Why dream of a dragon: good or bad?Basic interpretations – why the dragon dreams

ATт, 01 ноя 2016 Автор: Инна

The world of dreams is full of mysteries and secrets.

In dreams, a person can appear a variety of images and

The most interesting thing in a dream to see fairy-tale heroes and most
to be in a fairy tale.

But why dream of such dreams? What is the dream of a dragon? Worth
sort out.


What dreams of a dragon – the main interpretation

The dragon is a mythical character who often
associated with our ancestors with a certain power and might.
Dragons in fairy tales guarded untold riches. Maybe you
saw in a dream a mountain of gold that the dragon guards – such a dream
promises a thorny path to well-being and prosperity. But this path is worth
to pass, because at its end you will have a full
well-being life.

Also, the dragon was considered the keeper of secrets and secret knowledge. Something
mystical always accompanied his image. But do not be afraid
his appearance in his dream. He can give you wise advice and point out
on the right path in life, which is worth going. Many fear
for their lives and health after these dreams, and they do it
in vain.

The dragon can protect you in a dream – such a dream promises you
patronage over. You will get the location of that person
who will be able to further favorably influence your
welfare But not all dream books are presented positive
interpretation of the image of a dragon in dreams, in some it has
completely different meaning.

What is the dream of the dragon on Miller’s dream book

In Miller’s dream book, it is said that a dragon appeared in a dream –
may be a harbinger of unpleasant events such as quarrels and
differences within the family and the team. If the dragon has three heads
in your dream – your thoughts and deeds will contradict each other. You
you will need to choose one line most suitable for you
behavior and follow it clearly.

Also in the dream book says that you need to carefully
control your emotions and keep them from spilling out
out of control outside. You стоит держать свои мысли при себе и
not to tell anyone about your weaknesses, because they will
use against you.

If a young girl dreams of a dragon – this dream promises her
meeting with a powerful and very generous young man. Worth вести
rationalize yourself and not let yourself be manipulated. Otherwise
passion and love will turn into dependence on man.

Also, the dragon sleeping on precious stones and mountains of gold
coins, may indicate that you await innumerable
wealth. But it is necessary to dispose of the received good with the mind, otherwise
you are at risk of loss, not acquisition.

What is the dream of the dragon in Zhou-Gon’s dream book?

In the dream-book of Zhou-Gong, it is said that the dragon dreams of appearing
heir. If you dream that you are sitting on a dragon and together with
immerse yourself in water – you will become famous and respected
by man.

If the dragon is sleeping in the water – you can reach the goal easily and without
envy from others. Also, such a dream gives advice to set
challenging tasks, because now is the time for their
successful resolution. If the dragon is standing in front of your gate
– on your doorstep great happiness and prosperity. You осталось
quite a bit until the moment you rest on

If the dragon dies in your dream – you will be appointed to the post, o
which you have long dreamed of. If the dragon in your eyes comes off
from the ground and rises up – you get what so long ago
dreamed. If the dragon hides from you in the well – you
expects humiliating communication with the official, who will
a real despot. If in a dream you ride a dragon
on the market – you will be appointed to a greater position.

If the dragon crawls into the door of your house – expect a profit.
If the snake turns into a dragon before your eyes – you are expected
promotion and appointment. If married
a woman will have a dragon dream – soon there will be replenishment in the family. Everything
will develop safely.

What is the dream of a dragon on other dream books

In the dream book Meneghetti said that the dragon dreams of such a situation,
when someone is obviously energetically pressing on you. This pressure can
turn out to be a man both consciously and unconsciously. But in any
case – it will oppress you. Worth определить, кто же именно
has such a negative effect on you and refuse to communicate with
таким by man.

Also a dragon that appeared in a dream can be a symbol
barriers and blocks that a person builds himself. He can
symbolize the negative thoughts of a person, a negative environment, in
which he is forced to be. That is why it is very important
remember exactly where the dragon appeared in your dream and how
way your communication took place.

In the autumn dream book, it is said that the dragon dreams only of unusual
events that just couldn’t happen earlier in your life.
This may be a sudden trip, the same unexpected meeting with
old acquaintances, even meeting with your soulmate. AT
the summer dream book said that the dragon often dream to distortion
the facts, someone will try in every possible way to ruin your reputation,
but you should not be discouraged and succumb to negative emotions – you are with
честью выйдите из сложившейся situations.

AT детском же соннике сказано, что драконы снятся к успеху и
well-being. Only noisy fun and celebration await you in
the future. But do not indulge in passion and give your lower
desires to govern themselves. Everything стоит делать разумно и всё должно
be in moderation. It’s also worth controlling not only emotions, but also
the words. So, at first glance, a little offensive joke can lead to
significant scandal.

If you see a dragon with a huge number of heads –
such a dream means that you are under scrutiny
detractors who only strive to let about you
dirty gossip.

• If a dragon in a dream lets out fire – your enemies are actively
trying to hurt you;

• If the dragon is sleeping – you have nothing to fear, all you have in mind –

• If you win in the dream of the dragon that attacked you – you
commit the act of which you will regret for a long time.

AT соннике Цветкова сказано к чему снится дракон. He dreams to
well-being and welfare. It is also a symbol of positive
changes in fate that will happen soon. If the dragon
attacks you in a dream – you will be under powerful

AT современном соннике сказано что дракон снится как символ того
что вы в любом случае получите всё то, о чём вы так давно dreamed.
ATы также можете получить продвижение по службе. If in a dream a dragon
something protects – your health will improve. If you see how
the dragon is sleeping in a cave – you are close to your goal, it costs quite a bit
wait. If he lies on a mountain – important events will overwhelm you
its unexpectedness. If he flies – you expect pleasant

AT соннике йогов сказано, что дракон снится как символ единства
space and time. Something otherworldly will soon appear in
your life and from the very positive side. ATозможно, вы давно
просили о чём-то практически несбыточном, о чём-то давно dreamed.
ATскоре эта мечта воплотится в явь.

AT соннике Медеи сказано, что дракон снится как проявление
hidden fears of man, his psychological blocks. Worth
be aware of what you really are so panicky
afraid, and whether to give in to fear. If the dragon has huge
wings – you will get support from that person to whom
did not count. It will be powerful but wise.

You стоит прислушиваться ко всему, что говорит вам дракон во сне
and remember all his actions. They can point the way
которому вам стоит следовать в ближайшем the future. Also important
realize your role in the dream. Have you been led by a dragon? Not
Does someone lead you also in reality like a dragon in a dream?
ATозможно, вы всё чаще упускаете реальные возможности самореализации
and self development.

Dreams often encourage people to look deep into themselves and
wonder what he really wants. Is it right
he behaves and lives correctly. Dreams give hints, but they do not
change reality. Certainly nice to have a dream that promises
well-being and joy. One in which the dragon rests on the mountains
gold, and which promises well-being in everything. This is exactly the dream
after which the perception of the world changes and changes
reality. After such a dream really want to roll
the mountains.

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