Why dream of a coffin

Why dream of a coffin
Th 16 Jun 2016


Why dream of a coffin – по соннику Миллера

After such a dream, you can expect heavy losses,
some close relative will die young. See standing in church
a coffin strewn with flowers – to an unsuccessful marriage. Peasant after
such a dream can expect disease of domestic cattle and crop failure;
business people – failure.

If you dreamed of a coffin that was transported in a hearse, then this
promises illnesses and a wedding overshadowed by previous events.
Sit in a coffin or lie in it – ahead are waiting for a quarrel, a disease,
regret for deeds. A hearse in a dream is a precursor
sadness, dysfunctional family relationships and serious illness. If a
the hearse stands across your path, it means that in reality
defeat an opponent who seemed invincible.

Why dream of a coffin – по соннику Ванги

A dream in which they saw the funeral procession and it was written on the tomb
your name, warns you need to change your lifestyle and habits,
as people just have to change with age. Empty coffin
serves as a sign of mental agony and internal emptiness.

Participate in the funeral procession and carry the coffin – make
ugly action that will bring a loved one a lot

Why dream of a coffin – по соннику Фрейда

If a снилось, что вам приходилось прилагать определённые усилия,
clog the coffin with nails, then in reality you will fight with their own
vices, weaknesses and undertake for this all possible.

If a приснилось, что гроб засыпан землёй, то это сообщение о
the presence of an incomparable terrible evil in reality.

The coffin fell – a good sign, indicating that the guardian angel
will help avoid a dangerous disaster.

Why dream of a coffin – по соннику Нострадамуса

For the sleep, which was present in the coffin, followed by the demise
close person. Also this dream predicts not only personal
tragedy, but also a major misfortune, from which a huge
number of people.

Why dream of a coffin – по соннику Лоффа

The dreamed coffin can predict poverty and humiliation. If a
it was huge, it serves as a precursor of peace and peace in the family,

A golden coffin is being dreamed – to success that has come from afar. Master
coffins – waiting for hard work, which will be well paid.
Buy a coffin – to the agreement and prosperity in the house.

A hearse in a dream serves as an unfair warning to
you respect from influential people.

Why dream of a coffin – по соннику Цветкова

You see a coffin in a dream – to success in all your endeavors; friend in the coffin –
you will be informed about his achievements; to family people he foreshadows
monetary success, profit; young – the wedding.

Why dream of a coffin – по соннику Хассе

The coffin dreams of obstacles; lay in it – long waiting for you
a life; have seen the coffin being carried – bad news and sad
circumstances; ropes – someone’s death; digging a grave – marriage
will be prosperous; a buried coffin is usually a dream for the disease; if a
It was open – participation in the celebration.

The hearse predicts the loss of a loved one.

Why dream of a coffin – по соннику Менегетти

To see a coffin in a dream or to make it yourself – to
promotion, profit making, or an upcoming wedding.
I dreamed of an open and empty coffin – to danger.

If a снится, что гроб плывёт по воде, то вас ожидает богатство,
the coffin itself emerges from the grave – happiness.

Why dream of a coffin – по соннику Лонго

In a dream, rest in a coffin, and then get out of it –
gaining confidence, tranquility and rebirth. See
the tomb is fortunate and favored, is in it – to
difficulties in business and frustration. Hearing to see – to change in
affairs and separation.

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