Why dream of a house

Why dream of a house W,
June 14, 2016


Why dream of a house – по соннику Миллера

Visit the old dwelling – wait for the good news; If you
lost a house in a dream – it speaks of alienation, you have lost
faith in people and prefer to avoid their company. See yourself
homeless – means to fail in any case. Moving to
new home – a sign of rapid change or travel.

Why dream of a house – по соннику Ванги

A cozy house in a dream promises to fulfill the cherished desire,
acquire family happiness. Huge mansion – evidence of
that the “black band” in life is over, and bright days come.
Such a dream can prophesy new and stable work. Abandoned
home – fate has prepared for you tests, you must cope with them,
perhaps you will lose all your possessions, but God will not leave you in
difficult moments.

To carry out construction or repair work in the home –
a good sign, promising to increase capital. See yourself в чужом
home – a sign of change, your life soon dramatically
will change.

Why dream of a house – по соннику Фрейда

The house often symbolizes the person himself, but a small wooden
a small house, cramped and inconspicuous, comparable to a coffin. House in
depending on appearance, can personify a woman or
a man So, the more masculine style is comparable to the strong half, and
female – with weak. Furnished, cozy accommodation in a dream
говорит о сексуальной гармонии пары, If you наблюдаете хаос —
therefore, in an intimate sense, you are not all smooth. Warm house
symbolizes – sincere love, cold – most likely, feelings
yours to each other are long gone.

Why dream of a house – по соннику Нострадамуса

If you dreamed of a house full of cockroaches, behind you
trying to ruin the life of secret detractors. Roofless house
says that among your surroundings there is a sick person who
really needs your support. Take a closer look! House on
the cloud spells an early death, moving to a new home – a family
well-being. A huge number of people in the house testifies
faithful and decent friends.

Why dream of a house – по соннику Лоффа

The house dreams, as a rule, to serious changes in the future. You
expelled from their own home – this dream displays unstable
relationship with the world. The state of depression is what you feel.
presently. See the ruins – to move, divorce or
financial turmoil. Consider what oppresses and presses you,
How is this related to real life? Construction or
repairs are a reflection of changes in perspective, expect
enhancements at work. Do not rule out the transition to a new level
существования — If you встречаетесь с кем-либо, ваши отношения
grow into a marriage.

Why dream of a house – по соннику Цветкова

– to see a stranger – to danger; – to build – to improvement; –
sweep the house, scavenge – wait for guests; – floor washing
foreshadows the separation or the imminent death of a relative; – without a roof – to
fast moving; – burning house – to great joy.

Why dream of a house – по соннику Хассе

If you see that your home has changed from the inside, then soon you will
learn some secret; buy a new home – to well-being,
falling apart – to the disease. Build your nest in a dream –
happiness for the newlyweds, rearrange the furniture in the house – expect
guests to visit the house of his grandfather – to death in the family.

Why dream of a house – по соннику Менегетти

The home is the mirror of our being. It symbolizes the complex features
characters that determine a person’s lifestyle. To give
unambiguous interpretation of the dream, it is necessary to examine all the details
sleep, in which particular part of the house the events unfold: the kitchen,
room, bathroom, etc. For example, being in a bathroom indicates
пустой эротизм, а образ кухни — нейтрален, только If you не видите
there is cut meat or blood, which is an indicator
unbalanced psyche. Being in the bedroom indicates
peace of mind, warmth, tranquility and security.

Why dream of a house – по соннику Лонго

Dreams of houses mean ordering in society, state of affairs,
therefore, much depends on the condition of your home. Wander in a dream
on empty space means to look for empty hopes, meaning in
life, to feel restlessness, to doubt. Build new – to
to solve problems, if you had a dream of a theft in the house – wait
arrived. A dwelling on a hill or on the edge of a precipice prophesying a lonely
old age.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: