of your development. What exactly will you do to
get what you want to stay in your best interest.

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