Why dream of a gun: shoot a pistol,find a gun by chance? Basic interpretations – why dreampistol

Ср, 15 мар 2017 Автор: Инна

Dreams are sometimes cruel and aggressive, in them
can reveal the most secret corners of the soul

К чему снится pistol? Worth to understand.


К чему снится pistol — основное толкование

Violence in a dream is never a precursor to positive
events in reality. К чему снится pistol? In the classic interpretation
it is said that such a dream means the aggressiveness of a person’s nature, his
propensity to sharp decisions and to resolve issues
power methods.

It is also important to remember the following details of sleep:

• Откуда у вас появился pistol;

• Did you own it;

• Who else figured in the dream;

• Стреляли ли вы из pistolа;

• Have they shot at you;

• What emotions accompanied the dream.

It is important to pay special attention to the emotional coloring of sleep.
If during the dream you were experiencing increased anxiety and
could not calm down after him – such a dream is definitely
will bring a lot of changes into your life. They will all be pretty
negative. If you are particularly disturbed in a dream, and when
awakened – feel safe – such a dream
may indicate that all troubles will end quickly, and
justice will prevail.

If you dream that you feel safe, and this
feeling does not leave you after waking up – such a dream speaks of
that you are doing everything right in your life, and all coming
Decisions will be made by you carefully and with a clear calculation.

If a вы во сне держите в руке красивый
, выполненный из драгоценного металла и украшенный
precious stones – you win a big score. But not just like that
life will reward you with such a weighty gift. Most likely, you are long
went to this goal and finally you will get the desired result. You
they worked hard both on themselves and in the professional sphere
and received only the most positive feedback from colleagues and competitors on
his work.

But do not forget that everything is good in moderation, disposable
success is not yet an indicator of a person’s success in life. You
can now break a huge jackpot and very quickly pass their
positions in the future. If a вы стреляете из такого шикарного pistolа
in the air – your success will be imaginary. You только настроитесь на
getting the coveted result how all your efforts will shatter
in the wind.

If a вам приснится, что вы стреляете в другого человека
из pistolа
— вы раните кого-то резким словом. Rather
all, you just will be controlled by selfishness and pride. Yours
comments to another person will not be legitimate. Important
look at who you are firing a gun at. Rather
of all you have long irreconcilable differences with this person and for
that the conflict was settled – you have to attach a lot

If a вам приснится, что кто-то ранит вас из
, такой сон указывает на то, что вы слишком
trustful person and you have to limit your social circle. If a
you don’t even recognize the person who shot you – such
dream means that you will meet a traitor in your life,
to entrust all your innermost secrets.

If a вам приснится, что кто-то подкинул вам под дверь
— такой сон означает, что вскоре вы будете
caught in a lie. Such a dream should warn you against hurried
conclusions and aspirations to commit rash acts.

Now it’s time for you to think about how long you can
keep secret information secret
tell everything. It is also important to recall all the dialogues that
happened between you and other people in a dream. They have enough
a lot of sense.

Разговор может и вовсе не касаться pistolа. But important
identify the main line of sleep. К чему в нём появляется pistol и
What is your role in everything that happens? Do not just take on
yourself a lot of obligations after a dream like this
your efforts will be empty and will not bring you pleasure.
Trust your intuition and yourself. Then you can quickly decide
all your problems.

К чему снится pistol по соннику Фрейда

В соннике Фрейда сказано, что pistol снится как символ
coercion to intimacy. If a вам кажется, что вам не
cruelty inherent, most likely you are mistaken. Maybe you
play on your partner’s emotions in life to get intimacy with him.
If a вы во сне стали жертвой нападения другого человека, который
shot at you – you will aggressively defend your relationship,
maybe even you will have a rival or rival.

Such a dream should alert you, because it does not carry in itself
nothing positive. If a же вы во сне пытаетесь уговорить своего
партнёра не стрелять в вас из pistolа и при этом испытываете
feeling of fear means that you will be inclined to intimacy. Such a dream
need to be interpreted as a whole, so as not to miss the slightest detail.

If a вы сами стреляете из pistolа в партнёра — такой сон
says that you have to actively defend their position in
relationship, you may have made a mistake earlier and allowed yourself
show extra emotions that prompted the partner to think that
you are a weak person and you can be controlled. In fact – it is not
So. You обладаете довольно сильным темпераментом и поэтому не
become inferior to the entire partner.

If a сон вызвал у вас тревогу и даже панику — не вызывают ли у
what kind of feelings do you have? Don’t you feel yourself
closed like in a cage? Perhaps you are constantly present
feeling that you are not realizing yourself in this relationship? Dream interpretation
advises to discuss existing problems with a partner and come to

К чему снится pistol по эзотерическому соннику

В эзотерическом соннике сказано, что pistol во сне
personifies foreboding danger in reality. You, скорее всего даже
suspect someone who may wish you evil and where the trouble may come from
your house. It’s just that you have been postponing problem solving for a long time and now they
have accumulated. In order to solve them all, you lack one
little things. Which one is the detailed interpretation of the dream.

You might be able to ask the person who shoots you in a dream,
why does he do such an act, and then you get the answers yourself
to all your questions that have come true. If a же диалог не удался —
then it is worth looking at other symbols of sleep.

If a во сне вы сами в себя стреляете, такое сновидение указывает
on your tiredness from a constant routine, you are very tired to trust
to other people. You устали разочаровываться в них и не получать от них
proper attention. But the problem is not so much in repetitive problems.
and betrayal, as in the fact that you spoil your life when
concentrate on negative attitudes.

When you start thinking positively, you can
problems to resolve independently and rather quickly. Dream interpretation
настаивает на том, что подброшенный pistol под ваши двери — это
the symbol of approaching treachery, you just have to go through
his worthy and continue to trust only proven time
to people.

К чему снится pistol по другим сонникам

В Женском соннике сказано, что если вам
приснится pistol, такой сон означает что вы не настолько
a decent and honest person who you consider yourself. In the near
future life will send you such a test, because of which you simply
show all your negative traits. Dream interpretation советует вам
hold back and not spoil your reputation.

If a вы стреляете из pistolа — вас одолеет зависть притом не
reasonable. You позавидуете человеку, который получил заслуженное
confession. If a вам приснится, что вы слышите разговор о pistolе
– such a dream suggests that you can destroy other people’s plans
harm your loved one

В соннике Хассе сказано, что видеть pistol во
dream – to be angry and very strong. Important вспомнить, кто ещё
figured in a dream to understand who in real life
your anger will be directed. Perhaps he will be very fair
либо же не стоит так гневаться на person This will tell
other details of sleep.

If a вам приснится, что вы не можете найти свой pistol, чтобы
protect yourself from intruders – in life you will try to defend
your opinion and very vain, you just do not have enough arguments. Dream interpretation
advises not to spend your strength on something to someone
to prove.

Whatever the dream – you yourself create your own destiny. Important
learn from the tips and other information that was missing
in your real life.

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